Ryuhei Ueshima

Japanese comedian and actor
Died on Wednesday May 11th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Steve Jensen

Tweets related to Ryuhei Ueshima:

@yuka_20010516: なんか時間経ったら急に切なくなって来た🥲 #上島竜兵 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@note_qol: 上島竜兵と志村けんの仲良しエピソード。性癖まで理解する師弟関係です(笑) #上島竜兵 #上島竜兵さん #上島竜兵死去 #うえしま #志村けん #ダチョウ倶楽部 - 2 years ago

@sunshinebaby022: 上島さんと広川ひかるさん何で子供作らなかったか知ってる? #上島竜兵 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@shintaromaeukku: RT @HistoryofHM1: ミクダヨーは体を張った芸を後輩たちに教えていた。 THE Legendary comedian Ryuhei Ueshima Thank you for your smile...... - 2 years ago


@nanameuekarakon: 上島竜兵に竜兵会メンバーが語った思いとは?芸人流追悼コメントに泣き笑い - 2 years ago

@pikarasukaru: RT @TedGover: Japanese media's suicide coverage criticized after comedian's death | The Japan Times - 2 years ago

@yuka_20010516: 上島さんと広川ひかるさん、何で子供出来なかったか分かる? #上島竜兵 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@TedGover: Japanese media's suicide coverage criticized after comedian's death | The Japan Times - 2 years ago

@eddiethehead101: This is so sad. I was just watching one of his famous skits on Gaki no Tsukai recently. RIP Ryuhei Ueshima. 😢 - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜平の年収は2000万円「遺産は2億円で相続争い勃発」 - 2 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @themainichi: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - 2 years ago

@one_two_dawn: RT @one_two_dawn: Loved all over Japan! Honor Mr. Ueshima Ryuhei. All right! in the Japanese language "YATTA!" #Jim… - 2 years ago

@KeiKofmt: RT @japantimes: Japanese media's suicide coverage criticized after comedian's death - 2 years ago

@vonvon_jp: 事故物件情報を公開して何になるの?😢 - 2 years ago

@rainyday_saya: 上島竜兵さんと広川ひかるさんの子供について調べたよ! #上島竜兵 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@yuiyui_2007: 上島竜兵さんと広川ひかるさんの子供について調べたよ! #上島竜兵 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@sunshinebaby022: 上島竜兵さんと広川ひかるさんの子供について調べたよ! #上島竜兵 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@yuka_20010516: 上島竜兵さんと広川ひかるさんの子供について調べたよ! #上島竜兵 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜平自死の原因はマスコミと仕事!コロナ禍とコンプライアンスが師弟の命奪う - 2 years ago

@Bakom_skynket: RT @japantimes: Japanese media's suicide coverage criticized after comedian's death - 2 years ago

@chatha_hassan: RT @japantimes: Japanese media's suicide coverage criticized after comedian's death - 2 years ago

@japantimes: Japanese media's suicide coverage criticized after comedian's death - 2 years ago

@rainyday_saya: 上島竜兵さんと広川ひかるさんてなんで子供いなかったの? #上島竜平 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@yuiyui_2007: 上島竜兵さんと広川ひかるさんてなんで子供いなかったの? #上島竜平 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@sunshinebaby022: 上島竜兵さんと広川ひかるさんてなんで子供いなかったの? #上島竜平 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@yuka_20010516: 上島竜兵さんと広川ひかるさんてなんで子供いなかったの? #上島竜平 #広川ひかる - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜平の葬儀会場は東京都中野区!有吉弘行は密葬で号泣して爆笑の真相は? - 2 years ago

@Archivtier: RT @SumikaiNews: Ryuhei Ueshima war Komiker, Schauspieler und eine bekannte japanische TV-Persönlichkeit. In der Nacht zum 11. Mai ist er v… - 2 years ago

@SumikaiNews: Ryuhei Ueshima war Komiker, Schauspieler und eine bekannte japanische TV-Persönlichkeit. In der Nacht zum 11. Mai i… - 2 years ago

@tanudama55557: RT @japantimes: Japanese media coverage of the recent death of a well-known comedian has prompted the health ministry to issue a “call for… - 2 years ago

@one_two_dawn: Loved all over Japan! Honor Mr. Ueshima Ryuhei. All right! in the Japanese language "YATTA!… - 2 years ago

@kak03378: Ryuhei Ueshima… why suicide? - 2 years ago

@PrimerChile: @[email protected]. ¡LA DESHONRA NO LA SOPORTAN LOS HOMBRES JAPONESES, LOS YAKUSA! "El comediante japonés Ueshim… - 2 years ago

@HadiIsHisName: Rip ueshima ryuhei :( - 2 years ago

@lorenaagor: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@coolpan967: 【超衝撃】上島竜兵さんの葬儀、驚きの人物の参列が判明・・・ - 2 years ago

@color5seaside: Rest in peace, Ueshima Ryuhei. A genuinely funny guy. Too self-deprecating at times. I can sense he's also genuinel… - 2 years ago

@JpSavry: @matsu_bouzu RIP Ryuhei Ueshima. - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜兵さん突然の訃報「報道を見てつらいあなたへ」 - 2 years ago

@jethrolmes: My hope for AKB48G JP is to hold the Kouhaku Uta Gassen this year, Ueshima Ryuhei may already passed away, but i th… - 2 years ago

