Elijah Harper

Canadian Cree politician and band chief
Died on Friday May 17th 2013

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Dulcinea Langfelder

Tweets related to Elijah Harper:

@MaMoTeE_Elijah: Justice minister MacKay’s resignatn comes after fmr foreign minister announces exit from politics, putting yet more strain on Harper govment

@MonsterSquadMum: The kid is a champion selfie taker at 2yrs old. Thanks for the giggle Eli-Harper! #smooshy #elijah… https://t.co/gmYXGEyJ9x

@_Elijah__Brown_: RT @MLB: The rise to superstardom - @MikeTrout-@Bharper3407 Edition: http://t.co/nkPAPLTsN1 http://t.co/pBP7fGfQGj

@char_lawyer: Hey, didn't The Lord send Prophet Elijah to prophesy to King Ahab, and Prophet Nathan 2 prophesy to King David?? What about PM Harper??


@HelpFindTruth: RT @voiceofelijah: Larry Dee Harper, author of the articles published in “The Voice of Elijah®”, is currently working on a... http://t.co/4…

@Elijah_Price32: RT @SportsCenter: Bryce Harper isn't human! Harper hits 18th home run of the year, tying Nelson Cruz for most in majors. http://t.co/ckq08E…

@citronella4u: RT @voiceofelijah: Larry Dee Harper, author of the articles published in “The Voice of Elijah®”, is currently working on a... http://t.co/4…

@DavidSpencerEdu: “@canadizer: #Aboriginal leader #ElijahHarper died http://t.co/Az97DavyQI http://t.co/fYrET9zIEo”

@chrisvanning: RT @voiceofelijah: Larry Dee Harper, author of the articles published in “The Voice of Elijah®”, is currently working on a... http://t.co/4…

@voiceofelijah: Larry Dee Harper, author of the articles published in “The Voice of Elijah®”, is currently working on a... http://t.co/4YCE6iRbra

@ArleneHache: Stephen Harper Speaks in Fork Tongue: Elijah Harper's Thoughts on the Apology http://t.co/wjXsNJ8KN2

@MsDanielsECHO: @FancyBebamikawe oh man! I want an 'I Support Elijah Harper' shirt! I wear mine in my classes when I teach about them. #Imanerd

@FancyBebamikawe: @MsDanielsECHO lol yeah! Good sleep shirts for my future kids I guess. When I was a kid I had a 'I support Elijah Harper' sleep shirt 😂😂😂

@ChnookNet: One of Canada's greatest leaders has passed at 64. RIP Elijah Harper. #Aboriginal http://t.co/Z35KBJrSk6 #cdnpoli #meechlake

@JBuchananNovels: Remembering Iconic Leader Elijah Harper, Two Years On - http://t.co/UwVGicmkLz via @IndianCountry

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