Chris Banks

American football player (Denver Broncos
Died on Wednesday April 9th 2014

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Dulcinea Langfelder

Tweets related to Chris Banks:

@Forthespacemen: RT @Londoneuro: @Chris_arnade @Frances_Coppola tbf as ex Lehman employee have to agree - German banks were the dumping ground ...

@Frances_Coppola: @Londoneuro @alberto88ca @bpseco @Chris_arnade It's all of them, except maybe the small co-op banks.

@Frances_Coppola: RT @Londoneuro: @Chris_arnade @Frances_Coppola tbf as ex Lehman employee have to agree - German banks were the dumping ground ...

@alberto88ca: RT @Frances_Coppola: @Chris_arnade Thanks!. I've been moaning on and on about German and Austrian banks for months now. What a heap of junk…


@chris_jardine: RT @Harryslaststand: #HSBC staff decimation won't stiffen #Osborne's spine b/c he's such a corp lap dog he'll surrender all to the banks h…

@Londoneuro: @Chris_arnade @Frances_Coppola prob was German banks didn't do risk mgt. legally obliged to buy AAA so as long as mortgage stuff was AAA ..

@bpseco: @Chris_arnade @Frances_Coppola EU also bailed out utterly bankrupt southern banks, often forgotten in that discussion .

@wtwfinance: #US Doesn't #Prosecute US #Banks? @lutzinvancouver @cascarano @Chris_E_Qld_Au @Mick_Peel @FayMortgageNews @nepocean

@Chris_arnade: @Frances_Coppola sad. EU bails out northern banks, transfer losses to public, then tells them to play hardball with Greece. Sucks to borrow

@Londoneuro: @Chris_arnade @Frances_Coppola tbf as ex Lehman employee have to agree - German banks were the dumping ground ...

@N8rB3rt: RT @Frances_Coppola: @Chris_arnade Thanks!. I've been moaning on and on about German and Austrian banks for months now. What a heap of junk…

@drubald: RT @Frances_Coppola: @Chris_arnade yup. That would have been FAR better. Restructure banks, not countries.

@drubald: RT @Frances_Coppola: @Chris_arnade Thanks!. I've been moaning on and on about German and Austrian banks for months now. What a heap of junk…

@Chris_arnade: @Frances_Coppola yes. All the banks. But mainly northern ones. Hell, U.S. Also. I bet on convergence. Was the wave to surf.

@Frances_Coppola: @Chris_arnade not just German ones. Did you read my post about Latvia? Swedish banks and a Euro carry trade.....

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