Larry Laudan

American philosopher.
Died on Tuesday September 6th 2022

View other recent people: Tony Whyte, Mel Opotowsky, Gustavo Adolfo Green

Tweets related to Larry Laudan:

@d08890: @JPober yeah i'm using larry laudan's paper + the sep entry in realism and theory change - 2 years ago

@gendrikemh: @af_ortega Dieguez tiene toda una obra sobre eso que se puede consultar. Eso es sólo un articulo periodistico de di… - 2 years ago

@SrBalcaoOficial: @FogoMorto_ Pela morte do Larry Laudan? - 2 years ago

@FogoMorto_: - 2 years ago


@FogoMorto_: Caralho... Eu to triste agora Descobri hoje que o Larry Laudan, filosofo da ciência, morreu faz umas 2/3 semanas - 2 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@MrRojoRojo: RT @jferrerbeltran: Les comparto el vídeo de la conferencia “El control del razonamiento probatorio en segunda instancia” que ayer tuve la… - 2 years ago

@byfenci: "Bilim, olası birçok inanç kümesinden yalnızca biridir ve Batı'da biz bilime, alternatiflerinden daha rasyonel oldu… - 2 years ago

@Amerindia_Cont: #Artículo Ha fallecido Larry Laudan (1941-2022), filósofo contra el relativismo intelectual | Por: Leandro Sequeiro… - 2 years ago

@kherlymar: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@koyuli_public: RT @rachellaudan: Last week on August 23rd 2002, my beloved husband Larry Laudan died peacefully. We had hoped to get personal word to all… - 2 years ago

@Silvajorge81: RT @elperennialista: "Si queremos levantarnos y ser contados del lado de la razón, deberíamos eliminar términos como 'pseudociencia' y 'no… - 2 years ago

@Cedy_at: Adiós a Larry Laudan, el brillante filósofo que advirtió que la ciencia no busca la verdad - 2 years ago

@lsbernardes: Não conhecia o Larry Laudan e já discordo dele.. mas parecem interessantes suas ideias RIP - 2 years ago

@miriamramirezd: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@iamFilos: RT @rachellaudan: Last week on August 23rd 2002, my beloved husband Larry Laudan died peacefully. We had hoped to get personal word to all… - 2 years ago

@learnfromerror: RT @rachellaudan: Last week on August 23rd 2002, my beloved husband Larry Laudan died peacefully. We had hoped to get personal word to all… - 2 years ago

@FilomenaAristi1: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@orlandotambosi: Adeus a Larry Laudan, o epistemólogo que propôs uma nova concepção racionalista da ciência. - 2 years ago

@Dario_B_L: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@RobertInguanzo_: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@Amerindia_Cont: #Artículo Ha fallecido Larry Laudan (1941-2022), filósofo contra el relativismo intelectual | Por: Leandro Sequeiro… - 2 years ago

@faraondemetal: “Por lo tanto, las teorías científicas no han de ser juzgadas por un supuesto acercamiento a la verdad, que es algo… - 2 years ago

@DerSteppenDani: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@AlgerSanPin: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@ibrabah_realism: @BeyterTaner Yakında yine bilim felsefecisi Larry Laudan'ı kaybettik... - 2 years ago

@sr_josemaria15: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@carlitaki: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@Jucesaca: RT @spacenerd_st: A fines de agosto falleció Larry Laudan, un importante filósofo de la ciencia y epistemólogo. Escribí un obituario para e… - 2 years ago

@filosofia_pop: Adiós a Larry Laudan, el brillante filósofo que advirtió que la ciencia no busca la verdad - 2 years ago

@TechneAnd: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@keisariantti: Es interesante observar el impacto de la noticia de la muerte de un filósofo. La semana pasada murió Larry Laudan y… - 2 years ago

@casterod: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@ztante: RT @AJDieguez: Mi homenaje a Laudan. - 2 years ago

