Susan Farmer

American politician
Died on Monday September 16th 2013

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Susan Farmer:

@nwvetstanwood: Northwest Veterinary Clinic is a proud sponsor of the Port Susan Farmer's Market. The first market of the season...

@june_susan: RT @JMiquelWine: Know your #Wine, Know your Cork Harvesting CORK in #Portugal by #WineLover Cute #Donkey !! http://t…

@susanpicking: Susan Picking has a show on 05/31/2015 at 11:30 PM @ Stowe Farmer's Market in Stowe, VT...

@susanpicking: Susan Picking has a show on 05/31/2015 at 11:30 PM @ Stowe Farmer's Market in Stowe, VT #concert


@susan_engstrom: You know you're from KC when you spend all morning at the farmer's market.

@herninlavilla: Farmer's Market Cookbook 1988 by Carlman, Susan 1556520298

@susan_hua: So basically, working at #UCSF on Wednesdays is awesome because Farmer's Market.

@StaaceyWebber: Farmer and I are ripping Susan apart right now. 😂👏

@susan_250: RT @brianmaycom: .@domdyer70 "I will be on BBC Midlands Today TV News 6pm this evening discussing the badger cull policy along with the NFU…

@Susan_adran: Residents Nab Suspected Kidnappers Posing as Policemen As They Tried to Kidnap a Fish Farmer ... @GoldRushNews247

@usually_dormant: "You're matching me up with a pig farmer?"- end of days @Susan_Ee

@susan_az: @SeacatGardens @tdempc What's the difference between a farmer, a grower and a gardener? Isn't a rose by any other name smell just as sweet?

@SeacatGardens: @susan_az @tdempc I'm not a farmer either. I'm a grower.

@susan_az: @SeacatGardens @tdempc OK. I get it; I'm no farmer; I just like to eat what you grow & don't know much about vegetable seasons; I know fruit

@susan_cllier: oh holy crap this farmer just crucified a dude, maybe we shoud stay away from this farm - what crows realy think when they see a scarecrow

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