Henriette Valium

Canadian comic book artist and painter.
Died on Saturday September 4th 2021

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Lâm Quang Thi

Tweets related to Henriette Valium:

@TrumpsterTrash: RT @NicolasTittley: Le pape de la bd underground québécoise, l’immense Henriette Valium, nous a quittés. Une putain de légende, dont l’œuvr… - 3 years ago

@fabredolo: RT @IlMortoDelMese: Henriette Valium (1959-2021) - 3 years ago

@robear54: Disparition d’Henriette Valium, artiste québécois, référence de la #BD underground internationale - ActuaBD #art… - 3 years ago

@CuriousKd2000: Décès du bédéiste underground Henriette Valium - 3 years ago


@CuriousKd2000: - 3 years ago

@troncowallace71: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al abigarrado y genial Henriette Valium (Patrick Henley), dibujante, ilustrador, historietista y pintor canadiense… - 3 years ago

@QuebecRetweet: RT @IdealComix: Quelle tristesse..l'artiste Henriette Valium, l'une des immenses figures de la BD underground, vient de nous quitter. D'une… - 3 years ago

@4374_ksp: RT @IdealComix: Quelle tristesse..l'artiste Henriette Valium, l'une des immenses figures de la BD underground, vient de nous quitter. D'une… - 3 years ago

@txerrac: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al abigarrado y genial Henriette Valium (Patrick Henley), dibujante, ilustrador, historietista y pintor canadiense… - 3 years ago

@Alv_1994: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al abigarrado y genial Henriette Valium (Patrick Henley), dibujante, ilustrador, historietista y pintor canadiense… - 3 years ago

@AlejandroGCalvo: RT @faustianovich: Adiós al abigarrado y genial Henriette Valium (Patrick Henley), dibujante, ilustrador, historietista y pintor canadiense… - 3 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Food stylist Delores Custer; activist Patricia Maginnis; singer and actress Sarah Harding; ar… - 3 years ago

@FtMoU69: RT @marxtafford: Buggeration. Just heard that Henriette Valium (aka Patrick Henley) left us yesterday. Great cartoonist of the obsessively… - 3 years ago

@faustianovich: Adiós al abigarrado y genial Henriette Valium (Patrick Henley), dibujante, ilustrador, historietista y pintor canad… - 3 years ago

@FrankNetterFan: Grateful to have met Henriette Valium and for their contributions to my favorite publisher, Le Dernier Cri. They’ll… - 3 years ago

@SkillingPierre: - 3 years ago

@24sante_fr: Disparition d'Henriette Valium, artiste québécois, référence de la bande dessinée underground internationale… - 3 years ago

@FtMoU69: RT @desertislandbk: Patrick Henley was the human medium for the spirit artist known as Henriette Valium, who spoke through him. When I met… - 3 years ago

@FtMoU69: RT @ConundrumCanada: A most notable collection of Henriette Valium titles: - 3 years ago

@EpesThe: RT @desertislandbk: Patrick Henley was the human medium for the spirit artist known as Henriette Valium, who spoke through him. When I met… - 3 years ago

@Takaaki_Ichijo: RT @chachadamore: Henriette Valiumというのはこういう凄まじい漫画(BD)を描いてた人です> - 3 years ago

@prophunt: RT @chachadamore: Henriette Valiumというのはこういう凄まじい漫画(BD)を描いてた人です> - 3 years ago

@chachadamore: Henriette Valiumというのはこういう凄まじい漫画(BD)を描いてた人です> - 3 years ago

@chachadamore: Henriette Valiumが亡くなったとのこと - 3 years ago

@AndyWPOliver: RT @ConundrumCanada: A most notable collection of Henriette Valium titles: - 3 years ago

@odobehave: RT @OneAbsurdLife: !! Death of the Day !! Roughly 180K #humans die every day on Planet #Earth. #Yesterday, this was one of them. #Friday… - 3 years ago

@OneAbsurdLife: !! Death of the Day !! Roughly 180K #humans die every day on Planet #Earth. #Yesterday, this was one of them.… - 3 years ago