@anitaleirfall: RT @StathisPsillos: RIP Larry Laudan He was one of the last few giants of the profession. A truly HPS thinker. His Science and Hypothesis… - 2 years ago

@spacenerd_st: A fines de agosto falleció Larry Laudan, un importante filósofo de la ciencia y epistemólogo. Escribí un obituario… - 2 years ago

@iureamicorum: Larry Laudan un obituario del filósofo de la ciencia que murió recientemente 👉🏽 - 2 years ago

@emre_onal66: Bilim felsefecisi ve bilim tarihçisi olan Larry Laudan (1941-2022) yeni bir bilim rasyonalitesi önerir ve bilimi “h… - 2 years ago

@doctorhugos: - 2 years ago

@rodrigojazzy: RT @StathisPsillos: RIP Larry Laudan He was one of the last few giants of the profession. A truly HPS thinker. His Science and Hypothesis… - 2 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @DailyNousEditor: Larry Laudan, a philosopher well-known for his work in philosophy of science, has died. - 2 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @philosophynws: Larry Laudan (1941-2022) - 2 years ago

@philosophylinks: RT @jweisber: god dammit - 2 years ago

@Ariel_Moran: RT @DeJadezafiro: Adiós a Larry Laudan, el brillante filósofo que advirtió que la ciencia no busca la verdad - 2 years ago

@LucaMartnezRos1: RT @jferrerbeltran: Les comparto el vídeo de la conferencia “El control del razonamiento probatorio en segunda instancia” que ayer tuve la… - 2 years ago

@ibrabah_realism: Dün mutasavvıf, musikişinas Ömer Tuğrul İnançer vefat etti, bugün kısa bir süre önce etkili & önemli bilim felsefec… - 2 years ago

@VitoTodaroVito: Adiós a Larry Laudan, el brillante filósofo que advirtió que la ciencia no busca la verdad - 2 years ago

@AmorGarcavaler1: RT @AJDieguez: Ha fallecido Larry Laudan, uno de los grandes en filosofía de la ciencia. Su libro "El progreso y sus problemas" marcó un gi… - 2 years ago

@gurkanalper_: RT @StathisPsillos: RIP Larry Laudan He was one of the last few giants of the profession. A truly HPS thinker. His Science and Hypothesis… - 2 years ago

@jondresner: RT @StathisPsillos: RIP Larry Laudan He was one of the last few giants of the profession. A truly HPS thinker. His Science and Hypothesis… - 2 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @StathisPsillos: RIP Larry Laudan He was one of the last few giants of the profession. A truly HPS thinker. His Science and Hypothesis… - 2 years ago

@cshpsnews: RT @DailyNousEditor: Larry Laudan, a philosopher well-known for his work in philosophy of science, has died. - 2 years ago

@Vittardi: Larry Laudan Q "When did evidence justify belief in a theory" 💙(history of sci > physics) He added his bit to the l… - 2 years ago

@deontic4whom: RT @StathisPsillos: RIP Larry Laudan He was one of the last few giants of the profession. A truly HPS thinker. His Science and Hypothesis… - 2 years ago

@chiribiquete: - 2 years ago

@nothumean: RT @StathisPsillos: RIP Larry Laudan He was one of the last few giants of the profession. A truly HPS thinker. His Science and Hypothesis… - 2 years ago

@sartori3320: Adiós a Larry Laudan, el brillante filósofo que advirtió que la ciencia no busca la verdad。#上海 - 2 years ago

@Vittardi: Larry Laudan! Much less popular than Lakatos, Feyerabend, Kuhn or Popper, mayby even than Meehl in psyc, but so lov… - 2 years ago

@JRpovedaF: RT @StathisPsillos: RIP Larry Laudan He was one of the last few giants of the profession. A truly HPS thinker. His Science and Hypothesis… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Larry Laudan, you will be missed - #LarryLaudan #Larry #Laudan #rip - 2 years ago

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