Hsing Yun

Chinese Buddhist monk
Died on Sunday February 5th 2023

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Lâm Quang Thi

Tweets related to Hsing Yun:


@sanssoleil2: RT @Edourdoo: Hsing Yun “was a monk from the Mainland who connected with Taiwanese, and as Taiwanese started going around the world, he was… - 1 year ago

@Edourdoo: In 2013, Hsing Yun declared his support for Xi’s “Chinese dream,” saying he believed that the agenda would lead to… - 1 year ago

@Edourdoo: Hsing Yun “was a monk from the Mainland who connected with Taiwanese, and as Taiwanese started going around the wor… - 1 year ago


@edwardW2: RT @jackmtchia: In the same spirit, Hsing Yun wanted his disciples to preserve and continue his life's works ("dharma relics") after he die… - 1 year ago

@kaychoon: RT @jackmtchia: After yesterday's cremation ceremony, Hsing Yun's disciples sifted for his sarira (舍利子) among the cremated ashes. They foun… - 1 year ago

@edwardW2: RT @jackmtchia: After yesterday's cremation ceremony, Hsing Yun's disciples sifted for his sarira (舍利子) among the cremated ashes. They foun… - 1 year ago

@Shiapaksow1: Venerable Hsing Yun is an international Buddhist leader, our Prime Minister An Hua condolences, but Tsai Ing-wen ac… - 1 year ago

@Vaddhanchen: RT @jackmtchia: After yesterday's cremation ceremony, Hsing Yun's disciples sifted for his sarira (舍利子) among the cremated ashes. They foun… - 1 year ago

@Vaddhanchen: China as a country mourned the passing of Master Hsing Yun 🙏🏻 - 1 year ago

@tom_borchert: RT @jackmtchia: After yesterday's cremation ceremony, Hsing Yun's disciples sifted for his sarira (舍利子) among the cremated ashes. They foun… - 1 year ago

@Edwin_Hsiao: RT @NOTICIASTaiwan: Respetos finales🙏 La presidenta @iingwen presenta una mención presidencial al difunto Maestro Hsing Yun, fundador de l… - 1 year ago

@GaiusCaesarOct1: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@coconut231lemon: @taiwanplusnews Some pan-greens (Little Green) make fun of Hsing Yun's death. He is not liked by some pan-greens be… - 1 year ago

@ORCA_India: third #China Population and Development Forum held in #Beijing, DPP official barred a Chinese mainland delegation f… - 1 year ago

@Treasur84563878: RT @Macro_Core_View: China as a country mourned the passing of Master Hsing Yun President Xi met Master Hsing Yun in Feb2014 - 1 year ago


@Kia0Rq056yKyGqU: RT @Echinanews: A Chinese mainland delegation on Sunday afternoon mourned Master Hsing Yun, founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order in… - 1 year ago

@NOTICIASTaiwan: Respetos finales🙏 La presidenta @iingwen presenta una mención presidencial al difunto Maestro Hsing Yun, fundador… - 1 year ago

@GaiusCaesarOct1: RT @jackmtchia: After yesterday's cremation ceremony, Hsing Yun's disciples sifted for his sarira (舍利子) among the cremated ashes. They foun… - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: 与北京的关系并不总是顺风顺水。1989年,据称他庇护了一名在当年的天安门镇压事件后逃离岗位的官员,他因此被中国禁止入境了几年时间。 他对此予以否认,并于2003年获准前往中国。 自2007年以来,他在中国建造了八所佛教设施,包… - 1 year ago

