Chaim Walder

Israeli rabbit and author
Died on Monday December 27th 2021

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Steve Jensen

Tweets related to Chaim Walder:

@allshiny: Next up. Chaim Walder was given the opportunity to be judged in this world, to defend himself or else take responsi… - 2 years ago

@darmo_l: RT @AlMonitor: The apparent suicide of author Chaim Walder as he faced accusations of sexual abuse could finally break the taboo around dis… - 2 years ago

@jimkhm: RT @AlMonitor: The apparent suicide of author Chaim Walder as he faced accusations of sexual abuse could finally break the taboo around dis… - 2 years ago

@KarolynBenger: Rebbetzin Tzipporah Heller's response to Chaim Walder is disturbing and shameful. The only response is sympathy f… - 2 years ago


@YiddishTweet: @SimchaWeisz @ShlomoFelber You can report the concept of sexual abuse, but as long you don't have factual evidence,… - 2 years ago

@glynmoody: RT @AlMonitor: The apparent suicide of author Chaim Walder as he faced accusations of sexual abuse could finally break the taboo around dis… - 2 years ago

@ActusPays: RT @AlMonitor: The apparent suicide of author Chaim Walder as he faced accusations of sexual abuse could finally break the taboo around dis… - 2 years ago

@AlMonitor: The apparent suicide of author Chaim Walder as he faced accusations of sexual abuse could finally break the taboo a… - 2 years ago

@Shloim: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Amid the mass misguided pity for serial child rapist Chaim Walder, Shifra Horowitz was murdered. But it was all of our… - 2 years ago

@LeonDuveen: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Amid the mass misguided pity for serial child rapist Chaim Walder, Shifra Horowitz was murdered. But it was all of our… - 2 years ago

@cultish613: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@freejewess: @FeldheimRejects A biography of Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@Nickidewbear: The chief rabbi is clearly sending mixed messages. - 2 years ago

@dan_wolpe: RT @Ravbaruch: This is a powerful public statement from a significant Orthodox rabbi that should be widely disseminated. Kol hakavod to @da… - 2 years ago

@Ravbaruch: This is a powerful public statement from a significant Orthodox rabbi that should be widely disseminated. Kol hakav… - 2 years ago

@liss_uma: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Amid the mass misguided pity for serial child rapist Chaim Walder, Shifra Horowitz was murdered. But it was all of our… - 2 years ago

@ShlomoFelber: @YiddishTweet @SimchaWeisz I googled the Gallagher story. OMG that you compare this to Chaim Walder and 22+ known victims. - 2 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Amid the mass misguided pity for serial child rapist Chaim Walder, Shifra Horowitz was murdered. But it was all of our… - 2 years ago

@drabetech: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Amid the mass misguided pity for serial child rapist Chaim Walder, Shifra Horowitz was murdered. But it was all of our… - 2 years ago

@yudel: RT @MiriamMoster: A Gerrer Hasid had a smartphone. Chaim Walder molested children. A Hasid wanted to divorce his wife and remarry a differe… - 2 years ago

@duderrave: RT @MiriamMoster: A Gerrer Hasid had a smartphone. Chaim Walder molested children. A Hasid wanted to divorce his wife and remarry a differe… - 2 years ago

@CJPIsrael: In response to the unusual turn the case against Chaim Walder has taken, activists handed out flyers with messages… - 2 years ago

@rabbidkraus: deeply troubled by this read by a women whom I've met and had come to admire from a distance. What does she imply… - 2 years ago

@benwaxman: @mendy_gruzman on Kann: Rav Chaim Kavyevski hasn't said a word about Chaim Walder. All the leaders' first response… - 2 years ago

@aldhirabi: RT @RabbiPoupko: My open letter to Rabbi Lopiansky regarding his Op-ed in @themishpacha, the Chaim Walder catastrophe, and shameful follow-… - 2 years ago

@KalmenBarkin3: @GanzAvi @wordpaley @bknwrabbi All you need to know is that if Lopianski’s proposed system was being implemented 8… - 2 years ago

@HannahLebovits: RT @abesilbe: This is a deliberately evasive editorial that does not mention Chaim Walder or sexual abuse even once, and then has the nerve… - 2 years ago

@abesilbe: This is a deliberately evasive editorial that does not mention Chaim Walder or sexual abuse even once, and then has… - 2 years ago

@religion_state: 'Harm can come from anyone, even the rabbi': How #Haredi schools are talking to kids about Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@religion_state: #ICYMI. Israel's chief rabbi expresses support for Chaim Walder's victims - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Stop selling Chaim Walder's books - opinion - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@IsaacSafier: Lashon harah killed Chaim Walder and that is amazing. - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: 'Harm can come from anyone, even the rabbi': How Haredi schools are talking to kids about Chaim Walder - Israel New… - 2 years ago

@religion_state: Since the allegations against Chaim Walder first appeared in November, the case has taken an unusual trajectory in… - 2 years ago

@ladyofthepond: RT @MiriamMoster: A Gerrer Hasid had a smartphone. Chaim Walder molested children. A Hasid wanted to divorce his wife and remarry a differe… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: RT @MiriamMoster: A Gerrer Hasid had a smartphone. Chaim Walder molested children. A Hasid wanted to divorce his wife and remarry a differe… - 2 years ago

@Illumination100: 'Harm can come from anyone, even the rabbi': How Haredi schools are talking to kids about Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@cultish613: RT @MiriamMoster: A Gerrer Hasid had a smartphone. Chaim Walder molested children. A Hasid wanted to divorce his wife and remarry a differe… - 2 years ago

@MiriamMoster: I created a digital game to highlight this hypocrisy in the way the Haredi establishment responded to Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@MiriamMoster: A Gerrer Hasid had a smartphone. Chaim Walder molested children. A Hasid wanted to divorce his wife and remarry a d… - 2 years ago

@SoulKhanCon: Slimy Crimes Stymie L' Chaim... (C) TM 2021-22 Quip by Mum's The Tummler ™ All Rites Reserved "Alleged victim of… - 2 years ago

@Livnatkris: RT @MordyGetz: Dear customers, It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that we will no longer carry the books of Chaim Walder in our s… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Thread by @Eli_Bitan explaining why Rabbi Tau is pro mass sex abuser Chaim Walder & against his victims? His long f… - 2 years ago

@MariaGa37703670: RT @sexy_apfel: Stop selling Chaim Walder's books - opinion - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@SeekTorahTruth: RT @AishGlobal: Aish Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yitchak Berkovits, one of the preeminent and most respected American poskim in Israel, conducted a Zo… - 2 years ago

@sexy_apfel: Stop selling Chaim Walder's books - opinion - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@dubib: RT @ZvikaKlein: A few members of the Rabbinic Assembly of America (RCA) decided to avoid participating a conversation with Israel's Chief R… - 2 years ago

@AndreainIsrael: You may be sickened to learn as many are destroying Chaim Walder’s books, they are still freely available to buy on… - 2 years ago

@daviddez: @religion_state Chaim Walder scandal reflects lack of honesty in haredi leaders - opinion - 2 years ago

@DanFreddy90: RT @AishGlobal: Aish Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yitchak Berkovits, one of the preeminent and most respected American poskim in Israel, conducted a Zo… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: My open letter to Rabbi Lopiansky regarding his Op-ed in @themishpacha, the Chaim Walder catastrophe, and shameful… - 2 years ago

@stevenburg: RT @AishGlobal: Aish Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yitchak Berkovits, one of the preeminent and most respected American poskim in Israel, conducted a Zo… - 2 years ago

@italy_rocks: - 2 years ago

@allshiny: It was a victory to even get these publications to acknowledge the Chaim Walder case. But this response has SO MUCH… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: @shaynamalka @HannahLebovits chaim walder was the media he broke the story himself from admitting on tape that he w… - 2 years ago

@zhangyouruo: 当地时间12月27日下午,身背二十余位受害者性侵指控的犹太拉比哈因姆·瓦勒德尔(Chaim Walder)只身来到以色列中部Petah Tikva市公共墓地,在自己儿子的墓碑旁开枪自杀身亡。殁年53岁的哈因姆除了曾担任宗教职务,还… - 2 years ago

@roylewi62398040: Giving Religion a Bad Name. Here is a good example. It won’t be the last… - 2 years ago

@SandyR64549199: RT @SandyR64549199: 'Harm can come from anyone, even the rabbi': How Haredi schools are talking to kids about Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@SandyR64549199: 'Harm can come from anyone, even the rabbi': How Haredi schools are talking to kids about Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@abrjacobson: @AbeGoldberg3 @Chusidel @Ami_Magazine You are distorting what happened. Chaim Walder refused to come to Beis Din T… - 2 years ago

@DemocraticLuntz: @ayilbasvach @MonseyDev @alexfleksher Every Modox person knows Chaim Walder as “that guy that got mentioned in Shtisel” - 2 years ago

@ayilbasvach: @DemocraticLuntz @MonseyDev @alexfleksher He was not a Jewish celebrity...a person people knew since… - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: Here is a good fair lecture about Chaim Walder. I don't always see eye to eye with this Rabbi but I support that he… - 2 years ago

@pokey010: RT @ZvikaKlein: A few members of the Rabbinic Assembly of America (RCA) decided to avoid participating a conversation with Israel's Chief R… - 2 years ago

@rabbidkraus: ****"We are held accountable for both our actions and our inactions. We therefore need to speak about the issues th… - 2 years ago

@behindtcounter: Once again, Rav Aharon Lopiansky does the heavy lifting in his response to the Chaim Walder debacle. @themishpacha - 2 years ago

@YourJudaism: RT @AishGlobal: Aish Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yitchak Berkovits, one of the preeminent and most respected American poskim in Israel, conducted a Zo… - 2 years ago

@AishGlobal: Aish Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yitchak Berkovits, one of the preeminent and most respected American poskim in Israel, conduc… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: @StamfHillBilly Your greater point is well on target; But just to set the record straight Rabbi Sillman & Rabbi Ros… - 2 years ago

@ruskicouch: RT @dzkalman: It's surreal watching the Emma Watson nonsense and the Chaim Walder realness playing out the same time. Incredible lesson on… - 2 years ago

@hsk2: RT @pinidunner: As if we needed proof that the reaction to Chaim Walder's death by too many in his world is toxic on every level, this twee… - 2 years ago

@ZvikaKlein: A few members of the Rabbinic Assembly of America (RCA) decided to avoid participating a conversation with Israel's… - 2 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Although discussions are taking place about what to do with Chaim Walder’s books, there is consensus that they have no… - 2 years ago

