Maurice Bessinger

American restauranteur.
Died on Saturday February 22nd 2014

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Maurice Bessinger:

@tamranyc: @Lanna70115 @MichaelBrownUSA @GOP ooooh, Jindal! he's now channeling Maurice Bessinger, Carl Vinson AND Strom Thurmond (Southern Manifesto)

@tamranyc: voter suppression, religious freedom-Maurice Bessinger laws. what year is this? Veterans can't vote in Texas w/VA ID

@tamranyc: .@TheDemocrats = ALL-INCLUSIVE party. embrace that given KKK-Maurice Bessinger's "religious right to hate" bills. Dems ended Jim Crow!

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