@nytchinese: #讣告 加州大学圣迭戈分校社会学名誉教授赵文词表示,星云法师的教义强调社会和谐与和解,有助于平衡台湾政治转型中一些潜在的破坏性力量。“他推广佛教的方式对新兴中产阶级非常友好,令这一群体的信徒数量激增,”赵文词说。“这具有间接的政治… - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: 佛光山此后在30个国家创立了120所寺院,主要服务海外华人。除了加州的寺院,该组织还在南非勃朗霍斯普鲁特和澳大利亚伯克利建有大型寺院。 为了给规模庞大的寺院吸引信徒,星云法师精心设计了主题公园式的活动,包括烟花、灯光秀和老虎机。 - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: “他推广佛教的方式对新兴中产阶级非常友好,令这一群体的信徒数量激增,”赵文词教授说。“这具有间接的政治意义,并为公民社会带来了稳定。” 随着台湾人大量移民北美等地。他的组织于1976年在洛杉矶县创立了两所寺院,并于1988年在洛… - 1 year ago

@lymtcanada: Memorial slideshow of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, who was a close Dharma friend of Venerable Master Miao Lien Tik… - 1 year ago

@lymtcanada: Paying Reverent Respect and Memory to Venerable Master Hsing Yun, who entered Nirvana on the 15th Day of the 1st Lu… - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: 1967年,为了让老百姓更容易接触佛教,他在台湾南部港口城市高雄创立了佛光山教团。他还采用了大众营销策略。同时,罗马天主教传教士也给他带来启发,让他通过教育来传播信仰。 台湾解除戒严令之后,他创办了多所学校、佛学院、出版社、甚至… - 1 year ago

@RadioTaiwan_Fra: Cérémonie d’adieu pour Maître Hsing Yun - 1 year ago

@KimosabiStinger: RT @Macro_Core_View: China as a country mourned the passing of Master Hsing Yun President Xi met Master Hsing Yun in Feb2014 - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: 他很快就开始修行佛法,在十几岁的时候就剃度出家。 在共产党控制中国后,星云法师加入大批因害怕遭受宗教压迫而出走的佛教僧侣,于1949年逃往台湾。但当时台湾领导人对基督教以外的宗教都持怀疑态度,派遣秘密警察跟踪他,他还因被怀疑为共… - 1 year ago

@xjpcovid: RT @RFAChinese: 星云法师在美国也曾卷入政治丑闻。1996年,他在南加州西来寺的僧尼被指控在美国副总统戈尔和星云法师出席的午餐会上向民主党进行非法捐款,引发联邦调查,使克林顿总统的连任竞选活动陷入尴尬。 星云俗名李国深,于1927年8月出生于中国东部城市扬州的一… - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: 星云法师在美国也曾卷入政治丑闻。1996年,他在南加州西来寺的僧尼被指控在美国副总统戈尔和星云法师出席的午餐会上向民主党进行非法捐款,引发联邦调查,使克林顿总统的连任竞选活动陷入尴尬。 星云俗名李国深,于1927年8月出生于中国… - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: 这种平衡难以把握,他对北京的支持有时会疏远他在台湾的基础。 2009年,他想说明大陆人和台湾人是一样的,但说法不太高明,他说台湾居民是中国人,不是台湾人,激起了台独人士的愤怒。2013年,他宣布支持习近平的“中国梦” - 1 year ago

@ngvince88: Complete works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: 他也是台湾的重要人物。随着台湾在1970年代和80年代从军事独裁过渡到民主,他帮助复兴了佛教,并帮助建立了一个充满活力的公民社会。 星云法师的教团总部设在台湾,但他后来回访大陆建立了他的现代佛教分支。 斯图尔特·钱德勒说,星云… - 1 year ago

@IvyHu666789: RT @RFAChinese: 星云法师因其政治关系而受到批评,尤其是因为他支持中国的专制领导人习近平主席。但他的教团在中国蓬勃发展,因为它关注个人的虔诚和同情心,而不是社会变革,并且不挑战政府。 他坚称佛教是非政治性的,佛教徒“谁当家做主”都会拥护 - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: 他是少有的获得北京支持的宗教人士,多年来,他与习近平保持着融洽的关系。他四次与这位中国领导人见面,习近平声称,“大师送我的书,我全都读完了。” 星云法师在美国、澳大利亚和菲律宾开办大学,并在宗教活动上使用烟雾装置和激光等摇滚音乐… - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: 星云法师因其政治关系而受到批评,尤其是因为他支持中国的专制领导人习近平主席。但他的教团在中国蓬勃发展,因为它关注个人的虔诚和同情心,而不是社会变革,并且不挑战政府。 他坚称佛教是非政治性的,佛教徒“谁当家做主”都会拥护 - 1 year ago