@dzkalman: It's surreal watching the Emma Watson nonsense and the Chaim Walder realness playing out the same time. Incredible… - 2 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: On everything from Chaim Walder and standing up for victims of sexual abuse to @gantzbe's meeting with Mahmoud Abbas an… - 2 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: 'Harm can come from anyone, even the rabbi': How Haredi schools are talking to kids about Chaim Walder: One teacher… - 2 years ago

@MenuchaZ: (Complete with a vomit-worthy paragraph on victim blaming. If his victims hadn't let themselves be alone with Chaim… - 2 years ago

@MenuchaZ: Hey @YourJudaism wanted to make sure that you're fully aware of Tziporah Heller's vile post cautioning us not to ju… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: On everything from Chaim Walder and standing up for victims of sexual abuse to @gantzbe's meeting with Mahmoud Abba… - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: 'Harm can come from anyone, even the rabbi': How Haredi schools are talking to kids about Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Although discussions are taking place about what to do with Chaim Walder’s books, there is consensus that they have… - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: 'Harm Can Come From Anyone, Even the Rabbi': How Haredi Schools Are Talking to Kids About Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@allshiny: RT @wordpaley: When there are STILL big rabbis and rebbetzins saying that Loshon Hora killed Chaim Walder, that he simply “lost his balance… - 2 years ago

@ESPASAMERIDA: Big Bird, Chaim Walder, and the power of nuance - 2 years ago

@NachumSegalNet: Nachum hosted Rabbi Yakov Horowitz on this morning’s JM in the AM to discuss the Chaim Walder case, its aftermath a… - 2 years ago

@hd41321508: @ifyoutickleus By the way - it seems Chaim Walder wrote part of Shtisel so you may be onto something - unsubscribe… - 2 years ago

@wordpaley: @PYMundGenealogy It was a poorly worded tweet. My question should have read: how will they know *the whole truth* a… - 2 years ago

@rafi_dot_net: please don't take even a fraction of this thread to be apologia for Chaim Walder or those who would silence his vic… - 2 years ago

@Bertilak3: RT @DYShor: Orthodox publications are CLEAN. They didn’t denounce Jeffery Epstein. They don’t need to denounce Chaim Walder. The Bais… - 2 years ago

@talklinenetwork: Talkline with Zev Brenner on The Chaim Walder Story's Tragic consequences with Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of Passa… - 2 years ago

@jdforward: Frustrated by haredi leaders, Orthodox activists push for stronger response to sexual abuse, via @JTAnews: - 2 years ago

@wordpaley: When there are STILL big rabbis and rebbetzins saying that Loshon Hora killed Chaim Walder, that he simply “lost hi… - 2 years ago

@wordpaley: These guys know better. They know many, if not most, people in their communities don’t have social media. Some don’… - 2 years ago

@LexieB2: RT @2Bistheanswer: When the harshest words in your post about a serial sexual abuser is for the journalist that brought it to light, When… - 2 years ago

@MacroDistress: RT @Jerusalem_Post: After Chaim Walder died by suicide after being accused by numerous children and young women of sexual abuse, Orthodox a… - 2 years ago

@BoozyBlair: RT @Jerusalem_Post: After Chaim Walder died by suicide after being accused by numerous children and young women of sexual abuse, Orthodox a… - 2 years ago

@unorthoboxed: If you are Jewish, you've probably heard about Chaim Walder who was accused by over 20 people of abuse and then com… - 2 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Orthodox activists push for stronger response to sexual abuse: Since the allegations against Chaim Walder first app… - 2 years ago

@anakjohortakut: RT @Jerusalem_Post: After Chaim Walder died by suicide after being accused by numerous children and young women of sexual abuse, Orthodox a… - 2 years ago

@liss_uma: RT @Jerusalem_Post: After Chaim Walder died by suicide after being accused by numerous children and young women of sexual abuse, Orthodox a… - 2 years ago

@PosenIzzy: @AhinAher Yes. Everyone knows someone who is a victim or an offender. It is in the thousands for sure. See this art… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: After Chaim Walder died by suicide after being accused by numerous children and young women of sexual abuse, Orthod… - 2 years ago

@jewishfilmorg: Frustrated by haredi leaders, Orthodox activists push for stronger response to sexual abuse - 2 years ago

@TheForwardFeed: Frustrated by haredi leaders, Orthodox activists push for stronger response to sexual abuse - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: @YehudisG somebody very smart on my twitter feed liked a comment that it's mind boggling how the world & jewish med… - 2 years ago

@talklinenetwork: Talkline with Zev Brenner on The Chaim Walder Story's Tragic consequences with Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eiseman of Passai… - 2 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: On the same day that Israeli news outlets reported on Chaim Walder’s apparent suicide, they were filled with other stor… - 2 years ago

@LuisMartinLP: RT @JComm_NewsFeeds: Chaim Walder scandal reflects lack of honesty in haredi leaders - opinion: How can we understand the contradiction of… - 2 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Chaim Walder scandal reflects lack of honesty in haredi leaders - opinion: How can we understand the contradiction… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: On the same day that Israeli news outlets reported on Chaim Walder’s apparent suicide, they were filled with other… - 2 years ago

@allshiny: @Christo_Gnarus @wordpaley Without even clicking, men killing themselves doesn’t prove your assertions that a) MeTo… - 2 years ago

@prakatan3: @JewishChron Nothing on Chaim Walder since 14th November. Keep up @JewishChron. - 2 years ago

@etweetter: What can one say without sounding and being accused of antisemitism? The rabbis are trying to rehabilitate Chaim W… - 2 years ago

@CraigTinsky: Aaron Teitelbaum: Don’t you agree that Chaim Walder should have just admitted his crimes in that note? It is the mo… - 2 years ago

@joeschefter: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @2Bistheanswer: When the harshest words in your post about a serial sexual abuser is for the journalist that brought it to light, When… - 2 years ago

@allshiny: RT @HareianiBlog: In which I'm interviewed by Karen Koren about sexual abuse prevalence in the Orthodox community, prevention, proper repor… - 2 years ago

@edenwerba: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@ESPASAMERIDA: Rav Itzjak Berkovits sobre Chaim Walder: 'Narcisismo en su máxima expresión' - 2 years ago

@canadiancharity: After attending shiva of accused abuser Chaim Walder, Israel’s chief rabbi calls for victims of abuse to come forwa… - 2 years ago

@moshekoval: @bobbyj79621105 @RabbiPoupko @pinidunner This suicide was directly the result of Chaim walder - 2 years ago

@AbbyChavaStein: RT @2Bistheanswer: When the harshest words in your post about a serial sexual abuser is for the journalist that brought it to light, When… - 2 years ago

@TheCJN: What happens when our spiritual leaders betray us? Rabbi Daniel Korobkin on the issues surrounding Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@nmoster: RT @2Bistheanswer: When the harshest words in your post about a serial sexual abuser is for the journalist that brought it to light, When… - 2 years ago

@jeremyleibler: RT @LeiblerMark: Chaim Walder scandal reflects lack of honesty in haredi leaders -opinion - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@talklinenetwork: Jewish American Moments- Micah Halpern, Amb Danny Danon, Chaim Walder Fallout, Elie Katz-Teaneck Tidibts on Talklin… - 2 years ago

@LeiblerMark: Chaim Walder scandal reflects lack of honesty in haredi leaders -opinion - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@DanielEFogel: RT @YosefRapaport: Chaim Walder suicide and what to do with his books. She speaks for me. - 2 years ago

@CCarnow: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@FAApartheid: Israel's chief rabbi expresses support for Chaim Walder's victims - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@Nakam1492: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@AtheismPlaza: Chaim Walder scandal reflects lack of honesty in haredi leaders -opinion - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@muzzleme22: RT @2Bistheanswer: When the harshest words in your post about a serial sexual abuser is for the journalist that brought it to light, When… - 2 years ago

@shelley_english: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@BCaleb46: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@RavJesseHorn: RT @alexfleksher: Each time I see rabbonim speaking so strongly and candidly about the CW case I want to cheer. - 2 years ago

@Atheismwatch: Chaim Walder scandal reflects lack of honesty in haredi leaders -opinion - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@PourqoisPas: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Chaim Walder was the victim of nothing but the consequences of the actions he was accused of. Shifra Yocheved Horovitz… - 2 years ago

@laci_bacsi: The rabbis are trying to rehabilitate Chaim Walder's image. Here's why they will fail - Israel News… - 2 years ago

@devbak01: RT @2Bistheanswer: When the harshest words in your post about a serial sexual abuser is for the journalist that brought it to light, When… - 2 years ago

@AtheismPlaza: Chaim Walder scandal reflects lack of honesty in haredi leaders -opinion - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@BL84502343: Neturei Karta's official response to the Chaim Walder story is in. Man these guys speak and write with rage... - 2 years ago

@JimmyPlankRoad: RT @Jerusalem_Post: What sets the Chaim Walder case apart is the appalling reaction of some haredi leaders who have both protected the lie… - 2 years ago

@JerusalemWN: Sexual abuse exists in the religious community, which must stop hiding it Suicide of suspect Chaim Walder was but t… - 2 years ago

@2Bistheanswer: When the harshest words in your post about a serial sexual abuser is for the journalist that brought it to light,… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: What sets the Chaim Walder case apart is the appalling reaction of some haredi leaders who have both protected the… - 2 years ago

@nuestoyou: After attending shiva of accused abuser Chaim Walder, Israel’s chief r - 2 years ago

@liliacorr: Creo que después de una hora mi psicóloga no entendió por qué estoy traumada con el suicidio de Chaim walder. - 2 years ago

@skjask: Let's be honest, says @hila_hassan_lef if a "forum Haredi" was formed 6 months ago, Chaim Walder would have been at… - 2 years ago

@Ehrliche_Yid: RT @YosefRapaport: Chaim Walder suicide and what to do with his books. She speaks for me. - 2 years ago

@HannahLebovits: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@PikachuJew: RT @YosefRapaport: Chaim Walder suicide and what to do with his books. She speaks for me. - 2 years ago

@neligertner: RT @ifyoutickleus: The Chaim Walder scandal is a story with no heroes and a villain who's one of our own. Centuries of censored and sanitis… - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@yankyashe: @ifyoutickleus Charedi leaders are planning the set up a “special Beit Din” to investigate such future cases. Of co… - 2 years ago

@ifyoutickleus: The Chaim Walder scandal is a story with no heroes and a villain who's one of our own. Centuries of censored and sa… - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: Sexual abuse exists in the religious community, stop hiding it. And just in case anyone is still confused: Chaim Wa… - 2 years ago