@140cDeSolitude: RT @AtelierMidnight: Death of Ryuhei Ueshima He was a very well-loved comedian in Japan. #ryuheiueshima #上島竜兵 - 2 years ago

@Kagerou_Kazoku: 上島竜兵の『家族』〜妻・広川ひかるとの間に子供はいる?実家の両親と兄弟について - 2 years ago

@RyunosukeVer: He instilled in Japan that simple and silly things are the most laughable from the bottom of my stomach.All of us J… - 2 years ago

@Botansan: 優しいな。 RIP, Ryuhei Ueshima.  サンド富澤たけし 上島竜兵さん訃報で〝うらやましかったこと〟明かす - 2 years ago

@beniimochi: Jesus, missed the news on Ueshima Ryuhei's passing. Had no idea until my mom told me just now. - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜兵さん突然の訃報「報道を見てつらいあなたへ」 - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜兵は有吉弘行の恩人!還暦祝いに時計!有吉が葬式で号泣した真相は? - 2 years ago

@Kagerou_Kazoku: 上島竜兵の『家族』〜妻・広川ひかるとの間に子供はいる?実家の両親と兄弟について - 2 years ago

@wannabegoat: Ryuhei Ueshima, Famous Japanese celebrity, and lil keed have passed away and YSL members was arrested, while Kendri… - 2 years ago

@yadokanjp: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - The Mainichi - 2 years ago

@awwwwwwwwwwwwa: Ryuhei Ueshima. Hiroyuki watanabe was killed by Takeshi kon. - 2 years ago

@9bukgP900jcgYQl: 上島竜兵氏のニュースを聞くたびに涙を止められない 若き頃のお笑い目指しの私は彼の存在を大きく評価しています Every time I hear the news of Mr. Ryuhei Ueshima, I can't sto… - 2 years ago

@Erin0080: RT @Erin0080: #上島竜平 なんかさみしいな・・・。 - 2 years ago

@Erin0080: #上島竜平 なんかさみしいな・・・。 - 2 years ago

@Erin0080: @zerogo_ktm 上島さんのキス芸がもう見れないとは・・・。 - 2 years ago

@Mazitama: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@LeadershipTmc: RT @themainichi: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜兵は有吉弘行の恩人!還暦祝いに時計!有吉が葬式で号泣した真相は? - 2 years ago

@tomy_0724: RT @kinacocoancocoa: 上島竜兵ってこんな性格だったんだね・・・ 三浦春馬とか、竹内結子とか、神田沙也加とか みんなきっと真面目で悩みすぎちゃう性格だったのかな。 有吉さん、あんな風に説教していたけどショ… - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜平の年収は2000万円「遺産は2億円で相続争い勃発」 - 2 years ago

@vonvon_jp: もう二人の芸が見られないのか…😢 - 2 years ago

@e5NgpledEJuqWwB: RT @AndroMEGA18: Don't forget Ryuhei Ueshima. - 2 years ago

@kevin321ogino5: 並行と逆平行は初めて聞いたな。やはりこの方は相当に詳しい方だ。人相学ももっと聞きたいですね。 #西洋占星術 #ホロスコープ ーーー 【占星術と人相学】上島竜兵さんの生まれてきた意味と独特の世界観【ホロスコープ】 - 2 years ago

@T94xWBtTxuLVQCS: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@TheFrenzyOne: RIP Ryuhei Ueshima. 🙏🏼 Can't believe someone so funny and entertaining as him is gone too soon. The struggle is real. - 2 years ago

@ssam_0515: 上島竜兵さんドリフでてたとき、体調悪そうに見えたもんね - 2 years ago

@mikaelwin: RT @ftfKcGSnUSyQf0k: 【Chinese Communist Party member=Satan Worshiper👿】 Japanese entertainer "Ryuhei Ueshima" committed suicide by hanging… - 2 years ago

@Takenori_Chiba: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@Ki_Nakamura_jp: Today's pixel art is "Right to be wrong vol.5". He attached burning hot oden to own face by oneself, and he said "… - 2 years ago

@Ura_omotenashi: Hiroyuki Watanabe Ryuhei Ueshima I pray for your soul from the bottom of my heart 🛐 Although the genres are diffe… - 2 years ago

@nikkeivenezuela: Muere el conocido comediante Ryuhei Ueshima... se habría suicidado - 2 years ago

@AtelierMidnight: Death of Ryuhei Ueshima He was a very well-loved comedian in Japan. #ryuheiueshima #上島竜兵 - 2 years ago

@CoZlonkoPisalo: RT @KtoUmarl: Ryuhei Ueshima (61) - popularny japoński komik, członek grupy "Dachou Club". Popełnił samobójstwo przez powieszenie. - 2 years ago

@READingLion777: Japanese popular comedian Ryuhei Ueshima dies - 2 years ago

@mocamokoNAM: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜兵さん突然の訃報「報道を見てつらいあなたへ」 - 2 years ago

@TripFloyd: RT @ExtraWonton: .RIP Ueshima Ryuhei (上島竜兵). A Gaki no Tsukai new year mainstay 😔 - 2 years ago

@kimukatures: 【速報】上島竜平の遺書見つかった!? リアクション芸人ならではの悩みとは・・・ #上島竜平 #ダチョウ倶楽部上島竜兵 #ダチョウ倶楽部 #ダチョウ - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜兵は有吉弘行の恩人!還暦祝いに時計!有吉が葬式で号泣した真相は? - 2 years ago