@RFAChinese: 星云法师于2月5日在台湾高雄圆寂,享寿95岁。这位佛教僧人建立了一个延伸到中国大陆的全球性寺庙网络,使他在一个宗教长期以来受到政府敌视的国家里成为普及佛教的先锋。 他创办的佛光山宣布了他在佛光山寺庙圆寂的消息,但未提及死因。 - 1 year ago

@BrkaSnezana: RT @Macro_Core_View: China as a country mourned the passing of Master Hsing Yun President Xi met Master Hsing Yun in Feb2014 - 1 year ago

@Belice2012: RT @GoJiangsu: Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order in Taiwan, passed away on Feb 5. Born and converted to #Buddhi… - 1 year ago

@timzeng16: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@Scarlett_Sandy: - 1 year ago

@FJyris: RT @JMichaelCole1: After Master Hsing Yun of the Fo Guang Shan Monastery dies aged 97, the Taiwan Affairs Office organized a delegation of… - 1 year ago

@CDIFRATERNIDAD: RT @GoJiangsu: Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order in Taiwan, passed away on Feb 5. Born and converted to #Buddhi… - 1 year ago

@mustangmario: RT @JeongPark52: Some big news in the Chinese American community -- As Master Hsing Yun, who led Hsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights, passed… - 1 year ago

@nowcowan: RT @JeongPark52: Some big news in the Chinese American community -- As Master Hsing Yun, who led Hsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights, passed… - 1 year ago

@pchilimzam: RT @aadilbrar: "Even as the government cracked down on other religions, he was allowed to expand thanks in large part to his willingness to… - 1 year ago

@NovigoNews: #NovigoNews Master Hsing Yun, Monk Who Spread Buddhism in China, Dies at 95 - - 1 year ago

@LindaDFrank1: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@Bisa22132959: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@Djangotime4: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@LA2dhlr: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@Noxie_M: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@kashyap_world: HSING Yun was A BUDDHIST Teacher in Taiwan 🇹🇼 & China 🇨🇳 ! The BUDDHA LIVED in the UNDIVIDED India 🇮🇳 but the MONKS… - 1 year ago

@dtbanks04: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@lisbethdejesu19: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@feinberg_linda: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@timifred4: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@kaibucha: RT @nytimes: The Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died at 95. He was a monk who built a global network of temples that extended to mainland C… - 1 year ago

@elvismeng: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@GARYGUO96862662: RT @GoJiangsu: Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order in Taiwan, passed away on Feb 5. Born and converted to #Buddhi… - 1 year ago

@jawapos: Master Hsing Yun, Pendiri Fo Guang Shan Wafat pada Usia 97 Tahun - 1 year ago

@akuhnNPRnews: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@GaiusCaesarOct1: RT @Buddhistdoor: #BDG #news: Fo Guang Shan Founder and Leading Light of Humanistic Buddhist Ven. Hsing Yun Dies Aged 97 Read here: https:… - 1 year ago

@YangzhouCity: Master Hsing Yun, born in #Yangzhou in 1927 and one of the most influential Buddhists in the world, passed away on… - 1 year ago

@8worldnews: 佛光山开山宗长、国际佛光会创办人星云大师生前交代,要采“坐缸”方式圆寂,如果开缸之后颜面如生,将成为“肉身佛”。 #8视界新闻网 #8worldnews - 1 year ago

@GoJiangsu: Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order in Taiwan, passed away on Feb 5. Born and converted t… - 1 year ago