@HannahLebovits: RT @HareianiBlog: In which I'm interviewed by Karen Koren about sexual abuse prevalence in the Orthodox community, prevention, proper repor… - 2 years ago

@ArutzSheva_En: Rabbi Rafi Feuerstein,chairman of Tzohar, removes writings of Rabbi Tau after he claims that Chaim Walder accusatio… - 2 years ago

@jewishstudent1: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@project1enigma: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@YehudisFletcher: RT @pinidunner: Someone messaged me "at least leading rabbis are backing down and admitting that Chaim Walder was guilty." Are you kidding… - 2 years ago

@JeffreyWoolf: YUTorah Online - Can We Keep and Use Books Written by Chaim Walder and his Ilk? (Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Woolf) - 2 years ago

@religion_state: As men training to assume positions of power in a patriarchal community, the idea that allegations from women in pa… - 2 years ago

@religion_state: #ICYMI. Chief Rabbi Lau visits shiva of alleged rapist Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@frumfollies: RT @JClickbaited: @EzraFriedlander Ezra, as if when @RealYated writes Zt''l (memory of the righteous blessed) on Chaim Walder is 'Clean'...… - 2 years ago

@jewishstudent1: @Kerestear @Joelmpetlin @chaim89 @HaMeturgeman @themishpacha The court case was before printing. Nice try anyway.… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: Israel's chief rabbi expresses support for Chaim Walder's victims - 2 years ago

@religion_state: #ICYMI. @AnshelPfeffer: The attempt to posthumously rehabilitate Walder and ignore his victims is already failing,… - 2 years ago

@religion_state: Israel's chief rabbi expresses support for Chaim Walder's victims - 2 years ago

@religion_state: #ICYMI. Alleged victim of Chaim Walder dies in apparent suicide, days after he takes own life - 2 years ago

@religion_state: It was as if they could not and would not believe Walder’s victims, because in this story they identified more with… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: @HannahLebovits @themishpacha @HamodiaUS @avitalrachel @MordyGetz @Avigayil_H @MeyerLabin Contacted @RealYated that… - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: RT @YosefRapaport: Chaim Walder suicide and what to do with his books. She speaks for me. - 2 years ago

@Hasidic_3: RT @YosefRapaport: Chaim Walder suicide and what to do with his books. She speaks for me. - 2 years ago

@YosefRapaport: Chaim Walder suicide and what to do with his books. She speaks for me. - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: RT @HareianiBlog: In which I'm interviewed by Karen Koren about sexual abuse prevalence in the Orthodox community, prevention, proper repor… - 2 years ago

@NoabatMiri: RT @HareianiBlog: In which I'm interviewed by Karen Koren about sexual abuse prevalence in the Orthodox community, prevention, proper repor… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Israel's chief rabbi expresses support for Chaim Walder's victims - Israel News - - 2 years ago

@JeffreyWoolf: Should we keep Chaim Walder's Books? @Avigayil_H - 2 years ago

@djbressler: RT @HareianiBlog: In which I'm interviewed by Karen Koren about sexual abuse prevalence in the Orthodox community, prevention, proper repor… - 2 years ago

@HareianiBlog: In which I'm interviewed by Karen Koren about sexual abuse prevalence in the Orthodox community, prevention, proper… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Simon Jacobson on Chaim Walder's Mass Sexual Abuse & Subsequent Suicides - MyLife Ep. 386: Abuse, Betrayal and Prot… - 2 years ago

@ArutzSheva_En: Rabbi Tzvi Tau, dean of Har HaMor Yeshiva, meets with chief rabbi of Tzfat following his criticism of handling of C… - 2 years ago

@AtlantoCeltica: - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: "These harms exist on many levels in society, and the cry of the victims whose souls are murdered cries out to us" - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: After Chaim Walder's death, Jewish orgs. offer support for abuse victims - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: Whether or not Rabbi Jacobson is your “flavor” of Judaism,(Orange Jews, Apple Jews…(chill-making an inoffensive tin… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: MAILBAG: Don't Embarrass Me: The Chaim Walder Mass Sexual Abuse Suicides - The Yeshiva World - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: @EzraFriedlander Ezra, as if when @RealYated writes Zt''l (memory of the righteous blessed) on Chaim Walder is 'Cle… - 2 years ago

@ahmadlotfy198: RT @haaretzcom: "My heart goes out to the victims," says Rabbi David Lau amid criticism over his visit to Chaim Walder's shivah despite the… - 2 years ago

@hd41321508: @ifyoutickleus Do you genuinely believe that Netflix is similar to a Chaim Walder book - I am not pro-keep - but to… - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: "My heart goes out to the victims," says Rabbi David Lau amid criticism over his visit to Chaim Walder's shivah des… - 2 years ago

@ShmuelEliyahu1: Rabbi Chaim Walder was gay. We suggested to him that he repair what he ruined, to ask forgiveness of the victims. T… - 2 years ago

@LeonGoldenberg1: WATCH: Rav Yitzchak Berkovits on Chaim Walder: ‘Narcissism at its Best’ - VINnews - 2 years ago

@meircohen1111: @prakatan3 @ifyoutickleus I thought this is the point they were trying to make (video attached in article). If not,… - 2 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @IsaacGalil Your tweet was quoted in an article by Haaretz - Jewish World - 2 years ago

@veryjackie: RT @yakovhorowitz: Fascinating interview with Rebbitzen Esti Hamilton about her video-that-went-viral, “Should I Get Rid of Chaim Walder’s… - 2 years ago

@yakovhorowitz: Fascinating interview with Rebbitzen Esti Hamilton about her video-that-went-viral, “Should I Get Rid of Chaim Wald… - 2 years ago

@Devorakhay: RT @alexfleksher: Each time I see rabbonim speaking so strongly and candidly about the CW case I want to cheer. - 2 years ago

@elizimm: @Big_Yitz @yoniChanowitz L'chaim on Walder's - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: RT @RabbiPoupko: I do not understand ANY discussion of removing Chaim Walder's books, when the greatest abuser in the history of North Amer… - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: RT @WhatsnuGm: Breaking-Whether or not Rabbi Jacobson is your “flavor” of Judaism, I ask you watch/listen to this outstanding, frank, compr… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: I do not understand ANY discussion of removing Chaim Walder's books, when the greatest abuser in the history of Nor… - 2 years ago

@MenachemV: It sickens me that people justify reading #chaim #walder’s books to their children. To be clear #chaimwalder was… - 2 years ago

@yona_stan: RT @alexfleksher: Each time I see rabbonim speaking so strongly and candidly about the CW case I want to cheer. - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: WATCH: Rav Yitzchak Berkovits on Chaim Walder: ‘Narcissism at its Best’ - VINnews - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: Breaking-Whether or not Rabbi Jacobson is your “flavor” of Judaism, I ask you watch/listen to this outstanding, fra… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: RT @RabbiPoupko: If you are upset by the way Yated Ne'eman has been glorifying infamous abuser Chaim Walder, you should probably contact th… - 2 years ago

@EcBirnbaum: RT @alexfleksher: Each time I see rabbonim speaking so strongly and candidly about the CW case I want to cheer. - 2 years ago

@Heisenfeldberg: RT @DYShor: Orthodox publications are CLEAN. They didn’t denounce Jeffery Epstein. They don’t need to denounce Chaim Walder. The Bais… - 2 years ago

@BenYehudaPress: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@findingholiness: In just over 24 hrs, my Shabbat Derasha on Chaim Walder has already surpassed the number of downloads over any of m… - 2 years ago

@the_real_TFB: Reading about the reaction to the Chaim Walder suicide, my only question is how does one go about reforming this: - 2 years ago

@DemocraticLuntz: Getting David Rosenthal to tweet in public a book with “Penis” on the cover while defending Charedi claims it would… - 2 years ago

@project1enigma: RT @shtickydude: To all who are so concerned about feeing bad for Chaim Walder’s family: Please notice there was not one word about his wi… - 2 years ago

@joshrfeldman: Too little too late - 2 years ago

@neligertner: RT @alexfleksher: Each time I see rabbonim speaking so strongly and candidly about the CW case I want to cheer. - 2 years ago

@project1enigma: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@project1enigma: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: Chaim Walder was granted Free Will. He chose to harden his heart. - 2 years ago

@StamfordHillie: RT @DYShor: Orthodox publications are CLEAN. They didn’t denounce Jeffery Epstein. They don’t need to denounce Chaim Walder. The Bais… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @RabbiPoupko: Many lessons to be learned from the aftermath of Chaim Walder's abuse. One of them? Sephardic rabbis have shown inspiri… - 2 years ago

@alexfleksher: Each time I see rabbonim speaking so strongly and candidly about the CW case I want to cheer. - 2 years ago

@FayeCoffey51: Big Bird, Chaim Walder, and the power of nuance - 2 years ago

@EliSchw27214516: RT @tchoooooo: Frum families will sit on the couch this shabbos and read these with a straight face. No mention of Chaim Walder or any atte… - 2 years ago

@VINNews: Rav Yitchak Berkovits, one of the preeminent and most respected American poskim in Israel, conducted a Zoom video c… - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: RT @ifyoutickleus: The kasheh is, what does Rav Wachsman have to say on Chaim Walder's books in a Yiddishe shtib? That's the kasheh. That's… - 2 years ago

@yakovhorowitz: Should I Get Rid of Chaim Walder’s Books? Outstanding Instagram Live by Rebbitzen Esti Hamilton - 2 years ago

@jewishstudent1: RT @Shmarya: Haredi Rabbi Zev Leff says banning or throwing out accused rapist and molester Chaim Walder’s books is wrong. Leff misstates h… - 2 years ago

@StamfordHillie: RT @shtickydude: To all who are so concerned about feeing bad for Chaim Walder’s family: Please notice there was not one word about his wi… - 2 years ago

@ifyoutickleus: The kasheh is, what does Rav Wachsman have to say on Chaim Walder's books in a Yiddishe shtib? That's the kasheh. T… - 2 years ago

@gershon_JP: Incredible -- Israeli TV doing a man-on-the-street about Chaim Walder happens across the head of Feldheim, Walder's… - 2 years ago

@DAZ_MEN_HNA: RT @Ruthanasia: Israel's chief rabbi expresses support for Chaim Walder's victims - Jewish World - - 2 years ago

@Ruthanasia: Israel's chief rabbi expresses support for Chaim Walder's victims - Jewish World - - 2 years ago