@fourcolorryan: RT @desertislandbk: Patrick Henley was the human medium for the spirit artist known as Henriette Valium, who spoke through him. When I met… - 3 years ago

@fourcolorryan: RT @ConundrumCanada: A most notable collection of Henriette Valium titles: - 3 years ago

@004nino: MORT QUÉBEC 3 837) #Décès le 3 #septembre 2021 #du #bédéiste #underground #Henriette #Valium 62 #ans (… - 3 years ago

@elfecompany: RT @dannyhellman: A tremendous talent, a master of transgressive art, & an unforgettable human being has unfortunately made his exit. Henr… - 3 years ago

@rogers700: RT @goodmanbeaver: Saddened to see reports of the great Henriette Valium’s passing. One of the true wild men of comics, uncompromising & un… - 3 years ago

@IlMortoDelMese: Henriette Valium (1959-2021) - 3 years ago

@Metabunker: RT @desertislandbk: Patrick Henley was the human medium for the spirit artist known as Henriette Valium, who spoke through him. When I met… - 3 years ago

@dannyhellman: My last brush with the late, great Henriette Valium, (brief but fun) at Comic Arts Brooklyn, 11/11/18, (with Mike D… - 3 years ago

@mammothfactory: RT @desertislandbk: Patrick Henley was the human medium for the spirit artist known as Henriette Valium, who spoke through him. When I met… - 3 years ago

@MonsieurPoils: RT @IdealComix: Quelle tristesse..l'artiste Henriette Valium, l'une des immenses figures de la BD underground, vient de nous quitter. D'une… - 3 years ago

@DominoComics: RT @ConundrumCanada: A most notable collection of Henriette Valium titles: - 3 years ago

@EdwardTUvanni: RT @desertislandbk: Patrick Henley was the human medium for the spirit artist known as Henriette Valium, who spoke through him. When I met… - 3 years ago

@DominoComics: RT @desertislandbk: Patrick Henley was the human medium for the spirit artist known as Henriette Valium, who spoke through him. When I met… - 3 years ago

@desertislandbk: Patrick Henley was the human medium for the spirit artist known as Henriette Valium, who spoke through him. When I… - 3 years ago

@MaelRannou: RT @NicolasTittley: Le pape de la bd underground québécoise, l’immense Henriette Valium, nous a quittés. Une putain de légende, dont l’œuvr… - 3 years ago

@zacksoto: RT @marxtafford: Buggeration. Just heard that Henriette Valium (aka Patrick Henley) left us yesterday. Great cartoonist of the obsessively… - 3 years ago

@marxtafford: Buggeration. Just heard that Henriette Valium (aka Patrick Henley) left us yesterday. Great cartoonist of the obses… - 3 years ago

@bkmunn: RT @ConundrumCanada: A most notable collection of Henriette Valium titles: - 3 years ago

@Metabunker: RT @ConundrumCanada: A most notable collection of Henriette Valium titles: - 3 years ago

@charlesgrocery: RT @DominoComics: Henriette Valium, 1959-2021. An artist who made extremely moving comics with a fog of carefully considered lines, layers… - 3 years ago

@ConundrumCanada: A most notable collection of Henriette Valium titles: - 3 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @kthorjensen: Seeing reports that Henriette Valium died which if true, Fuck You Earth - 3 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @DominoComics: Henriette Valium, 1959-2021. An artist who made extremely moving comics with a fog of carefully considered lines, layers… - 3 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @dannyhellman: A tremendous talent, a master of transgressive art, & an unforgettable human being has unfortunately made his exit. Henr… - 3 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @georgepereznet: Canadian comic book artist and painter, Henriette Valium, has died on Sept 3, 2021, at the age of 62. - 3 years ago

@Futbolovr: RT @georgepereznet: Canadian comic book artist and painter, Henriette Valium, has died on Sept 3, 2021, at the age of 62. - 3 years ago

@brokenfrontier: RT @brokenfrontier: We're very sad to hear of the passing of Henriette Valium whose THE PALACE OF CHAMPIONS from Conundrum Press was a part… - 3 years ago