@Kicau_Kepri: Obituari Wafatnya Pendiri Fo Guang Shan – Master Hsing Yun pada usia 97 tahun / Fo Guang Shan… - 1 year ago

@enigmatiqui: I do think I can sense some things especially when a thing or person left an impression on me. Just recently before… - 1 year ago

@IFENG__official: Master Hsing Yun, one of the most influential Chinese #Buddhist, passed away on Sunday at age 97. Master Hsing Yun - 1 year ago

@kumparan: Umat Buddha dunia berduka atas meninggalnya seorang Guru Besar Buddhis, Master Hsing Yun. - 1 year ago

@jcobbz7: RT @sehof: Taiwanese monk who met three Chinese presidents and championed reunification dies – The Straits Times: ‘To die-hard advocates of… - 1 year ago

@TaiwanEnFrance: Fo Guang Shan founder Master Hsing Yun passes away | Taiwan News | 2023-02-06 11:22:00 - 1 year ago

@wolfjesus: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@Henry84249: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@tribunmedan: Master Hsing Yun Tutup Usia 97 Tahun, Hidupnya Diabdikan untuk Sebarkan Ajaran Buddha Humanistik - 1 year ago

@saikekel: RT @senjatanuklir: Update: Master Hsing Yun kemarin telah berpulang di usia ke-95. Semoga beliau tenang & ajarannya bisa terus bermanfaat… - 1 year ago

@SanMediaLuna: Oh man. The founder of our temple died last night. Rest in peace Venerable master Hsing Yun. No doubt you’ll be reb… - 1 year ago

@abnews53357046: Hsing Yun, abad budista que construyó universidades, muere a los 95 años - 1 year ago

@8worldnews: 深受星云大师思想影响 本地头家追忆见面时点滴 #8worldnews #8视界新闻网 - 1 year ago

@JatengWalubi: Sabbe Sankhara Anicca Semoga Master Hsing Yun terlahir di Sukhavatiloka dan Semoga Ajarannya bisa menjangkau banyak… - 1 year ago

@JatengWalubi: Sabbe Sankhara Anicca Semoga Master Hsing Yun terlahir di Sukhavatiloka dan Semoga Ajarannya bisa menjangkau banyak… - 1 year ago

@JatengWalubi: Sabbe Sankhara Anicca Semoga Master Hsing Yun terlahir di Sukhavatiloka dan Semoga Ajarannya bisa menjangkau banyak… - 1 year ago

@DailyReformerUS: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 - 1 year ago

@TaiwanNews886: Revered Taiwanese Master Hsing Yun passes into another realm - 1 year ago

@WNN7Com: The Washington Post: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 #WNN7… - 1 year ago

@FenggangYang: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@Amitechworld: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 - 1 year ago

@Atleticotweets: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 - 1 year ago

@eleonorazocca: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@sehof: Fo Guang Shan founder Hsing Yun dies at 95 – Focus Taiwan - 1 year ago

@sehof: Taiwanese monk who met three Chinese presidents and championed reunification dies – The Straits Times: ‘To die-hard… - 1 year ago

@estehtawar_: RT @ybaindonesia: SABBE SANKHĀRA ANICCA Turut Samvegacitta Master Hsing Yun 星雲大師 tutup usia 97 tahun Patriark Ch'an Linji (Rinzai) Genera… - 1 year ago

@DuleryJuliette: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@Dulguun35679941: Тайваний их хамба Hsing Yun /Шинг Юн/ хутагт өчигдөр 96 насандаа тэнгэрт хальж. Тэрээр ану, австрали, филиппин,Тай… - 1 year ago

@JatengWalubi: Sabbe Sankhara Anicca Semoga Master Hsing Yun terlahir di Sukhavatiloka dan Semoga Ajarannya bisa menjangkau banyak… - 1 year ago

@Dn2606dn: RT @senjatanuklir: Update: Master Hsing Yun kemarin telah berpulang di usia ke-95. Semoga beliau tenang & ajarannya bisa terus bermanfaat… - 1 year ago