@Deeeviouss: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@Wordsmith_Manda: It's a bit ironic that even Chaim Walder's initials tell you "Content Warning" - 2 years ago

@kweansmom: Am I a bad Jewish mom because I never had Chaim Walder books in my house to begin with? - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: Haredi Rabbi Zev Leff says banning or throwing out accused rapist and molester Chaim Walder’s books is wrong. Leff… - 2 years ago

@hannahofhameln: @MeyerLabin @Feldheim The very ambivalent thing he said about Chaim Walder being the face of the community was fasc… - 2 years ago

@LahavHarkov: RT @JeffreyWoolf: Over Shabbat, I spent time looking into the question of whether people should remove the books of Chaim Walder from their… - 2 years ago

@DYShor: Orthodox publications are CLEAN. They didn’t denounce Jeffery Epstein. They don’t need to denounce Chaim Walder.… - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: 'My heart goes out to the victims [of Chaim Walder],' Israel's Chief Rabbi David Lau says amid criticism over his v… - 2 years ago

@IsaacGalil: RT @ReciteSocial: @IsaacGalil Your tweet was quoted in an article by Haaretz - Jewish World - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Chaim Walder was the victim of nothing but the consequences of the actions he was accused of. Shifra Yocheved Horov… - 2 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @IsaacGalil Your tweet was quoted in an article by Haaretz - Jewish World - 2 years ago

@MrBabbies: RT @Jerusalem_Post: On everything from Israel's Chief Rabbi David Lau and the Chaim Walder rape scandal in the haredi community to New Year… - 2 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Israel's chief rabbi expresses support for Chaim Walder's victims: 'My heart goes out to the victims,' Rabbi David… - 2 years ago

@ameckeco: RT @haaretzcom: Israel's chief rabbi expresses support for Chaim Walder's victims - 2 years ago

@filhoeterno12: RT @Jerusalem_Post: On everything from Israel's Chief Rabbi David Lau and the Chaim Walder rape scandal in the haredi community to New Year… - 2 years ago

@Noahmischphotos: RT @Jerusalem_Post: On everything from Israel's Chief Rabbi David Lau and the Chaim Walder rape scandal in the haredi community to New Year… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: On everything from Israel's Chief Rabbi David Lau and the Chaim Walder rape scandal in the haredi community to New… - 2 years ago

@nicocoer: RT @jdforward: "There is an obligation to complain to the authorities in charge of these issues, and not hide it,” said Rabbi David Lau.… - 2 years ago

@jdforward: "There is an obligation to complain to the authorities in charge of these issues, and not hide it,” said Rabbi Davi… - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: Israel's chief rabbi expresses support for Chaim Walder's victims - 2 years ago

@cauchiphilippe: RT @RabbiPoupko: Many lessons to be learned from the aftermath of Chaim Walder's abuse. One of them? Sephardic rabbis have shown inspiri… - 2 years ago

@benwaxman: Akiva Weiss on Kann: Shira Horiwitz was terrified to say the name "Chaim Walder". - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: Many lessons to be learned from the aftermath of Chaim Walder's abuse. One of them? Sephardic rabbis have shown… - 2 years ago

@AbbottKatz: @themishpacha See - 2 years ago

@stammaite: Incredibly, the Chaim Walder saga has resulted in more denigration of orthodox Judaism and Jews than it has of sexu… - 2 years ago

@Edwin6545: RT @VoiCSA1: This is the second high profile ultra-Orthodox leader who was accused of sexual abuse by countless victims/survivors to have f… - 2 years ago

@mweinraub87: RT @MordyGetz: Dear customers, It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that we will no longer carry the books of Chaim Walder in our s… - 2 years ago

@shtickydude: To all who are so concerned about feeing bad for Chaim Walder’s family: Please notice there was not one word about… - 2 years ago

@devbak01: RT @Doc_RPS: Thank you to @hannahofhameln for sharing this with me, showing one of our contemporary teachers of Tanakh engaging with exactl… - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: He missed the boat by not saying straight out in the letter that Chaim Walder was a serial rapist - 2 years ago

@ShlomoArgamon: RT @dakatzin: Big Bird, Chaim Walder, and the power of nuance - 2 years ago

@JeffreyWoolf: RT @dakatzin: Big Bird, Chaim Walder, and the power of nuance - 2 years ago

@StopBDS_PSFC: RT @dakatzin: Big Bird, Chaim Walder, and the power of nuance - 2 years ago

@shanak10: RT @shabboshouse: Very quiet Shabbat our 1st with family alone at home in maybe 1/2 year. Was a good time to discuss Chaim Walder saga with… - 2 years ago

@shabboshouse: Very quiet Shabbat our 1st with family alone at home in maybe 1/2 year. Was a good time to discuss Chaim Walder sag… - 2 years ago

@religion_state: After attending shiva of accused abuser Chaim Walder, #Israel's chief rabbi calls for victims of abuse to come forw… - 2 years ago

@brenderschindla: @lindastvpicks TW: sexual assault and suicide Chaim Walder was a predator and the author of Kids Speak, series fo… - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: There are plenty Rabanim from the top that knew about Chaim Walder YM"S (I myself know one who gave his own testimo… - 2 years ago

@OnlyInSouthFL: Alleged victim of Chaim Walder dies in apparent suicide, days after he takes own life - 2 years ago

@hannahofhameln: @frumfollies @ladyofthepond Well that traces back to the gemara, as Yael Leibowitz noted in her excellent article - 2 years ago

@RabbiWelton: Powerful Letter from Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of Passaic about the Chaim Walder Case - VINnews - 2 years ago

@jwb1216: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community fo… - 2 years ago

@jonashstn: RT @JewishCoffeeH: The Chaim Walder situation has raised new questions and created new concerns for parents. Please listen to this discussi… - 2 years ago

@TheBroadwayWiz: RT @TheFinancialDi2: Haredi author Chaim Walder was a master storyteller who crushed his victims’ right to tell their own stories of his al… - 2 years ago

@TheFinancialDi2: Haredi author Chaim Walder was a master storyteller who crushed his victims’ right to tell their own stories of his… - 2 years ago

@ruinofzimbabwee: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community fo… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Several major Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox communit… - 2 years ago

@frumfollies: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: Chaim Walder was granted Free Will. He chose to harden his heart. - 2 years ago

@Doc_RPS: Thank you to @hannahofhameln for sharing this with me, showing one of our contemporary teachers of Tanakh engaging… - 2 years ago

@hannahofhameln: @Doc_RPS Yael Leibowitz wrote a great piece on exactly this in relation to Chaim Walder- don't know if you saw it b… - 2 years ago

@MiriamSafta: Great blog Wonderful analogy.. Big Bird, Chaim Walder, and the power of nuance | Yael Leibowitz | The Blogs - 2 years ago

@Andres_Merari_G: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major #Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community f… - 2 years ago

@JeffreyWoolf: Over Shabbat, I spent time looking into the question of whether people should remove the books of Chaim Walder from… - 2 years ago

@AntiRepublique: L'auteur et éducateur haredi Chaim Walder a été retrouvé mort, ce qui ressemble visiblement à un suicide. Walder fa… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: Chaim Walder was granted Free Will. He chose to harden his heart. - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @talklinenetwork: The Final Chapter of the Chaim Walder Story- Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eiseman, Dr. Patricia Attias, Meyer Labin on Talkline… - 2 years ago

@Plus61J: Accused of sexual abuse, Chaim Walder’s recent suicide robbed his victims of the right to tell their stories, whlis… - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: Big Bird, Chaim Walder, and the power of nuance - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: Big Bird, Chaim Walder, and the power of nuance - 2 years ago

@MenachemV: .@Jerusalem_Post is calling for #Rabbi #Lau - #Israel’s #Chief #Rabbi - to #resign 4 standing with family of alleg… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: RT @talklinenetwork: The Final Chapter of the Chaim Walder Story- Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eiseman, Dr. Patricia Attias, Meyer Labin on Talkline… - 2 years ago

@pibevigil7: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major #Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community f… - 2 years ago

@MeyerLabin: RT @talklinenetwork: The Final Chapter of the Chaim Walder Story- Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eiseman, Dr. Patricia Attias, Meyer Labin on Talkline… - 2 years ago

@yechields: I speculate that most of my shul was not familiar with Chaim Walder until this week. It is easy for us to say that… - 2 years ago

@MGlazerson: THE REAL STORY OF CHAIM WALDER IN BIBLE CODE Matityahu Glazerson - 2 years ago

@talklinenetwork: The Final Chapter of the Chaim Walder Story- Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eiseman, Dr. Patricia Attias, Meyer Labin on Talkl… - 2 years ago

@Devorakhay: RT @YisraelMotzen: “But, but, how can I trust *anyone*?” This was the first question one of our children asked us after finding out about… - 2 years ago

@GhayasM73: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major #Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community f… - 2 years ago

@Romeu_MKUltra: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major #Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community f… - 2 years ago

@doutorandarilho: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major #Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community f… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Several major #Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox communi… - 2 years ago

@VINNews: In a stunning turnaround, Dovi Weinroth, Chaim Walder’s lawyer and personal confidant, appears to have backtracked… - 2 years ago

@Nakam1492: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: Chaim Walder was granted Free Will. He chose to harden his heart. - 2 years ago

@rabbikenbrodkin: Chaim Walder was granted Free Will. He chose to harden his heart. - 2 years ago

@BasMelechPenina: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@prof_dainy: RT @DavidRSelis: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: [email protected]. Especiall… - 2 years ago

@EcBirnbaum: RT @YisraelMotzen: “But, but, how can I trust *anyone*?” This was the first question one of our children asked us after finding out about… - 2 years ago

@NoabatMiri: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@DavidRSelis: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: [email protected]. Es… - 2 years ago

@Eilonwy24: RT @AkivaMCohen: The other day, I tweeted my outrage at an account, with the audacity to name themselves @TorahLectures, who was full of co… - 2 years ago

@frumfollies: If you have materials that are not online re Chaim Walder affair, please send them to David Selis who is collecting… - 2 years ago

@jewishstudent1: RT @YisraelMotzen: “But, but, how can I trust *anyone*?” This was the first question one of our children asked us after finding out about… - 2 years ago

@ZuckierShlomo: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: If you are upset by the way Yated Ne'eman has been glorifying infamous abuser Chaim Walder, you should probably con… - 2 years ago

@YisraelMotzen: “But, but, how can I trust *anyone*?” This was the first question one of our children asked us after finding out about Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@AkivaMCohen: The other day, I tweeted my outrage at an account, with the audacity to name themselves @TorahLectures, who was ful… - 2 years ago