@georgepereznet: Canadian comic book artist and painter, Henriette Valium, has died on Sept 3, 2021, at the age of 62.… - 3 years ago

@fourcolorryan: RT @earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty Stories. He w… - 3 years ago

@FtMoU69: RT @DominoComics: Henriette Valium, 1959-2021. An artist who made extremely moving comics with a fog of carefully considered lines, layers… - 3 years ago

@FtMoU69: RT @earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty Stories. He w… - 3 years ago

@fourcolorryan: RT @snubpollard: Henriette Valium R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@fourcolorryan: RT @DominoComics: Henriette Valium, 1959-2021. An artist who made extremely moving comics with a fog of carefully considered lines, layers… - 3 years ago

@dans_champ: RT @IdealComix: Quelle tristesse..l'artiste Henriette Valium, l'une des immenses figures de la BD underground, vient de nous quitter. D'une… - 3 years ago

@Metabunker: RT @earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty Stories. He w… - 3 years ago

@RichDent: RT @PetloverHermine: PATRICK HENLEY known professionally as: HENRIETTE VALIUM 1959-2021 Canadian Comic Book Artist & Painter - 3 years ago

@PetloverHermine: PATRICK HENLEY known professionally as: HENRIETTE VALIUM 1959-2021 Canadian Comic Book Artist & Painter - 3 years ago

@caleb_ubu: RT @TerreurGraphiQ: Henriette Valium est mort. Je me souviens très bien du choc (explosion) esthétique qu’il avait provoqué chez moi dans l… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Henriette Valium is no longer with us - #HenrietteValium #Henriette #Valium #rip - 3 years ago

@ComicsNMore: RT @earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty Stories. He w… - 3 years ago

@AlexFirer: RT @earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty Stories. He w… - 3 years ago

@jblitz156: RT @Tribe_XX: Henriette Valium - 3 years ago

@chance_second: RT @earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty Stories. He w… - 3 years ago

@zacksoto: RT @earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty Stories. He w… - 3 years ago

@roguesclub: RT @earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty Stories. He w… - 3 years ago

@ekanerva: RT @ConundrumCanada: It is with a heavy heart that Conundrum has learned of the death of Henriette Valium (real name Patrick Henley), legen… - 3 years ago

@ekanerva: RT @earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty Stories. He w… - 3 years ago

@katelacour: another radiantly authentic nut crosses over RIP Henriette Valium! - 3 years ago

@Sylvainbd: RT @NicolasTittley: Le pape de la bd underground québécoise, l’immense Henriette Valium, nous a quittés. Une putain de légende, dont l’œuvr… - 3 years ago

@deppey: RT @earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty Stories. He w… - 3 years ago

@Farinaud: RT @TerreurGraphiQ: Henriette Valium est mort. Je me souviens très bien du choc (explosion) esthétique qu’il avait provoqué chez moi dans l… - 3 years ago

@AndyWPOliver: RT @brokenfrontier: We're very sad to hear of the passing of Henriette Valium whose THE PALACE OF CHAMPIONS from Conundrum Press was a part… - 3 years ago

@earinc: 1. RIP to the great Henriette Valium. I once asked him to contribute to an anthology of adult comics called Dirty S… - 3 years ago

@RichStranger: RT @Tribe_XX: Henriette Valium - 3 years ago

@PatWhite70: - 3 years ago

@FtMoU69: RT @TerreurGraphiQ: Henriette Valium est mort. Je me souviens très bien du choc (explosion) esthétique qu’il avait provoqué chez moi dans l… - 3 years ago

@FtMoU69: RT @snubpollard: Henriette Valium R.I.P. - 3 years ago

@FtMoU69: RT @goodmanbeaver: Saddened to see reports of the great Henriette Valium’s passing. One of the true wild men of comics, uncompromising & un… - 3 years ago

@brokenfrontier: We're very sad to hear of the passing of Henriette Valium whose THE PALACE OF CHAMPIONS from Conundrum Press was a… - 3 years ago

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