@Kagerou_Kazoku: 上島竜兵の『家族』〜妻・広川ひかるとの間に子供はいる?実家の両親と兄弟について - 2 years ago

@lazel_laz: RT @hollywoong1015: Woke up to the news of ueshima ryuhei passing😢 Was one of the comedians I liked and ohno’s closest friend. Rest in pea… - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜兵は有吉弘行の恩人!還暦祝いに時計!有吉が葬式で号泣した真相は? - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜兵は有吉弘行の恩人!還暦祝いに時計!有吉が葬式で号泣した真相は? - 2 years ago

@yuuji_K1: RT @themainichi: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - 2 years ago

@1173oyaji: I would like to exprxss my condolences to Ryuhei Ueshima. plesea haev fun without anxiety in heaven. - 2 years ago

@Manatees2021: RT @ftfKcGSnUSyQf0k: 【Chinese Communist Party member=Satan Worshiper👿】 Japanese entertainer "Ryuhei Ueshima" committed suicide by hanging… - 2 years ago

@jiii_neee_pqrs: RT @ftfKcGSnUSyQf0k: 【Chinese Communist Party member=Satan Worshiper👿】 Japanese entertainer "Ryuhei Ueshima" committed suicide by hanging… - 2 years ago

@vonvon_jp: 亡くなった人の個人情報も守ってよ😰 - 2 years ago

@Kritti_Fox: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@mycutiecocona48: RT @yuiyuiarchive: 220511 #小栗有以 Instagram story "I'm surprised by the sad news... May he rest in peace." (Ueshima Ryuhei co-stars in Yuiy… - 2 years ago

@tenshihun: RT @The_Japan_News: Comedian Ryuhei Ueshima, of the popular comedy trio Dachou Club, has died in an apparent suicide. He was 61 - 2 years ago

@TECHNO_CAT1026: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@Lovethy06301783: RT @ftfKcGSnUSyQf0k: 【Chinese Communist Party member=Satan Worshiper👿】 Japanese entertainer "Ryuhei Ueshima" committed suicide by hanging… - 2 years ago

@ryougenkurasawa: 私は芸能人が亡くなったくらいで、泣いたりはしないが、このmvを観てたら、ウルッときてしまった。 偉大なコメディアンだった。 オレも歳かな・・・ wwwwwwwwwwwwww R.I.P. Ryuhei Ueshima - 2 years ago

@mino_musubi: RT @ftfKcGSnUSyQf0k: 【Chinese Communist Party member=Satan Worshiper👿】 Japanese entertainer "Ryuhei Ueshima" committed suicide by hanging… - 2 years ago

@ssam_0515: 上島竜兵さんドリフ出演のとき、顔色はかなり悪そうだったもんな - 2 years ago

@LeBearPolarr: w // suicide mention LRT > TLDR Ueshima Ryuhei, member of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, passed away two… - 2 years ago

@KtoUmarl: Ryuhei Ueshima (61) - popularny japoński komik, członek grupy "Dachou Club". Popełnił samobójstwo przez powieszenie. - 2 years ago

@ftfKcGSnUSyQf0k: 【Chinese Communist Party member=Satan Worshiper👿】 Japanese entertainer "Ryuhei Ueshima" committed suicide by hangi… - 2 years ago

@dropzillacast: Ueshima Ryuhei (61), integrante do trio de comédia "Dachou Club", infelizmente veio a falecer. Ele foi transportad… - 2 years ago

@doveamore: RT @Minko_Channel: Ryuhei Ueshima, de 61 años, suicidó uno de los comediantes más famosos de Japón. Estoy muy triste de enterar esta notici… - 2 years ago

@jairoelorza: RT @Minko_Channel: Ryuhei Ueshima, de 61 años, suicidó uno de los comediantes más famosos de Japón. Estoy muy triste de enterar esta notici… - 2 years ago

@JohnnyCareccul: RT @Minko_Channel: Ryuhei Ueshima, de 61 años, suicidó uno de los comediantes más famosos de Japón. Estoy muy triste de enterar esta notici… - 2 years ago

@tomkun36342: 2022.05.11 Dear Japanese comedian Ryuhei ueshima 取巻く環境の全員がぼう然とした1日でした。未だ実感はありません。逝く方々は人知れず決意してしまうのですが、ほんの少し… - 2 years ago

@_goldendoara: ご冥福をお祈りします。やんごとなき一族での元気な演技もっと見たかった。 #上島竜兵 #ダチョウ倶楽部 #芸能界の闇 - 2 years ago

@Ryoxcie: 😭🙏 Japanese popular comedian Ryuhei Ueshima dies - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜平の年収は2000万円「遺産は2億円で相続争い勃発」 - 2 years ago

@Dummy23111793: RT @MmNkmr1: Je veux que vous vous exprimiez꙳★* Vous pouvez vous enfuir à partir de là. ✨ Dédié à Ryuhei Ueshima... #竜ちゃんありがとう #みんな幸… - 2 years ago

@Opklxxxx: RT @Minko_Channel: Ryuhei Ueshima, de 61 años, suicidó uno de los comediantes más famosos de Japón. Estoy muy triste de enterar esta notici… - 2 years ago

@ymkt0876: @owolabik6 When Robin Williams passed away, I was surprised by how comedians suffer inside. This time, Ueshima Ryuh… - 2 years ago

@franc0_9: RT @Minko_Channel: Ryuhei Ueshima, de 61 años, suicidó uno de los comediantes más famosos de Japón. Estoy muy triste de enterar esta notici… - 2 years ago