@danielaanaelle: RT @shirasilkoff: Live footage of the Charedi press trying to figure out how to spin it so Chaim Walder is the victim in all this: - 2 years ago

@LEnvahis: Israël : Un scandale d’abus sexuels secoue la communauté ultra-orthodoxe - Accusé d’avoir a… - 2 years ago

@JeffreyWoolf: rabbi yy Jacobson - The Chaim Walder saga Time to.. - 2 years ago

@lillybellon13: RT @TFilastin: En Israël, un scandale d’abus sexuels secoue la communauté ultra-orthodoxe Accusé d’avoir agressé une vingtaine de personne… - 2 years ago

@NicholsonAlcen1: After Chaim Walder's death, Jewish orgs. offer support for abuse victims - 2 years ago

@YehudisG: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@Apikoros613: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@bobbyj79621105: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@mominisrael: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@NieuwsNu123: ‘Veel orthodoxe joden stoppen seksuele misbruikzaken niet meer in doofpot’. De orthodox-j… - 2 years ago

@YankeeCucks: Alleged victim of Chaim Walder dies in apparent suicide, days after he takes own life - 2 years ago

@Brahim71059459: RT @TFilastin: En Israël, un scandale d’abus sexuels secoue la communauté ultra-orthodoxe Accusé d’avoir agressé une vingtaine de personne… - 2 years ago

@TheSecondIsrael: Not a single word about what Walder have done (raping, harassment of 9 year old) and not a single word about the fa… - 2 years ago

@benavu54: Chaim Walder's last letter - 2 years ago

@Lamia2710: RT @TFilastin: En Israël, un scandale d’abus sexuels secoue la communauté ultra-orthodoxe Accusé d’avoir agressé une vingtaine de personne… - 2 years ago

@JennieBloom9: RT @JennieBloom9: The rabbis will try to rehabilitate Chaim Walder. Here's why they will fail - 2 years ago

@JennieBloom9: The rabbis will try to rehabilitate Chaim Walder. Here's why they will fail - 2 years ago

@Sanili34: RT @TFilastin: En Israël, un scandale d’abus sexuels secoue la communauté ultra-orthodoxe Accusé d’avoir agressé une vingtaine de personne… - 2 years ago

@kovnerism: RT @sephardiyahud: If I see anyone defending Chaim Walder, I will immediately block you. As someone who was sexually abused by my own cousi… - 2 years ago

@cwrujd: After attending shiva of accused abuser Chaim Walder, Israel’s chief rabbi calls for victims of abuse to come forwa… - 2 years ago

@frumawareness: @YumiLowy You work with Aaron Teitelbaum. It is questionable for you to speak about Chaim Walder as you profit from… - 2 years ago

@Curve124: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@AkselBen: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@DeedsWylie: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@AlanGoldsmith: RT @SamuelSokol: Media outlets and figures in the Haredi world keep saying ז״ל (a laudatory phrase meaning “may his memory be for a blessin… - 2 years ago

@four4thefire: RT @ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide" wr… - 2 years ago

@ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide"… - 2 years ago

@Thrownpeas: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@Gerre87008930: RT @TFilastin: En Israël, un scandale d’abus sexuels secoue la communauté ultra-orthodoxe Accusé d’avoir agressé une vingtaine de personne… - 2 years ago

@Faycedeloup: RT @TFilastin: En Israël, un scandale d’abus sexuels secoue la communauté ultra-orthodoxe Accusé d’avoir agressé une vingtaine de personne… - 2 years ago

@BeBraveMyLoves: RT @pesach_lattin: The Chaim Walder stories have taken its toll— not sure what it is, but I’ve barely slept in days having horrible flashba… - 2 years ago

@TFilastin: En Israël, un scandale d’abus sexuels secoue la communauté ultra-orthodoxe Accusé d’avoir agressé une vingtaine de… - 2 years ago

@Maladroithe: RT @DavidRSelis: Because someone needs to do it: I’ll be archiving orthodox responses to Chaim Walder. Please send materials to: jewishpoli… - 2 years ago

@pesach_lattin: RT @pesach_lattin: The Chaim Walder stories have taken its toll— not sure what it is, but I’ve barely slept in days having horrible flashba… - 2 years ago

@Bassaces1: RT @SamuelSokol: Israel’s Chief Ashkenazi rabbi paid condolences to the family of alleged serial pedophile Chaim Walder following Walder’s… - 2 years ago

@Bassaces1: RT @SamuelSokol: Media outlets and figures in the Haredi world keep saying ז״ל (a laudatory phrase meaning “may his memory be for a blessin… - 2 years ago

@Bassaces1: RT @SamuelSokol: Yeshiva World News doesn’t appear to have covered his suicide yet but their previous coverage seems pretty decent for Hare… - 2 years ago

@Bassaces1: RT @SamuelSokol: However, in a second story, it termed his suicide note a “moving letter.” (I can’t speak to the veracity of said note) htt… - 2 years ago


@justyesornope: @Briskerov what if its chaim walder - 2 years ago

@AkivaMCohen: @medved_bjj Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@AkivaMCohen: @AbeFromanSox Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@karlyjwhitaker: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@DeedsWylie: All of the schools and temples trying to silence duscussion on Chaim Walder [fuck him forever] are trash. Respect… - 2 years ago

@Seckin_Deniz: Hahambaşı David Lau, son zamanlarda düzinelerce genç kadın tarafından cinsel istismarla suçlanan ve bu hafta başlar… - 2 years ago

@SinkingCalifor1: Chaim Walder, an Israeli Haredi Orthodox children’s book author, who was accused last month of sexual abuse by seve… - 2 years ago

@hmptwn1: @HannahLebovits A lot of people felt betrayed by Chaim Walder yimakh shemo. Therefore, they are crying from shock t… - 2 years ago

@krveale: RT @ShoshanaKessock: CW: sexual assault, suicide Horrified to hear this morning about the suicide of Shifra Horowitz, one of the survivors… - 2 years ago

@impactfulcoach: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln T… - 2 years ago

@meitalabraham: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: The Torah commands us to "destroy the evil from your midst." Although Chaim Walder was not brought to accountability… - 2 years ago

@jay33penn: How anyone is able to justify in their heads that it's ok to be sexual with a child is a fucking mystery and distur… - 2 years ago

@SollyGR: - 2 years ago

@shtickydude: To everyone who attended Chaim Walder’s funeral - after your 120 you will end up being with him as well. - 2 years ago

@Moshe_Kurtz: Rabbi Ezra Y. Schwartz's points resonated deeply with me. The only regrettable outcome of this decision is that we… - 2 years ago

@sippikj: This is a powerful piece. - 2 years ago

@Wisdom92i: RT @Khaltibesara: A gauche l'enterrement de Chaim Walder, un auteur ultra-orthodoxe pour enfants accusé d'avoir abusé sexuellement de femme… - 2 years ago

@avishaiw: Catching up on the Chaim Walder thing. May his victims be believed and supported, may Shifra Yocheved Horovitz’s m… - 2 years ago

@adamrosenesq: @GilStudent I disagree with the proposition that publication of accusations against Chaim Walder is “public shaming… - 2 years ago

@dev___id: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@ezekopel: @mafaldachan Acá temes toda la historia que está lejos de terminar - 2 years ago

@crim: RT @ShoshanaKessock: CW: sexual assault, suicide Horrified to hear this morning about the suicide of Shifra Horowitz, one of the survivors… - 2 years ago

@mtutty16: RT @pinidunner: I was reluctant to write about Chaim Walder because it has been hard for me to control my emotions regarding this explosive… - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @shlomokook Chaim Walder was a suspected rapist and serial sex offender who killed himself to avoid investigation a… - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @realhasidic Chaim Walder was a suspected rapist and serial sex offender who killed himself to avoid investigation and trial. - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @YWN Chaim Walder was a suspected rapist and serial sex offender who killed himself to avoid investigation and trial. - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Facebook post of Haredi lawyer Dovi Weinroth friend of Chaim Walder who repents that he badmouthed Chaim Walder's s… - 2 years ago

@MPPoinssot: RT @Thierry_PELTIER: @memoiretrauma @lemondefr - 2 years ago

@BradleyQ271: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@AlvinPrima9: RT @RabbiPoupko: I'm very proud to be a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and see the strong statement it had made in support of… - 2 years ago

@tzippele: RT @ifyoutickleus: "It is permissable and an obligation to report abuse to civil authorities" - @FederationUK Rav Zimmerman on the Chaim Wa… - 2 years ago

@aldhirabi: RT @RabbiPoupko: I'm very proud to be a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and see the strong statement it had made in support of… - 2 years ago

@dan72ros: This Rabbi married me to my now ex-wife and is one of the most amazing persons I've met, who also happens to be a r… - 2 years ago

@LiberJimenez: RT @Itongadol: Se suicidó una joven que había denunciado por abuso al escritor haredí #ChaimWalder #Israel - 2 years ago

@four4thefire: RT @ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide" wr… - 2 years ago

@Itongadol: Se suicidó una joven que había denunciado por abuso al escritor haredí #ChaimWalder #Israel - 2 years ago

@AgenciaAJN: Alleged victim of #ChaimWalder dies in apparent suicide - 2 years ago

@AgenciaAJN: Se suicidó una joven que había denunciado por abuso al escritor religioso #ChaimWalder #Israel #jewish Ver nota - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: After Attending Shiva Of Accused Abuser Chaim Walder, Israel’s Chief Rabbi Calls For Victims Of Abuse To Come Forwa… - 2 years ago

@DuvidKetzels: @DiaryOtdGirl @ifyoutickleus Chaim Walder was a children's author, (thankfully) not a Rabbi. - 2 years ago

@Tomboy_Taylor: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@Perestroika85: @jjhavemann - 2 years ago

@ronkutas: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide"… - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: rabbi yy Jacobson - The Chaim Walder saga Time to.. - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: Rabbi YY Jacobson: Chaim Walder & the Cover-Ups in Our Communities - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: RT @RabbiPoupko: I'm very proud to be a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and see the strong statement it had made in support of… - 2 years ago

@IsraelTechLaw: שיעור מצוין. כמו כן הנה שיעורו באנגלית שהקדיש לנושא וקיבל התייחסות משמעותית ומעמיקה: בכו… - 2 years ago

@Bertilak3: After Chaim Walder's death, Jewish orgs. offer support for abuse victims - 2 years ago