@H_Buddhism: RT @Buddhistdoor: #BDG #news: Fo Guang Shan Founder and Leading Light of Humanistic Buddhist Ven. Hsing Yun Dies Aged 97 Read here: https:… - 1 year ago

@GetNewsd: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 - 1 year ago

@Dev_Discourse: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 - 1 year ago

@theshot009: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 - 1 year ago

@theshot001: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 - 1 year ago

@Shot02147189: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 - 1 year ago

@ourhealtho_com: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 - 1 year ago

@rogue_corq: Hsing Yun, Buddhist abbot who built universities, dies at 95 - 1 year ago

@michaelturton: This response of mine to an NYT puff piece on Hsing yun contains quite a bit of info on him.… - 1 year ago

@kinodewa: RT @ybaindonesia: SABBE SANKHĀRA ANICCA Turut Samvegacitta Master Hsing Yun 星雲大師 tutup usia 97 tahun Patriark Ch'an Linji (Rinzai) Genera… - 1 year ago

@namba_muttako: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@justthe5percent: RT @DemesDavid: In 2015, the KMT-leaning Hsing Yun made a statement that startled many observers: He called then-Presidential Candidate Tsa… - 1 year ago

@vuh_LAHS_kehs: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@azarassey: RT @senjatanuklir: Update: Master Hsing Yun kemarin telah berpulang di usia ke-95. Semoga beliau tenang & ajarannya bisa terus bermanfaat… - 1 year ago

@jackchang1812: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@NandoPananda: RT @ybaindonesia: Lahir : Jiangsu, China 19 Agustus 1927 Meninggal : Kaoshiung, ROC (Taiwan) 05 Februari 2023 Semoga Master Hsing Yun Terl… - 1 year ago

@NandoPananda: RT @ybaindonesia: Pendiri Fo Guang Shan 佛光山 Asosiasi Sinar Buddha Internasional atau Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Maste… - 1 year ago

@NandoPananda: RT @ybaindonesia: SABBE SANKHĀRA ANICCA Turut Samvegacitta Master Hsing Yun 星雲大師 tutup usia 97 tahun Patriark Ch'an Linji (Rinzai) Genera… - 1 year ago

@bowsamic: RT @alanpeto: With sadness I have learned that Venerable Master Hsing Yun passed away today at 97. He is the founder of Fo Guang Shan Bud… - 1 year ago

@judegitamondoc: I've been setting Venerable Master Hsing Yun's verses to music since 2003. I mourn with the rest of the Fo Guang Sh… - 1 year ago

@FreddyChiang: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@T_Rexisaurus: RT @senjatanuklir: Update: Master Hsing Yun kemarin telah berpulang di usia ke-95. Semoga beliau tenang & ajarannya bisa terus bermanfaat… - 1 year ago

@NZBC88: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@TaiwanNews886: Passage of a leading Buddhist leader, Master Hsing Yun - 1 year ago

@Lyndsay44707121: RT @Focus_Taiwan: Hsing Yun (星雲), founder of the Kaohsiung-based Buddhist organization Fo Guang Shan, died on Sunday at the age of 95. http… - 1 year ago

@raymond_bdi: RT @Buddhistdoor: #BDG #news: Fo Guang Shan Founder and Leading Light of Humanistic Buddhist Ven. Hsing Yun Dies Aged 97 Read here: https:… - 1 year ago

@DemesDavid: Master Hsing Yun of course passed away yesterday, February 5th. I apologize for any confusion my previous tweet might have caused. 🙏🏻 - 1 year ago

@8worldnews: 佛光山传灯楼今天举行星云大师法体真身封龛典礼,随后进行起龛移灵,四众弟子夹道跪迎。(图:人间福报) #8视界新闻网 #8worldnews - 1 year ago

@YesIam09081985: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@TrendingOnWiki: Trending in #Taiwan on Feb 5, 2023 Lantern Festival Hsing Yun Crash Course in Romance The Glory Discover more on - 1 year ago