@Bellestorm888: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@iwa_426: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@just0maybe: The death of ueshima ryuhei reminds me of robin williams. You never know whats going on in someone else's headspac… - 2 years ago

@gwigwicom: Komedian Ueshima Ryuhei dari Dacho Club ditemukan tewas di rumahnya - - 2 years ago

@vonvon_jp: どうか安らかに😢 - 2 years ago

@elitejean: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@Kyaroru_shinja: Mano :c *pra quem não entende, Ryuhei Ueshima, um dos comediantes mais famosos do Japão cometeu su1cíd1o - 2 years ago

@JYUNICHIKUWAKI: RT @AndroMEGA18: Don't forget Ryuhei Ueshima. - 2 years ago

@Kagerou_Kazoku: 上島竜兵の『家族』〜妻・広川ひかるとの間に子供はいる?実家の両親と兄弟について - 2 years ago

@hawkandwind: クソテレビどものどんなクソ情報やクソコメントも このローラの言葉が完璧に全てを駆逐してる 上島さんにはローラみたいな優しい人の言葉が一番必要なんだよ rest & peace ueshima ryuhei ローラ、上島竜兵… - 2 years ago

@sz_aloha: @acupofkentea It was taken during the same time period as Dorokei and Gin no Saji. Today's post was in memory of Ue… - 2 years ago

@YukikoScribbles: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@arasunosutondsz: RT @loverinnnix: tw / suicide I’m shocked to learn about Dacho Club’s Ueshima Ryuhei’s passing 🥺🥺 the image of him happily holding to the… - 2 years ago

@Teppei_s_: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@DuchessandAddie: I’m grieved at the sudden passing of you. It's no fun without you in Japanese comedy... R.I.P. , Ryuhei Ueshima - 2 years ago

@ygabriel_ok: RT @Minko_Channel: Ryuhei Ueshima, de 61 años, suicidó uno de los comediantes más famosos de Japón. Estoy muy triste de enterar esta notici… - 2 years ago

@QNqDTm5H2CWqm6M: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@Ski0209: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@TokyoUpdates: Japanese Comedian Ryuhei Ueshima Dies at 61 - JIJI PRESS - 2 years ago

@Utami2790: RT @hollywoong1015: Woke up to the news of ueshima ryuhei passing😢 Was one of the comedians I liked and ohno’s closest friend. Rest in pea… - 2 years ago

@Utami2790: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@AmivieNeski: RT @The_Japan_News: Comedian Ryuhei Ueshima, of the popular comedy trio Dachou Club, has died in an apparent suicide. He was 61 - 2 years ago

@comedynews: Japanese Comedian Ryuhei Ueshima Dies at 61 | - 2 years ago

@comedynews: Japanese Comedian Ryuhei Ueshima Dies at 61 | - 2 years ago

@loverinnnix: tw / suicide I’m shocked to learn about Dacho Club’s Ueshima Ryuhei’s passing 🥺🥺 the image of him happily holding… - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: 上島竜兵さん突然の訃報「報道を見てつらいあなたへ」 - 2 years ago

@2amOngsFrippIes: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: - 2 years ago

@jpnncom: Komedian senior asal Jepang, Ryuhei Ueshima meninggal dunia pada usia 61 tahun, 11 Mei 2022. #Komedian - 2 years ago

@SetXdFKk3ZJ2lMB: - 2 years ago

@kurara56567049: 有吉弘行さんが一番つらいよね...だってずっと竜兵会と上島竜兵さんに救われてきたんだもんね... #有吉弘行 #上島竜兵さん - 2 years ago

@andymonster541: one of my favorite japanese comedian Ryûhei Ueshima has passed away from suicide. he was such a influence to many u… - 2 years ago

@_goldendoara: 上島竜兵さんご冥福をお祈りします。やんごとなき一族での演技もう少し見たかった、、 #上島竜平 #上島竜兵さんご冥福をお祈りします #ダチョウ倶楽部 #芸能界の闇 - 2 years ago

@wibkuCQIu2aRhB6: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@nekobeisan: RT @kyukyoku_matome: 【訃報】ダチョウ倶楽部・上島竜兵さん死去… - 2 years ago

@coytHL5fSshor6c: RT @kyukyoku_matome: 【訃報】ダチョウ倶楽部・上島竜兵さん死去… - 2 years ago

@rafaelr0309: RT @themainichi: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - 2 years ago

@Airstreak: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@mj4gvtovpja95: RT @kyukyoku_matome: 【訃報】ダチョウ倶楽部・上島竜兵さん死去… - 2 years ago

@Kadoringo: Ueshima Ryuhei 💔 - 2 years ago

@nicolasbottari: Now Ueshima Ryuhei passing away. Another one of the greats in Japanese comedy gone. I’m going to miss the guy. - 2 years ago

@themainichi: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - 2 years ago

@rkblurbs: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@KyukyokuCom: 【訃報】ダチョウ倶楽部・上島竜兵さん死去… - 2 years ago

@sr4h8: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@kyukyoku_matome: 【訃報】ダチョウ倶楽部・上島竜兵さん死去… - 2 years ago

@syoutokutarou: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@Taoki28L: RT @yuiyuiarchive: 220511 #小栗有以 Instagram story "I'm surprised by the sad news... May he rest in peace." (Ueshima Ryuhei co-stars in Yuiy… - 2 years ago