@memoiretrauma: RT @Thierry_PELTIER: @memoiretrauma @lemondefr - 2 years ago

@hirsh_tveria: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@sephardiyahud: RT @ElishevaAvital: I’ve known Rabbi Eisenman well since I was a kid, and he has never once disappointed me. - 2 years ago

@sephardiyahud: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@VirtuosaViva: @sephardiyahud Who is Chaim Walder? - 2 years ago

@EnLiEretzAheret: RT @sephardiyahud: If I see anyone defending Chaim Walder, I will immediately block you. As someone who was sexually abused by my own cousi… - 2 years ago

@sephardiyahud: If I see anyone defending Chaim Walder, I will immediately block you. As someone who was sexually abused by my own… - 2 years ago

@IsraildenKisa: Hakkında çocuk istismarı, cinsel taciz ve tecavüz suçlamaları bulunan dindar haham Chaim Walder, geçtiğimiz hafta i… - 2 years ago

@AaronReich: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community fo… - 2 years ago

@judysilkoff: RT @ifyoutickleus: "It is permissable and an obligation to report abuse to civil authorities" - @FederationUK Rav Zimmerman on the Chaim Wa… - 2 years ago

@TheShadowComp: 'A young woman who was said to have been an alleged victim of sexual abuse at the hands of Haredi author Chaim Wald… - 2 years ago

@Lana_Macondo: RT @yosgold: "Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel David Lau made the effort to comfort Chaim Walder's family. Will he also bother to comfort th… - 2 years ago

@drinkaIInight: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@Lana_Macondo: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@benwaxman: Rav David Giami, a rav in Har Hamor: Rav Tau said to publicize that Chaim Walder is being liabled. It's all a lie. - 2 years ago

@EINReligionNews: After Chaim Walder's death, Jewish orgs․ offer support for abuse victims - 2 years ago

@ifyoutickleus: "It is permissable and an obligation to report abuse to civil authorities" - @FederationUK Rav Zimmerman on the Cha… - 2 years ago

@yidpundit: RT @ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide" wr… - 2 years ago

@ImaPizi: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@rosemar39457764: RT @Thierry_PELTIER: @memoiretrauma @lemondefr - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: “…In the UK, convicted sex offender Mendy Levy served half his sentence in prison and was released to spend the oth… - 2 years ago

@JPFabricate: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community fo… - 2 years ago

@Thierry_PELTIER: @memoiretrauma @lemondefr - 2 years ago

@HiltzikStrat: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community fo… - 2 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Several major Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox community fo… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Several major Jewish organizations have come out in support of victims of sexual abuse within the Orthodox communit… - 2 years ago

@ParentSecurity: Author Chaim Walder, accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide | #childabuse | #children | #kids - 2 years ago

@GregoryDEvans: Author Chaim Walder, accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide | #childabuse | #children | #kids - 2 years ago

@YeahThatsKosher: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: @jh_swanson That’s in part why a victim of Rabbi Chaim Walder committed suicide today. Does this hearten you? Did you know about it? 2/ - 2 years ago

@XO1XT1: @Weirdascanbe1 @ShulimLeifer The whole Chaim Walder story (like any of these allegation scandals) is one way how pe… - 2 years ago

@KaesiF: RT @KaesiF: Alleged victim of Chaim Walder dies in apparent suicide, days after he takes own life - 2 years ago

@KaesiF: Alleged victim of Chaim Walder dies in apparent suicide, days after he takes own life - 2 years ago

@mnatale100: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@Steven02781955: RT @RabbiPoupko: Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva of Philadelphia on the famous Rasha and abuser Chaim Walder: הרב שמואל קמי… - 2 years ago

@drago99294906: RT @JLimic: Israeli Haredi Rabbi Chaim Walder,a children books author, is accused of sexually abusing and raping ultra-Orthodox minors He c… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @pinidunner: As if we needed proof that the reaction to Chaim Walder's death by too many in his world is toxic on every level, this twee… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @RabbiPoupko: I'm very proud to be a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and see the strong statement it had made in support of… - 2 years ago

@JayShams: RT @ElishevaAvital: I’ve known Rabbi Eisenman well since I was a kid, and he has never once disappointed me. - 2 years ago

@AgitatedMice: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: Which doesn't mean I don't care about people he hurt. I care about then just as much if not more. But nobody escape… - 2 years ago

@Happyamerican99: @avibarr @Kerestear Who said she was a patient of Chaim Walder? - 2 years ago

@miranda_meyers: Frum women deserve to be protected. Frum women deserve to be believed. Frum women deserve to be safe. The chief ash… - 2 years ago

@megangclwh: A Rabbi in my community made a powerful statement regarding Chaim Walder earlier today, and one line in particular… - 2 years ago

@cauchiphilippe: RT @RabbiPoupko: I'm very proud to be a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and see the strong statement it had made in support of… - 2 years ago

@pinidunner: RT @RabbiPoupko: I'm very proud to be a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and see the strong statement it had made in support of… - 2 years ago

@four4thefire: RT @ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide" wr… - 2 years ago

@ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide"… - 2 years ago

@mysticalmatzah: RT @RabbiPoupko: I'm very proud to be a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and see the strong statement it had made in support of… - 2 years ago

@jewish_ma: After attending shiva of accused abuser Chaim Walder, Israel’s chief rabbi calls for victims of abuse to come forwa… - 2 years ago

@Laura_E_Adkins: RT @AnshelPfeffer: This may be part due to recency bias and part my fascination with ultra-Orthodoxy but I seriously think the allegations… - 2 years ago

@DeedsWylie: Fuck Chaim Walder. Fuck everyone who ignored his victims. Fuck those who still lionized him after his death, know… - 2 years ago

@Aaron_____Davis: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@MZfromTO: Didn't know Shulem Shtisel had a beis din - 2 years ago

@shatzmatz: @MeyerLabin Kids Don't Speak By Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@R2Gila: RT @RabbiPoupko: I'm very proud to be a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and see the strong statement it had made in support of… - 2 years ago

@mayerkrochmal: RT @pinidunner: I was reluctant to write about Chaim Walder because it has been hard for me to control my emotions regarding this explosive… - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: RT @RabbiPoupko: I'm very proud to be a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and see the strong statement it had made in support of… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: I'm very proud to be a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and see the strong statement it had made in supp… - 2 years ago

@avibarr: @Kerestear Why does it matter? Unlike the rapist and abuser Chaim Walder who wrote his stories as he chose includin… - 2 years ago

@BeBraveMyLoves: RT @GoonerProf: Thank you @YehudisFletcher @ShulimLeifer @HannahLebovits and the other principled frum Tweeps who are standing up.and speak… - 2 years ago

@MarkSoFla: RT @RabbiGoldberg: There are so many questions surrounding the Chaim Walder story, each haunting in their own right. I obviously don’t have… - 2 years ago

@chahulapasi: @DgLimited @Maxsobel3 @meircohen1111 @ifyoutickleus I was referencing the sort of people like you. So as long as ch… - 2 years ago

@EcBirnbaum: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@24TrueToneTenor: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@ChaimShapiro: RT @RCArabbinical: RCA Supports Victims of Chaim Walder Sexual Abuse - 2 years ago

@Tzivers: Really grateful for our Rabbis to be speaking out against the gross crimes of Chaim Walder, an abuser who just comm… - 2 years ago

@VINNews: A Rabbi who has defended alleged abusers in the past has spoken out in defense of Chaim Walder. - 2 years ago

@SapphoThQueen: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@Kerestear: How do we know Shifra Horowitz was a victim of Chaim Walder?? If she suffered in silence we for sure wouldn't know,… - 2 years ago

@loverwithwalls: @BennysMusic Hey Benny. What do you think about the communities response to Chaim Walder and sexual abuse in genera… - 2 years ago

@tzippele: RT @ifyoutickleus: Heart rendering funeral of victim of Chaim Walder who committed suicide. Will she get eulogies and write ups in Charedi… - 2 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Israel’s Ashkenazi chief rabbi called for victims of sexual abuse to bring complaints to the “relevant authorities,” af… - 2 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@veryjackie: RT @ElishevaAvital: I’ve known Rabbi Eisenman well since I was a kid, and he has never once disappointed me. - 2 years ago

@IRVINENP: RT @MenachemV: A tale of two images … two #funerals .. one #sexual #predator #chaimwalder replete with large crowds; the other one of #cha… - 2 years ago

@MenachemV: @Isaac97388321 One question Isaac … in your opinion should Rabbi Lau pay a shiva call to family of #chaim #walder’s alleged victim ? - 2 years ago

@AsmaRas60327971: Chaim Walder’s Suicide Is a Final Attempt to Overwrite His Victims - 2 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: The comments from Rabbi David Lau Wednesday came after Lau was criticized for visiting the family of Chaim Walder, the… - 2 years ago

@ProSyria2: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Ignoring Chaim Walder’s alleged victims, Chief Rabbi David Lau visited the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) author’s home on Tue… - 2 years ago

@TheFrumJew: RT @drdoomshtein: @DemocraticLuntz @ayilbasvach @Jacob70399872 @JosefSinger1 @themishpacha "Chaim Walder: An in-depth discussion of his pro… - 2 years ago

@j9sky: RT @annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness it… - 2 years ago

@MenachemV: @Isaac97388321 Would you be comfortable if #Rabbi #Lau paid a shiva call to the children of a Nazi collaborator ? I… - 2 years ago

@slut4medicine: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@lovabelow98: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@rivkacjoseph: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@Rump45Ter: RT @MenachemV: A tale of two images … two #funerals .. one #sexual #predator #chaimwalder replete with large crowds; the other one of #cha… - 2 years ago

@MenachemV: A tale of two images … two #funerals .. one #sexual #predator #chaimwalder replete with large crowds; the other on… - 2 years ago

@BeBraveMyLoves: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@YochevedKolchin: @haaretzcom @TimesofIsrael I don't appreciate how the press has plastered Chaim Walder's face all over the articl… - 2 years ago

@MicahGreenland: RT @RCArabbinical: RCA Supports Victims of Chaim Walder Sexual Abuse - 2 years ago

@RCArabbinical: RCA Supports Victims of Chaim Walder Sexual Abuse - 2 years ago

@2Fast2Finkel: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@resilientli: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@allshiny: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@MisfitTorah: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@elpaseomaritimo: RT @ZuckierShlomo: The disturbing story of formerly acclaimed author Chaim Walder has reached its disturbing end. - 2 years ago

@elpaseomaritimo: RT @EladNehorai: 22 new witnesses have come forward against Chaim Walder, a famous Haredi children’s author. Victims, therapists, and rab… - 2 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Accuser commits suicide days after Chaim Walder's death: 24-year-old haredi woman, one author Chaim Walder's allege… - 2 years ago

