Herman Rosenblat

Polish-born American writer.
Died on Thursday February 5th 2015

View other recent people: Awesome Again, shot, Richard Secord

Tweets related to Herman Rosenblat:

@dekcamp: Herman Rosenblat caught red handed lying about the Holocaust. http://t.co/XVlZ7UoZgk

@AmericanbornDH: @ChruchOfHitler @AdolfHitlerFuhr Rosenblat it was his imagination mindbelieved it say it again 6 mill fuk u herman bs basterd

@amazingdealsq: The Apple: Based on the Herman Rosenblat Holocaust Love Story by Holt, Penelope http://t.co/UZ85SlCRT3 http://t.co/KyqoaP32wI

@cjloiacono: The Fence by Herman Rosenblat http://t.co/DpoQmmeuwm http://t.co/kQCgNhic6m

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