@RtlesTu: RT @yuiyuiarchive: 220511 #小栗有以 Instagram story "I'm surprised by the sad news... May he rest in peace." (Ueshima Ryuhei co-stars in Yuiy… - 2 years ago

@dgs128128kh: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@TweetTVJP: RT @TweetTVJP: えっ、これが問題なの❓ 🤣 【上島竜兵の死因は何?首吊り自殺(縊死)!?原因はうつ病や精神的問題?ワクチン? 【最新】渡辺裕之は自律神経失調症が原因で自殺?原日出子コメント - 2 years ago

@Pluemkun: RT @yuiyuiarchive: 220511 #小栗有以 Instagram story "I'm surprised by the sad news... May he rest in peace." (Ueshima Ryuhei co-stars in Yuiy… - 2 years ago

@Kangfoo48: RT @yuiyuiarchive: 220511 #小栗有以 Instagram story "I'm surprised by the sad news... May he rest in peace." (Ueshima Ryuhei co-stars in Yuiy… - 2 years ago

@dprodge: RT @nippon_es: El popular comediante Ueshima Ryūhei falleció el miércoles a los 61 años. La policía cree que se quitó la vida. - 2 years ago

@nippon_es: El popular comediante Ueshima Ryūhei falleció el miércoles a los 61 años. La policía cree que se quitó la vida. - 2 years ago

@sudamasaki37564: R.I.P Ryuhei Ueshima - 2 years ago

@die3473: What Japanese Apex player so sad morning? because... Japanese Comedian "Ryuhei Ueshima"(61 years old) died at morn… - 2 years ago

@2nd_michinosuke: Dedicated to Mr.Ryuhei Ueshima - 2 years ago

@konpoz: RT @6dHaAXDQYLdPKxE: 上島竜兵の他殺説の根拠|自殺方法を報道した理由がやばすぎる - ACT BLOG - 2 years ago

@AmaralNaRede: Que loucura... A gente dorme, e ao acordar vê uma noticia dessas. Ueshima Ryuhei era um comediante famoso no JP, qu… - 2 years ago

@awholelotloser: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@hijajogu: RT @vonvon_jp: 本当に唐突すぎる😭 - 2 years ago

@vonvon_jp: 本当に唐突すぎる😭 - 2 years ago

@HayaMimaru18: RT @Ryo_Saeba_3: L'humoriste japonais Ryuhei Ueshima, 61 ans, du trio comique Dachou Club s'est suicidé. Il était très populaire et appréci… - 2 years ago

@8aobon: 自殺って本当?優しくて繊細な心の持ち主だった。 最近の売れっ子若手芸人は、彼の芸風を古くさいと思ってるのか、リスペクトせずに本気で馬鹿にしながらイジっているように見える。 上島竜兵の死因を調査「自尊心を傷つけられたりトーク空回りを… - 2 years ago

@ArdiRewoRewo48: RT @The_Japan_News: Comedian Ryuhei Ueshima, of the popular comedy trio Dachou Club, has died in an apparent suicide. He was 61 - 2 years ago

@navidturk400: RT @shibarmydayo: @BscPitbull_KR Mein Lieblingsmensch ist gestorben. Ryuhei Ueshima - 2 years ago

@cvb999: RT @AndroMEGA18: Don't forget Ryuhei Ueshima. - 2 years ago

@tominaritetsu: 最近お気に入りのガラスの灰皿を割ってしまい泣きそうになるが「形あるものいつか壊れる」という言葉を思い出してひとつ息を吐く。 R.I.P. Ueshima Ryuhei - 2 years ago

@Sengoku_Sonata: RT @The_Japan_News: Comedian Ryuhei Ueshima, of the popular comedy trio Dachou Club, has died in an apparent suicide. He was 61 - 2 years ago

@Pyo0072: 今朝ニュースで聞いたときは本当にびっくりしました。 ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - GIGAZINE - 2 years ago

@_goldendoara: 上島竜兵さんどうして、、?? #上島竜兵 #上島竜兵さんご冥福をお祈りします #ダチョウ倶楽部 - 2 years ago

@AhmnTn: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@kenniskohkohkeh: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@myfoolisheng: Ryuhei Ueshima, a Japanese famous comedian, has closed life by himself. It really shocked and depressed me. - 2 years ago

@9ultraCsayuri33: RT @AndroMEGA18: Don't forget Ryuhei Ueshima. - 2 years ago

@Mcbess89Bouquet: RT @Ryo_Saeba_3: L'humoriste japonais Ryuhei Ueshima, 61 ans, du trio comique Dachou Club s'est suicidé. Il était très populaire et appréci… - 2 years ago

@gin_mk2: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@NEWS_0: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@AnnaVictoriaLol: I can't believe Ueshima Ryuhei san has passed away in that manner I can't believe it 😢😢😢😢 he's one of Satoshi's fav… - 2 years ago

@gorfwang: Rest in paradise 🕊 Ryuhei Ueshima 1961-2022 - 2 years ago

@naughty_kitsu: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@X5news: GIGAZINE: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@8aobon: 竜ちゃんが自殺って本当? 最近の売れっ子若手芸人は、彼の芸風を古くさいと思ってるのか、リスペクトせずに本気で馬鹿にしながらイジっているように見える。 上島竜兵の死因を調査「自尊心を傷つけられたりトーク空回りをしてストレスを受けてい… - 2 years ago