@MindfullyYours: RT @Buddhistdoor: #Wisdom for Today: Master Hsing Yun #buddhistquotes #dharma #buddha #buddhism #mahayana #taiwan… - 1 year ago

@CraigBDG: RT @Buddhistdoor: #Wisdom for Today: Master Hsing Yun #buddhistquotes #dharma #buddha #buddhism #mahayana #taiwan… - 1 year ago

@Buddhistdoor: #Wisdom for Today: Master Hsing Yun #buddhistquotes #dharma #buddha #buddhism #mahayana… - 1 year ago

@brianhioe: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@happy4love4life: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@BlueBellsForest: RT @DemesDavid: Another interesting fact: After the crackdown on the 1989 democracy movement in China, Hsing Yun opened his temple in Calif… - 1 year ago

@danzwku: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@mettaning1630: RT @Psanitwong: Fo Guang Shan Master Hsing Yun passed away at the age of 97 ท่านซิงเหวิ๋นต้าซือ ผู้ก่อตั้งวัดฝอกวงซาน ไต้หวัน ได้ถึงแก่มรณภ… - 1 year ago

@XinwenMetroTV: Menurut berita dari sebuah media tanggal 5 Februari, pendiri Fo Guang Shan Master Hsing Yun wafat pada usia 96 tahu… - 1 year ago

@yohandavin: RT @ybaindonesia: SABBE SANKHĀRA ANICCA Turut Samvegacitta Master Hsing Yun 星雲大師 tutup usia 97 tahun Patriark Ch'an Linji (Rinzai) Genera… - 1 year ago

@PhoenixTV_News: #China 🪷 Master Hsing Yun, founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order and the affiliated Buddha's Light Internat… - 1 year ago

@AyaHitaisyou: RT @DemesDavid: On January 5th, the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order and one of the most well-known Buddhist teachers in Taiwan,… - 1 year ago

@yindee20: RT @Focus_Taiwan: Hsing Yun (星雲), founder of the Kaohsiung-based Buddhist organization Fo Guang Shan, died on Sunday at the age of 95. http… - 1 year ago

@KrisFreedain: Amituofo, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. 🙏 - 1 year ago

@titaniahaardrad: Now, we will look at the stars and the clouds with sadness and gratification. I will always be my Master's artist,… - 1 year ago

@bertinhuynh: Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died, aged 97. He was known for spreading Humanistic Buddhism in the west and Mainla… - 1 year ago

@bertinhuynh: Venerable Master Hsing Yun has died, aged 97. He was known for spreading Humanistic Buddhism in the west and Mainla… - 1 year ago

@ohohbilzy: Thank you Ven. Master Hsing Yun. 🙏🏻🥺 - 1 year ago

@alanpeto: With sadness I have learned that Venerable Master Hsing Yun passed away today at 97. He is the founder of Fo Guan… - 1 year ago

@qianzi9158: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@mrxzeze: RT @jackmtchia: I had the honor of meeting Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the 6th Symposium of Humanistic Buddhism in 2018. I have a very fo… - 1 year ago

@Anguche: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@yangfulei: Visited Fo Guang Shan 佛光山 in Kaohsiung 高雄 once in 1993, but never met Master Hsing Yun himself. They actually have… - 1 year ago

@jeno_long: My deepest condolences on the loss of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. May his soul peacefully transitioned to the Pure… - 1 year ago

@jeno_long: NEWS: Master Hsing Yun, one of most influential Chinese Buddhist passed away at 97 - @TVPWorld_com - 1 year ago

@wtfischina: RT @jackmtchia: I had the honor of meeting Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the 6th Symposium of Humanistic Buddhism in 2018. I have a very fo… - 1 year ago

@valfr84: Une grande tristesse pour le monde du bouddhisme à Taïwan. Le vénérable maitre Hsing Yun, fondateur du temple et mo… - 1 year ago