@MP20953612: #Rabbi #Zimmerman from #Federation spoke 20 minutes on #Chaim #Walder 9pm - 2 years ago

@ShverEntitled: Shocked to find out that The Shver knew Chaim Walder and visited him on his private island. - 2 years ago

@RIQUE01900716: RT @beatriceLBB: Emoi en #Israël après le suicide d’un rabbin ultraorthodoxe, accusé de pédophilie Chaïm #Walder auteur à succès,superstar… - 2 years ago

@AllForThe6_4: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@Duke_of_5T: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@AbbyChavaStein: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@MrEph: He spent two days posting and making videos defending Chaim Walder, and gets glorified by a popular Torah podcast.… - 2 years ago

@ArutzSheva_En: 24-year-old haredi woman, one author Chaim Walder's alleged victims, takes her own life amidst uproar over his suic… - 2 years ago

@tchoooooo: Frum families will sit on the couch this shabbos and read these with a straight face. No mention of Chaim Walder or… - 2 years ago

@sumac_h: Chaïm Walder auteur à succès, "superstar" dans la communauté haredi, avait été mis à l’écart après des accusations… - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: Rav Shmuel Eliyahu Defends his Psak Against Chaim Walder - - 2 years ago

@beatriceLBB: Emoi en #Israël après le suicide d’un rabbin ultraorthodoxe, accusé de pédophilie Chaïm #Walder auteur à succès,sup… - 2 years ago

@bold_counsel: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@EliSchw27214516: RT @IsaacGalil: @yaakovkatz Rabbi Shimon Russell שליט״א take on Chaim Walder Committing suicide after multiple sex abuse allegations surfa… - 2 years ago

@pinidunner: As if we needed proof that the reaction to Chaim Walder's death by too many in his world is toxic on every level, t… - 2 years ago

@jpenhos: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@soup_Iuvr: chaim walder makes me wish jews believed in hell so I could see him burn forever. u know how evil you have to be to… - 2 years ago

@RandomBPGuy: Tweet your hot take and mention Chaim Walder for your tweet to get links and RTs. - 2 years ago

@LDNVictimsComm: @RabbiYYS Thank you Rabbi for speaking out. If you don’t follow already, please follow @YehudisFletcher… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: RT @VINNews: In the latest tragedy to emerge in the Walder horror story, a young woman who was allegedly a victim of Chaim Walder has been… - 2 years ago

@ifyoutickleus: On the Chaim Walder scandal - Yiddish - 2 years ago

@AAavodotafar: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@PolishchukVlady: RT @Jerusalem_Post: The comments from Rabbi David Lau Wednesday came after Lau was criticized for visiting the family of Chaim Walder, the… - 2 years ago

@ShverEntitled: Shviger Leiben asked me pull out some cash “becuase im going to the bank, and it’s her account anyways”. The chutzp… - 2 years ago

@zenhussy: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@Shrand1: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@korsacze: Sprawę przestępstw seksualnych #ChaimWalder nagłośniła w #Israel liberalna i lewicowa gazeta #Haaretz @haaretzcom… - 2 years ago

@EdshelDee: Une victime présumée de Chaim Walder met fin à ses jours… #chaimwalder - 2 years ago

@Essence_MH: An important update from our Clinical Director regarding the Chaim Walder saga. #frumtwitter #chaimwalder… - 2 years ago

@katiedyd2: RT @Jerusalem_Post: The comments from Rabbi David Lau Wednesday came after Lau was criticized for visiting the family of Chaim Walder, the… - 2 years ago

@LinfordYaakov: RT @YaronReuven: *STUMP THE RABBI (117) Daat Torah Re Chaim Walder, KIDS, Amidah, TZARAAT, SEGULA To Make Millions* *VERY IMPORTANT Shiur… - 2 years ago

@TimesofIsraelFR: Le grand rabbin David Lau se rend à la shiva de Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@SfyanDwhy: RT @Jerusalem_Post: The comments from Rabbi David Lau Wednesday came after Lau was criticized for visiting the family of Chaim Walder, the… - 2 years ago

@BBM_Children: RT @Jerusalem_Post: The comments from Rabbi David Lau Wednesday came after Lau was criticized for visiting the family of Chaim Walder, the… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: The comments from Rabbi David Lau Wednesday came after Lau was criticized for visiting the family of Chaim Walder,… - 2 years ago

@Tyler_Sam613: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@marymood: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@ThrwLkngGlss: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: What a mess with Chaim Walder. One woman died. People are stupid. Keep it in your pants man. Stay away from women,… - 2 years ago

@MaytalKowalski: The story of Walder was well known within certain communities for years. I didn't know who he was until this story… - 2 years ago

@CHalpernScandal: Alleged victim of Chaim Walder dies in apparent suicide, days after he takes own life - 2 years ago

@SamuelSpinner: @shaynamalka Speaking of Shtisel, what’s gonna happen to the Chaim Walder episodes? - 2 years ago

@allshiny: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: Israel’s Ashkenazi chief rabbi called for victims of sexual abuse to bring complaints to “relevant authorities” -… - 2 years ago

@hsk2: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@JTAnews: After Israel’s Ashkenazi chief rabbi was criticized for visiting the family of accused abuser Chaim Walder, he call… - 2 years ago

@rabbikenbrodkin: CW is Chaim Walder. He was a Charedi author of children's books who perpetrated sexual abuse against many victims.… - 2 years ago

@Focus_on_Torah: RT @YaronReuven: *STUMP THE RABBI (117) Daat Torah Re Chaim Walder, KIDS, Amidah, TZARAAT, SEGULA To Make Millions* *VERY IMPORTANT Shiur… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@YaronReuven: *STUMP THE RABBI (117) Daat Torah Re Chaim Walder, KIDS, Amidah, TZARAAT, SEGULA To Make Millions* *VERY IMPORTANT… - 2 years ago

@VINNews: In the latest tragedy to emerge in the Walder horror story, a young woman who was allegedly a victim of Chaim Walde… - 2 years ago

@yoni_mayer: RT @RabbiGoldberg: There are so many questions surrounding the Chaim Walder story, each haunting in their own right. I obviously don’t have… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Struggling With the Tragedy of Chaim Walder: 7 Thoughts - VINnews - 2 years ago

@ShverEntitled: @Exfallsburg @ShidchApp Id faster get Therapy from Chaim Walder then take on another spouse (and her mother). - 2 years ago

@ShverEntitled: @ShidchApp Did Chaim Walder have any son-in-laws? Trying to figure out if he was always a predator or only once he became a Shver. - 2 years ago

@SapienWoman: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@SCynic1: RT @ifyoutickleus: Heart rendering funeral of victim of Chaim Walder who committed suicide. Will she get eulogies and write ups in Charedi… - 2 years ago

@matzahstan: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@Proud_Jewboy: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@ldkop: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@RavJesseHorn: RT @ElishevaAvital: I’ve known Rabbi Eisenman well since I was a kid, and he has never once disappointed me. - 2 years ago

@jonashstn: RT @KlempnerJots: Powerful Letter from Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of Passaic about the Chaim Walder Case - VINnews - 2 years ago

@KlempnerJots: Powerful Letter from Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of Passaic about the Chaim Walder Case - VINnews - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: @MeyerLabin R U freaking kidding?! Healing?! while u know full well that the leaders as the Gadol Hador Rabbi Eidel… - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@TimesofIsraelFR: Une victime présumée de Chaim Walder met fin à ses jours - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: We have to prepare ourselves for a lot of these deaths in the coming days weeks & months as Chaim Walder's victims… - 2 years ago

@crazyma46101800: @Jerusalem_Post Is Chaim Walder family guilty of anything? - 2 years ago

@janeinak: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@janeinak: RT @shaynamalka: It takes a lot to shock me. This did. - 2 years ago

@Poissonhamsa: J'ai envoyé un message à une amie car je sais que ses enfants aimaient les livres de Chaim Walder. Elle me demande… - 2 years ago

@janeinak: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@BarryList: RT @ElishevaAvital: I’ve known Rabbi Eisenman well since I was a kid, and he has never once disappointed me. - 2 years ago

@AviZimmerman: @ariella_kay @elclingman @JMMusings Please understand, I am not trying to blame or doubt the victims. But we are co… - 2 years ago

@Mathx_KM: This has absolutely nothing to do with Chaim Walder, who died a monstrous disgrace. - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: @MeyerLabin Recooking? My foot! I have shared with you in DM the horrific things that ppl say on many public forums… - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: I am broken hearted learning that a victim of Chaim Walder has passed away. It is imperative that victims be suppor… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: @MeyerLabin This is what Chaim Walder wanted to open a damn of mass suicides like he was a cultist figure he knew t… - 2 years ago

@Weirdascanbe1: @SimchaSeeker @beherenow365 Also why would we not let our kids read chaim walder books but we would watch harvey we… - 2 years ago

@MedicWandering: RT @ifyoutickleus: Heart rendering funeral of victim of Chaim Walder who committed suicide. Will she get eulogies and write ups in Charedi… - 2 years ago

@ifyoutickleus: Heart rendering funeral of victim of Chaim Walder who committed suicide. Will she get eulogies and write ups in Cha… - 2 years ago

@Noble30879886: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Israel’s Ashkenazi chief rabbi called for victims of sexual abuse to bring complaints to the “relevant authorities,” af… - 2 years ago

@bayla65519961: @GanzAvi I believe that Chaim walder did horrible things and he deserved to be punished and publically outed to pro… - 2 years ago

@BumfOnline: RT @ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide" wr… - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@TheForwardFeed: After attending shiva of accused abuser Chaim Walder, Israel’s chief rabbi calls for victims of abuse to come forwa… - 2 years ago

@realprincetotty: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Israel’s Ashkenazi chief rabbi called for victims of sexual abuse to bring complaints to the “relevant authorities,” af… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Israel’s Ashkenazi chief rabbi called for victims of sexual abuse to bring complaints to the “relevant authorities,… - 2 years ago

@ic2morrowmac: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - 2 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @TomerPersico Your tweet was quoted in an article by jta - 2 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @Feldheim Your tweet was quoted in an article by jta - 2 years ago

@abbaleh: RT @HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She reporte… - 2 years ago

@ShalomGood: This is real. Please read this thread. And if you don’t know the story of the Chaim Walder saga, I encourage you t… - 2 years ago

@jessica00165221: RT @RabbiGoldberg: There are so many questions surrounding the Chaim Walder story, each haunting in their own right. I obviously don’t have… - 2 years ago