@RenTMB: RT @GearoidReidy: Tragic news as another Japanese celebrity, comedian Ryuhei Ueshima of Dachou Club, appears to have died by suicide. htt… - 2 years ago

@KAYU44216586: Japanese popular comedian Ryuhei Ueshima dies I'm sad. - 2 years ago

@oge323: RT @6dHaAXDQYLdPKxE: 上島竜兵の他殺説の根拠|自殺方法を報道した理由がやばすぎる - ACT BLOG - 2 years ago

@haireriah: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - GIGAZINE - 2 years ago

@444angel333: 竜ちゃん何か悩んでたんかな?ツラくても笑わせなくてはいけない芸人さんて大変な仕事だな #上島竜兵 - 2 years ago

@oraclecamera: RT @AndroMEGA18: Don't forget Ryuhei Ueshima. - 2 years ago

@themainichi: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - 2 years ago

@pieremaechai: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@CharlieBNic: Saw this article a few hrs ago. Really shocked me. Ryuhei Ueshima really made me and so many others laugh 😹 We los… - 2 years ago

@teslam3lr: RT @chuckkoba: BREAKING : The famous comedian Ryuhei UESHIMA known as the member of Japanese comedy-unit, Dachyo(Ostrich)-club, died this m… - 2 years ago

@measureConspira: 海外(インドネシア🇮🇩)で報じられた、 上島竜兵さんの死去。 - 2 years ago

@SVPRIVATE823: A Famous Japanese Comedian "Ryuhei Ueshima" died at home in Tokyo. He was 61. It is believed that he committed suic… - 2 years ago

@cocoro_odayaka: R.I.P Ryuhei Ueshima - 2 years ago

@fromOuterRim: RT @AlohaPete: Very sad. 😢 I know Ueshima best as the Wolfman on #Kaibutskun show. Too many funny joyful people are taken from us too soon.… - 2 years ago

@Adolf2004: RT @GearoidReidy: Tragic news as another Japanese celebrity, comedian Ryuhei Ueshima of Dachou Club, appears to have died by suicide. htt… - 2 years ago

@Luna_donut: @MrCJJackson こんにちはクリス‼元気だよ、本当にショックでした😥 Celebrities die also in my country recently like too many this year 🙁 . RIP Ryuhei Ueshima! ! - 2 years ago

@BluntDamage: RT @GearoidReidy: Tragic news as another Japanese celebrity, comedian Ryuhei Ueshima of Dachou Club, appears to have died by suicide. htt… - 2 years ago

@SNghy7E9Z38clhr: RT @AndroMEGA18: Don't forget Ryuhei Ueshima. - 2 years ago

@OliverJia1014: RT @GearoidReidy: Tragic news as another Japanese celebrity, comedian Ryuhei Ueshima of Dachou Club, appears to have died by suicide. htt… - 2 years ago

@makisirou: RT @AndroMEGA18: Don't forget Ryuhei Ueshima. - 2 years ago

@MrCJJackson: @Luna_donut こんにちはマリオン!元気? RIP Ryuhei Ueshima! 🙏 - 2 years ago

@comedynews: Japanese Comedian Ryuhei Ueshima Dies at 61 | - 2 years ago

@dac5b5d90f994c1: RT @AndroMEGA18: Don't forget Ryuhei Ueshima. - 2 years ago

@AndroMEGA18: Don't forget Ryuhei Ueshima. - 2 years ago

@enma_aru: RT @AlohaPete: Very sad. 😢 I know Ueshima best as the Wolfman on #Kaibutskun show. Too many funny joyful people are taken from us too soon.… - 2 years ago

@7eUfPpmvWjycHaK: RT @gymotaku: What a shock. Ryuhei Ueshima took his life at the age of 61. A member of the comedy trio Dachou, everyone in Japan would know… - 2 years ago

@7S53tLVzJ050W2m: RT @6dHaAXDQYLdPKxE: 上島竜兵の他殺説の根拠|自殺方法を報道した理由がやばすぎる - ACT BLOG - 2 years ago

@AlohaPete: Very sad. 😢 I know Ueshima best as the Wolfman on #Kaibutskun show. Too many funny joyful people are taken from us… - 2 years ago

@The_Japan_News: Comedian Ryuhei Ueshima, of the popular comedy trio Dachou Club, has died in an apparent suicide. He was 61 - 2 years ago

@6dHaAXDQYLdPKxE: 上島竜兵の他殺説の根拠|自殺方法を報道した理由がやばすぎる - ACT BLOG - 2 years ago

@Verghest: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@TylerEatonBass: So sad about Ueshima Ryuhei, he was great. Always thought he was funny. - 2 years ago

@binmei79: RT @chuckkoba: BREAKING : The famous comedian Ryuhei UESHIMA known as the member of Japanese comedy-unit, Dachyo(Ostrich)-club, died this m… - 2 years ago

@ZidGeezer: RT @chuckkoba: BREAKING : The famous comedian Ryuhei UESHIMA known as the member of Japanese comedy-unit, Dachyo(Ostrich)-club, died this m… - 2 years ago

@masamasa551020: RT @sakusaku_conpa: 上島竜兵さん、有吉さんに『志村けんに呼ばれて死にたくない』って言っていたのに。怒られちゃうよ、、? #上島竜兵 #上島竜兵死去 - 2 years ago

@ritten_JBN: RT @chuckkoba: BREAKING : The famous comedian Ryuhei UESHIMA known as the member of Japanese comedy-unit, Dachyo(Ostrich)-club, died this m… - 2 years ago