@max1231235564: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@GaiusCaesarOct1: RT @SophieZhao94: Master Hsing Yun is a beacon for many of us! - 1 year ago

@GaiusCaesarOct1: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@Daiwenchen: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@Huijun71061200: Que descanse en paz el Fo Guang Shan Maestro Hsing Yun a sus 97 años🙏🙏🙏 - 1 year ago

@HendraLim_Mpd: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@AjaanMark: RT @jackmtchia: I had the honor of meeting Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the 6th Symposium of Humanistic Buddhism in 2018. I have a very fo… - 1 year ago

@AjaanMark: RT @CscrTw: Fo Guang Shan Master Hsing Yun passed away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@CatherineSilcon: Hsing Yun 星雲 , the charismatic founder of Fo Guang Shan 佛光山 (Buddha's Light Mountain), died today - 1 year ago

@sshyang1: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@LeviLivy: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@James_A_Benn: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@yuxuan_tay: RT @CscrTw: Fo Guang Shan Master Hsing Yun passed away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@yuxuan_tay: RT @jackmtchia: I had the honor of meeting Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the 6th Symposium of Humanistic Buddhism in 2018. I have a very fo… - 1 year ago

@zephyrchan: RT @jackmtchia: I had the honor of meeting Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the 6th Symposium of Humanistic Buddhism in 2018. I have a very fo… - 1 year ago

@jackmtchia: I had the honor of meeting Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the 6th Symposium of Humanistic Buddhism in 2018. I have a… - 1 year ago

@Saharat2210: RT @Psanitwong: Fo Guang Shan Master Hsing Yun passed away at the age of 97 ท่านซิงเหวิ๋นต้าซือ ผู้ก่อตั้งวัดฝอกวงซาน ไต้หวัน ได้ถึงแก่มรณภ… - 1 year ago

@__Pigsy: RT @jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@Psanitwong: Fo Guang Shan Master Hsing Yun passed away at the age of 97 ท่านซิงเหวิ๋นต้าซือ ผู้ก่อตั้งวัดฝอกวงซาน ไต้หวัน ได้ถึ… - 1 year ago

@Moonbootica: RT @Edourdoo: Born on the Chinese mainland, Hsing Yun was a supporter of the @kuomintang and famously endorsed Ma Ying-jeou's presidential… - 1 year ago

@Moonbootica: RT @Edourdoo: Hsing Yun (星雲/星云 1927 – 2023), founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order, dies at 96. - 1 year ago

@jannoary: master hsing yun died today 🥲 - 1 year ago

@Edourdoo: Born on the Chinese mainland, Hsing Yun was a supporter of the @kuomintang and famously endorsed Ma Ying-jeou's pre… - 1 year ago

@wzy010419: RT @CscrTw: Fo Guang Shan Master Hsing Yun passed away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@nheller: RT @CscrTw: Fo Guang Shan Master Hsing Yun passed away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@SophieZhao94: Master Hsing Yun is a beacon for many of us! - 1 year ago

@CscrTw: Fo Guang Shan Master Hsing Yun passed away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@jackmtchia: Breaking news: Venerable Master Hsing Yun passes away at the age of 97 - 1 year ago

@Edourdoo: Hsing Yun (星雲/星云 1927 – 2023), founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist order, dies at 96. - 1 year ago

@8worldnews: 台湾媒体报道,佛光山开山宗长兼国际佛光会创办人星云大师,今天(5日)下午安详逝世,享年96岁。 #8视界新闻网 #8worldnews - 1 year ago

@SHEMABookstore: [IDN-210] Karakteristik dan Esensi Ajaran Zen Oleh Y.A. Mahabhikshu Hsing Yun (KONDISI: BEKAS) Cetakan 1994 Ukura… - 1 year ago

@Mosuoe: Fixed habits will transform into personality. And ultimately, one is good or bad personality will influence the cou… - 1 year ago

@cgtnafrica: Buddhist Master Hsing Yun dies at 96: media - 1 year ago

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