Mal Whitfield

American middle-distance runner
Died on Wednesday November 18th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Soul Jah Love

Tweets related to Mal Whitfield:

@kingsfanone: RT @ktlagayle: OLYMPIAN MAL WHITFIELD. - 9 years ago

@ChibuezeYaho: - 9 years ago

@SportsDiplomacy: Original @statedept Sport Ambassador Mal Whitfield's gold legacy lives on. Today, we thank our sports envoys! - 9 years ago

@annemccoy: RT @gavinoconnor: Mal Whitfield by @daveyhannigan @IrishTimes #inspire Dream big, dare to fail and don’t forget from whence you came.” http… - 9 years ago


@gavinoconnor: Mal Whitfield by @daveyhannigan @IrishTimes #inspire Dream big, dare to fail and don’t forget from whence you came.” - 9 years ago

@pbuttner: RT @daveyhannigan: The extraordinary life of Mal Whitfield, the athlete who woke up Africa - 9 years ago

@daveyhannigan: The extraordinary life of Mal Whitfield, the athlete who woke up Africa - 9 years ago

@angie_fly_girl: RT @lilsmitth: Mal Whitfield, Tuskegee Airman and Olympian, Dies at 91 - 9 years ago

@redlordmuck: America at Large: ‘Marvellous’ Mal Whitfield a true pioneer - 9 years ago

@jimmyhoshi: America at Large: ‘Marvellous’ Mal Whitfield a true pioneer - - 9 years ago

@mightyatom0: America at Large: ‘Marvellous’ Mal Whitfield a true pioneer - 9 years ago

@DevilDoggg: RT @FWhitfield: I can't thank you all enough for your love and caring of dad. All of your messages are super comforting. - 9 years ago

@umaynotagree: RT @FWhitfield: I can't thank you all enough for your love and caring of dad. All of your messages are super comforting. - 9 years ago

@sportzcrazed: America at Large: ‘Marvellous’ Mal Whitfield a true pioneer - 9 years ago

@Olympic_Tokyo: America at Large: 'Marvellous' Mal Whitfield a true pioneer - Irish Times - 9 years ago

@hyxuvejymez: A look back at the incredible journey of Mal Whitfield, as a husband, dad, Olympian, Tuskegee Airman and career U.S. diplomat, coach, - 9 years ago

@IrishTimesSport: America at Large: ‘Marvellous’ Mal Whitfield a true pioneer - 9 years ago

@IrishTimes: America at Large: ‘Marvellous’ Mal Whitfield a true pioneer - 9 years ago

@Mara_Exchanges: RT @SportsDiplomacy: Big salute to 1 of the 1st @statedept Sports Envoy, Mal Whitfield! His legend lives on thru #SportsDiplomacy. @FWhitfi… - 9 years ago

@SportsDiplomacy: Big salute to 1 of the 1st @statedept Sports Envoy, Mal Whitfield! His legend lives on thru #SportsDiplomacy. @FWhitfield @Mara_Exchanges - 9 years ago

@007TrackFan: Don't miss this -- Remembering Mal Whitfield, 400/800 Olympian, veteran, hero, ambassador #alltimer @flotrack @CNN - 9 years ago

@mlbburke: Remembering Mal Whitfield 1924-2015 - 9 years ago

@The603Librarian: This week has marked the sad passing of two members of our Greatest Generation. Tuskegee Airmen Mal Whitfield and... - 9 years ago

@ACooperNews: Remembering Mal Whitfield - CNN Video - - 9 years ago

@aaron_leib: RT @outofboundsmag: In Marvelous Mal Whitfield obit, @nytimes forgot call for Black athletes to protest Olympics. @loumoore12 didn't: https… - 9 years ago

@c8nhogarth: RT @johnedwinmason: Sports tell us so much about society. Great piece by @loumoore12 about someone we all should know. - 9 years ago

@rysolomon: RT @loumoore12: ICYMI: 1964 Olympic boycott, memory, and Marvelous Mal Whitfield - 9 years ago

@admcgregor85: RT @johnedwinmason: Sports tell us so much about society. Great piece by @loumoore12 about someone we all should know. - 9 years ago

@loumoore12: RT @johnedwinmason: Sports tell us so much about society. Great piece by @loumoore12 about someone we all should know. - 9 years ago

@SarahCalise: RT @loumoore12: ICYMI: 1964 Olympic boycott, memory, and Marvelous Mal Whitfield - 9 years ago

@johnedwinmason: Sports tell us so much about society. Great piece by @loumoore12 about someone we all should know. - 9 years ago

@rogerkittleson: RT @loumoore12: ICYMI: 1964 Olympic boycott, memory, and Marvelous Mal Whitfield - 9 years ago

@smithea1: RT @loumoore12: ICYMI: 1964 Olympic boycott, memory, and Marvelous Mal Whitfield - 9 years ago

@CarmiHearts: Rest in Paradise Mr. Whitfield - 9 years ago

@johnedwinmason: RT @loumoore12: ICYMI: 1964 Olympic boycott, memory, and Marvelous Mal Whitfield - 9 years ago

@smithea1: "We can’t mute “Marvelous” Mal. We have to remember him for the races he won, and the race he fought for." - 9 years ago

@loumoore12: ICYMI: 1964 Olympic boycott, memory, and Marvelous Mal Whitfield - 9 years ago

@StarTrekUpdate: Mal Whitfield, three-time Olympic gold medalist, dies at 91 - 9 years ago

@CrewPotomac: RT @TeamUSA: Three-Time Olympic track champion Mal Whitfield passes away at 91. - 9 years ago

@yuugang: Mal Whitfield, Olympian and Tuskegee airman who served in Foreign Service, dies - 9 years ago

@whenpigsflyyy: RT @outofboundsmag: In Marvelous Mal Whitfield obit, @nytimes forgot call for Black athletes to protest Olympics. @loumoore12 didn't: https… - 9 years ago

@YMCHOI2: RT @USEmbassySeoul: Mal Whitfield, foreign service officer, Olympic gold medal winner and Korean war vet, passed away. - 9 years ago

@whenpigsflyyy: Mal Whitfield, Olympic Gold Medalist and Tuskegee Airman, Dies at 91 - 9 years ago

@ladytiamoyo: RT @rolandsmartin: Please extend condolences to Fredricka @FWhitfield for the passing of her dad, Olympic gold medalist Mal Whitifeld https… - 9 years ago

@jculture_en: #OlympicGames #SummerOlympics [Los Angeles Times]Whitfield, who earned the moniker “Marvelous Mal,” wen… - 9 years ago

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