@TESLAholder: RT @chuckkoba: BREAKING : The famous comedian Ryuhei UESHIMA known as the member of Japanese comedy-unit, Dachyo(Ostrich)-club, died this m… - 2 years ago

@chuckkoba: BREAKING : The famous comedian Ryuhei UESHIMA known as the member of Japanese comedy-unit, Dachyo(Ostrich)-club, di… - 2 years ago

@omoshiro3581: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - GIGAZINE #訃報 #芸人 #ダチョウ #倶楽部 #上島竜兵 #さん #死去 #GIGAZINE - 2 years ago

@moki_modoki: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - GIGAZINE まだ若い。 - 2 years ago

@moalsinc: Ryuhei Ueshima san RIP - 2 years ago

@motor01935: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @InsidEkoMedia: Obituary News - Ryuhei Ueshima Death : Ryuhei Ueshima, an ostrich club member and comedian, was found hanged at his Toky… - 2 years ago

@rikurikuri0: 上島竜兵が亡くなるなんて悲しすぎる。。 また熱湯風呂やクルリンパ見たかったな。 追悼コメントを見ていたら泣けてきた😭 #ダチョウ倶楽部 #上島竜兵 #上島竜兵さん #竜兵会 #竜ちゃん #志村けん #肥後克広 #寺門ジモン… - 2 years ago

@auroradesu: RT @nippon_en: Comedian Ueshima Ryūhei has died in an apparent suicide. - 2 years ago

@nippon_en: Comedian Ueshima Ryūhei has died in an apparent suicide. - 2 years ago

@mocha_matari: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - GIGAZINE - 2 years ago

@hnni_tns: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - GIGAZINE - 2 years ago

@kinacocoancocoa: 上島竜兵ってこんな性格だったんだね・・・ 三浦春馬とか、竹内結子とか、神田沙也加とか みんなきっと真面目で悩みすぎちゃう性格だったのかな。 有吉さん、あんな風に説教していたけどショックだっただろうなー💦 - 2 years ago

@lisandrom98: @VictorA22296419 @my_rock_11 A famous Japanese comedian passed away - 2 years ago

@LifeHackerL1: When people are conscious of death, they can increase their satisfaction in life. Because I'm going to die someday… - 2 years ago

@mama3094: 真犯人フラグの強羅役以外にもドラマで活躍されてたね。 個人的にはスーパーリッチの頼りない父親役も良かった。 朝からかなり衝撃的なニュースだったな… #竜ちゃん #真犯人フラグ #芸能界の闇 上島竜兵の名言やエピソード!慕われる凄さ… - 2 years ago

@arasunosutondsz: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@InsidEkoMedia: Obituary News - Ryuhei Ueshima Death : Ryuhei Ueshima, an ostrich club member and comedian, was found hanged at his… - 2 years ago

@beralingual: Ryuhei Ueshima has passed away. There are many deaths of entertainers. Persons are weak. - 2 years ago

@RyoTaPyo: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@hiromichikayama: I learned that Mr. Ryuhei Ueshima has passed away. Personally, I was surprised because I was a favorite comedian. M… - 2 years ago

@Danjuro: Parece que el popular comediante Ueshima Ryūhei se ha quitado la vida con 61 años. Aparecía con mucha frecuencia en… - 2 years ago

@hasanah_hmd: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@feilong: 1件のコメント - 2 years ago

@hasanah_hmd: RT @tokyohive: Dacho Club's Ueshima Ryuhei found dead at his home - 2 years ago

@super_tokio: Muere el conocido comediante Ryuhei Ueshima... se habría suicidado #TVjaponesa #DochuoClub - 2 years ago

@ittoku_tokuiti: Good afternoon. I’m lunch time now. I have to do duty work today. I am very nervous. It will be rainy so I won’t b… - 2 years ago

@super_tokio: Muere el conocido comediante Ryuhei Ueshima... se habría suicidado #dochuoclub #owarai - 2 years ago

@DenimPaints: RT @The_Japan_News: Japanese popular comedian Ryuhei Ueshima dies - 2 years ago

@danny_0523: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@TamaTsun_: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@KuroiYuki88: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@sabunana89: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@antaranews: Ryuhei Ueshima, anggota dari trio komedian populer Jepang "Dachou Club", meninggal dunia pada usia 61 tahun. - 2 years ago

@iDd2Qzllsw7WZae: RT @hollywoong1015: Woke up to the news of ueshima ryuhei passing😢 Was one of the comedians I liked and ohno’s closest friend. Rest in pea… - 2 years ago

@comicdish_com: 上島竜兵の本当の性格は大人しくて芸人を辞めたかったのか考察|コミックディッシュ #竜兵会 - 2 years ago

@Konfrontasi_co: Komedian Jepang Ryuhei Ueshima Meninggal Dunia - 2 years ago

@thoton9: RT @JN_Japanese: ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん、自宅で死去 Japanese popular comedian Ryuhei Ueshima dies - 2 years ago

@news2ch5: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - GIGAZINE #訃報 #芸人 #ダチョウ #倶楽部 #上島竜兵 #さん #死去 #GIGAZINE - 2 years ago

