Mart Kitaev, Soviet theatre set designer and folk artist., dies at age 94

Mart Kitaev (94)

Soviet theatre set designer and folk artist.

Syd Mead, American concept artist (Blade Runner, dies at age 86

Syd Mead (86)

American concept artist (Blade Runner

Norma Tanega, American singer-songwriter/painter/experimental musician, dies at age 80

Norma Tanega (80)

American singer-songwriter/painter/experimental musician

Tom Lyle, American comics artist (Starman, dies at age 66

Tom Lyle (66)

American comics artist (Starman

Philip Gips, American graphic designer and film poster artist (Alien, dies at age 88

Philip Gips (88)

American graphic designer and film poster artist (Alien

Bernd Rumpf, German voice actor and film-dubbing artist., dies at age 72

Bernd Rumpf (72)

German voice actor and film-dubbing artist.

Daniel Johnston, American singer-songwriter (

Daniel Johnston (58)

American singer-songwriter ("Walking the Cow") and visual artist

Wang Guodong, Chinese painter (official portraits of Mao Zedong on the Tiananmen)., dies at age 88

Wang Guodong (88)

Chinese painter (official portraits of Mao Zedong on the Tiananmen).

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