@vonvon_jp: いつもあんなに笑ってたのにどうして😭 - 2 years ago

@akagamiv2: Ryuhei Ueshima (1961 - 2022) - 2 years ago

@a_bluedragon: R.I.P. Ryuhei Ueshima 💐 - 2 years ago

@Tiny91188: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@jefuemon_ver2: RT @themainichi: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - 2 years ago

@BluexFire: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@BluexFire: RT @ainosukke: Ueshima Ryuhei san passed away? My deep condolences for the family :'(( Ohchan must be really sad. Will he come to his funer… - 2 years ago

@rafidahfsh: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@syabazou23: Ryuhei Ueshima R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@marutabasiconro: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@_goldendoara: 上島竜兵さんショック、、やんごとなき一族での演技もう少し見たかった、、 #上島竜兵さん #上島竜兵さんご冥福をお祈りします - 2 years ago

@BattaHimawari: RT @JN_Japanese: ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん、自宅で死去 Japanese popular comedian Ryuhei Ueshima dies - 2 years ago

@lovesongwriter: Aw man Ryuhei Ueshima died :( - 2 years ago

@Carito_Rod8: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@dare_darou: RT @tokyohive: Dacho Club's Ueshima Ryuhei found dead at his home - 2 years ago

@annisayp: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@subaru2012: 【R.l.P. Mr. Ryuhei Ueshima, who was comedian, passed away at age 61.】 とても驚いている、そして、悲しい😿 「ダチョウ倶楽部・上島竜兵さんが死去」 - 2 years ago

@n68387680: RT @themainichi: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - 2 years ago

@arafi2010: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - GIGAZINE - 2 years ago

@travellingmochi: RT @themainichi: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - 2 years ago

@nyanky_patti: RT @sakusaku_conpa: 上島竜兵さん、有吉さんに『志村けんに呼ばれて死にたくない』って言っていたのに。今行ったら志村さんに怒られちゃうよ、、? #上島竜兵 #上島竜兵死去 - 2 years ago

@In_Dark_angel: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - GIGAZINE - 2 years ago

@tontei: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@sakusaku_conpa: 上島竜兵さん、有吉さんに『志村けんに呼ばれて死にたくない』って言っていたのに。今行ったら志村さんに怒られちゃうよ、、? #上島竜兵 #上島竜兵死去 - 2 years ago

@shokonocurry: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@themainichi: Ryuhei Ueshima, of popular Japanese comedy trio Dachou Club, dies at 61 - 2 years ago

@QuunQuickKick: は? - 2 years ago

@funassssyo: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@YoSoyMikichi: RT @GearoidReidy: Tragic news as another Japanese celebrity, comedian Ryuhei Ueshima of Dachou Club, appears to have died by suicide. htt… - 2 years ago

@haoxinqing08: It seems that people are making a fuss about the death of Ryuhei Ueshima by giving the names of Haruma Miura and Yu… - 2 years ago

@ikajiojisan001: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@mirairashi: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@crow_n: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@nikkeiint: Ryuhei Ueshima, a genuine comedian, is passing. RIP. - 2 years ago

@akahanashishou: RT @takuya8212: Sad news,@elonmusk. Ryuhei Ueshima, a comedian who had a good time together when you visited Japan, chose to die himself ……… - 2 years ago

@Spiny59: Ryuhei Ueshima 🙏🕊 - 2 years ago

@gimmickal2: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@Aanss_C: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@FLz8v: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@Nobu_U_Ki: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@isml8: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@shurina2017: RT @sakusaku_conpa: 上島竜兵さん、有吉さんに『志村けんに呼ばれて死にたくない』って言っていたのに。怒られちゃうよ、、? #上島竜兵 #上島竜兵死去 - 2 years ago

@sakusaku_conpa: 上島竜兵さん、有吉さんに『志村けんに呼ばれて死にたくない』って言っていたのに。怒られちゃうよ、、? #上島竜兵 #上島竜兵死去 - 2 years ago

@komy89: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】お笑い芸人・ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん死去 - 2 years ago

@mikemik80784347: RT @gigazine_en: [Old News] Ryuhei Ueshima, a laughing entertainer from the Dachou Club, dies - 2 years ago

@JN_Japanese: ダチョウ倶楽部の上島竜兵さん、自宅で死去 Japanese popular comedian Ryuhei Ueshima dies - 2 years ago

@timechi: RT @tokyohive: Dacho Club's Ueshima Ryuhei found dead at his home - 2 years ago

@shinigamiami: RT @tokyohive: Dacho Club's Ueshima Ryuhei found dead at his home - 2 years ago

@Tonykc1992: RT @tokyohive: Dacho Club's Ueshima Ryuhei found dead at his home - 2 years ago

@xa_ky: So saddened to learn of the untimely passing of the comedic genius Ryuhei Ueshima of Dacho Club. He made us laugh,… - 2 years ago

@makotomakocchi: RT @transitions0101: Dachou Club's Ueshima Ryuhei was found deceased in his own home this morning. He was 61 years old. RIP Ueshima-san 🙏 - 2 years ago

@Nikinho_O: RT @JuriTanaka3: Morre aos 61 anos o famoso comediante Ueshima Ryuhei. Aponta-se que a causa da morte tenha sido suicídio. Ele foi do trio… - 2 years ago

@sapo2025: Kokoro doko ikemashita ka? ... Senpai shimura Ken San itekimashita ... Ryuhei Ueshima 🙏😔 tsukaresamadesu 🙏 - 2 years ago

@tokyohive: Dacho Club's Ueshima Ryuhei found dead at his home - 2 years ago

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