@HareianiBlog: Shifra Yocheved Horowitz, a victim of Chaim Walder's, was found dead in her apartment of an apparent suicide. She r… - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: I’m sure the Chaim Walder story has created a fracture for many on Jewish Religion, may I only say I validate your… - 2 years ago

@VatikVChasid: The funeral of Yocheved Horowitz A”H, one of the alleged victims of Chaim Walder. She was found dead in her apartm… - 2 years ago

@pretty_InPain: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@yossieweinberg: RT @RabbiGoldberg: There are so many questions surrounding the Chaim Walder story, each haunting in their own right. I obviously don’t have… - 2 years ago

@debeehr: RT @ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide" wr… - 2 years ago

@DavidAgam4: @GilStudent I assumed you were referring to the Chaim Walder saga…forgive me my assumption - 2 years ago

@RabbiGoldberg: There are so many questions surrounding the Chaim Walder story, each haunting in their own right. I obviously don’t… - 2 years ago

@MrEph: A young woman who was a victim of sexual abuse died by suicide in the wake of the news about Chaim Walder. A friend… - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @yoelituv This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@MicahGreenland: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @Israelcohen911 This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @Eli_Bitan This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @YossiShtark This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @Mishpacha_M This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @YWN This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @oyzerboymer This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@isaacwolff80: RT @pinidunner: I was reluctant to write about Chaim Walder because it has been hard for me to control my emotions regarding this explosive… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: 💔💔💔😢😢😢 Whenever someone commits #suicide there is a danger of copycat effect. A young woman found dead having com… - 2 years ago

@rabbidkraus: Horrified to learn that a young woman died by suicide in the wake of the Chaim Walder news. From beyond the grave W… - 2 years ago

@DafTweeter: RT @pinidunner: I was reluctant to write about Chaim Walder because it has been hard for me to control my emotions regarding this explosive… - 2 years ago

@crookedletter: RT @ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide" wr… - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: Attempting to rehabilitate Chaim Walder will be another self-inflicted blow to the rabbis’ authority, writes Anshel… - 2 years ago

@JoelKenigsberg: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@DavidPKramer: RT @mannywaks: Now that it's been reported that one of Chaim Walder's victims has committed suicide, will Israel's Chief Rabbi David Lau al… - 2 years ago

@yaffedorg: RT @pinidunner: I was reluctant to write about Chaim Walder because it has been hard for me to control my emotions regarding this explosive… - 2 years ago

@DavidGross613: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@SallyRMelb: RT @mannywaks: Now that it's been reported that one of Chaim Walder's victims has committed suicide, will Israel's Chief Rabbi David Lau al… - 2 years ago

@mannywaks: Now that it's been reported that one of Chaim Walder's victims has committed suicide, will Israel's Chief Rabbi Dav… - 2 years ago

@jawadch120: RT @LebUpdate: Israeli Haredi Rabbi Chaim Walder, a children books author, is accused of sexually abusing and raping ultra-Orthodox minors.… - 2 years ago

@DavidPKramer: RT @VoiCSA1: It's being reported that one of Chaim Walder's countless victims was found dead overnight in her home after apparently committ… - 2 years ago

@mannywaks: RT @VoiCSA1: It's being reported that one of Chaim Walder's countless victims was found dead overnight in her home after apparently committ… - 2 years ago

@VoiCSA1: It's being reported that one of Chaim Walder's countless victims was found dead overnight in her home after apparen… - 2 years ago

@four4thefire: RT @ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide" wr… - 2 years ago

@ordinarytimemag: "On December 27th, a man was found dead next to his son’s grave, the bullet to his head an obvious mark of suicide"… - 2 years ago

@hmabramson: RT @pinidunner: I was reluctant to write about Chaim Walder because it has been hard for me to control my emotions regarding this explosive… - 2 years ago

@Rolbi_Shaul: Powerful Letter from Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of Passaic about the Chaim Walder Case - VINnews - 2 years ago

@Chanalemusic: RT @pinidunner: I was reluctant to write about Chaim Walder because it has been hard for me to control my emotions regarding this explosive… - 2 years ago

@ZuckierShlomo: RT @pinidunner: I was reluctant to write about Chaim Walder because it has been hard for me to control my emotions regarding this explosive… - 2 years ago

@ESHbyESH: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@mordyovits: RT @pinidunner: I was reluctant to write about Chaim Walder because it has been hard for me to control my emotions regarding this explosive… - 2 years ago

@pinidunner: I was reluctant to write about Chaim Walder because it has been hard for me to control my emotions regarding this e… - 2 years ago

@SimchaSeeker: @shevereshtus @Briskerov 1. "Accusations" - how did the beit din rule? 2. Unfortunately, religious Jews die every… - 2 years ago

@leonardecohen: @NYCWingnut @Michael53848772 @HareianiBlog @YUathletics Yes. This article provides a good translation. - 2 years ago

@Cc00lM: RT @VINNews: Leading Therapist Shimon Russel: Throw Every Single Chaim Walder Book Away See The Video: - 2 years ago

@ShlomeShabsa: RT @Briskerov: I'm not trying to imply anything, but Chaim Walder was vaccinated... - 2 years ago

@HamekorJosh: RT @ElishevaAvital: I’ve known Rabbi Eisenman well since I was a kid, and he has never once disappointed me. - 2 years ago

@yoniChanowitz: RT @Briskerov: I'm not trying to imply anything, but Chaim Walder was vaccinated... - 2 years ago

@BenFran42055861: #hareidi response to the #chaimwalder thing has been appropriate overall (this #Yated piece… - 2 years ago

@yona_stan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Ignoring Chaim Walder’s alleged victims, Chief Rabbi David Lau visited the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) author’s home on Tue… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Ignoring Chaim Walder’s alleged victims, Chief Rabbi David Lau visited the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) author’s home on… - 2 years ago

@TheFrumJew: RT @jonathantaussky: @FeldheimRejects Kids Speak, I Die: the life story of Chaim Walder. - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: Analysis by @AnshelPfeffer: The Rabbis Are Trying to Rehabilitate Chaim Walder. Here's Why They Will Fail.… - 2 years ago

@AbramsCarolyn: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @ElishevaAvital This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: To fight against Chaim Walder's suicide we must be courageous and expose other abusers and reveal thm and bring the… - 2 years ago

@YitzchakGross: @_alisaus can you forward this to @5TJT? Yair Hoffman needs some guidance. - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @y9000000000 This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @KollelBudget This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @Eli_Rubin This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @Ari_Kroizer This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @Rolbi_Shaul This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@gilad73: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @PesterRebbe This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @KOLMEVASER This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @DerBlatt This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @OIHAVIM This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@ReinholdYitzy: RT @dakatzin: Opinion by @YehudisFletcher, Independent Sexual Violence Adviser with @MigdalEmunahUK, and co-founder of Project Nahamu @PNah… - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @DeeVoch This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @MalchisSatmar This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @ChaverimRocklnd This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @YiddisheMoments This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @NiyesCenter This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation! - 2 years ago

@pesach_lattin: RT @leonardecohen: @ThatYidDaniel @rabbikenbrodkin The testimony of the Beit Din was published: - 2 years ago

@CindyDarrison: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@IsaacGalil: @RabbiPoupko Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson, also known as YY Jacobson takes on Chaim Walder ולדר חיים the sex abuse… - 2 years ago

@AriObanMD: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@leonardecohen: @ThatYidDaniel @rabbikenbrodkin The testimony of the Beit Din was published: - 2 years ago

@eringman: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@IbnAllan: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@Nickidewbear: @joesox @seerutkchawla That part is fine. Driving innocent and genuinely-repentant people to harm themselves is not… - 2 years ago

@FayeH321: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@hmabramson: RT @ElishevaAvital: I’ve known Rabbi Eisenman well since I was a kid, and he has never once disappointed me. - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: The 3 Tragedies of Chaim Walder. My latest article on the damage Chaim Walder's cynical #suicide has done, the ca… - 2 years ago

@modiincave: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@LandaSheya: Chaim Walder was a suspected rapist and serial sex offender who killed himself to avoid investigation and a trial.… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: READ IT: Heartwrenching Letter From Abuse Victim In Wake Of Chaim Walder Incident - VINnews - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Leading Therapist Shimon Russel: Throw Every Single Chaim Walder Book Away [See The Video] - VINnews - 2 years ago

@RealJoeSilver: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Powerful Letter from Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of Passaic about the Chaim Walder Case - VINnews - 2 years ago

@42rebelheart: RT @ElishevaAvital: I’ve known Rabbi Eisenman well since I was a kid, and he has never once disappointed me. - 2 years ago

@Asteinberg613: Powerful Letter from Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of Passaic about the Chaim Walder Case - VINnews This rabbi is a t… - 2 years ago

@rabbikenbrodkin: @ShoshanaHantman Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@abesilbe: @DemocraticLuntz @AnshelPfeffer They disappeared his column without explanation. Now they're doing Chaim Walder zechrona l'bracha - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: Wow. A day later and the Sodomites are still trying to break in. They won't leave me alone. Sad on their part. Thes… - 2 years ago

@HeshyTischler: "And when I see people I used to respect downplaying, minimizing, and –worst of all blaming the victims, I cannot b… - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @ElishevaAvital: I’ve known Rabbi Eisenman well since I was a kid, and he has never once disappointed me. - 2 years ago

@dklompsma: From one of my most favorite Rabbis: Powerful Letter from Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of Passaic about the Chaim W… - 2 years ago

@rabbikenbrodkin: @AngelicaKamen Chaim Walder. Charedi author of children's books - 2 years ago

@abesilbe: Depressing analysis from @AnshelPfeffer that ends with some hope: The Yated and official Haredi organs may try to r… - 2 years ago

@religion_state: The Rabbis Are Trying to Rehabilitate Chaim Walder. Here's Why They Will Fail - 2 years ago

@sbs613: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @JosefSinger1: “Chaim Walder didn’t kill himself - Agudath Israel of America. @AgudahNews 3 days have passed and yet a single mention on… - 2 years ago

@gershon_JP: @ravadlerstein Does Chaim Walder have a Twitter account? Does he have a Facebook account? How did anyone talking on… - 2 years ago

@project1enigma: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@elijahyab: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@annagrowsinbk: It’s important to note that items 1-9 of 10 recommendations are actions. Statements like this make me proud of the… - 2 years ago

@elinadoff: RT @crosscurrents: New post: Chaim Walder by Yitzchok Adlerstein - - 2 years ago

@Big_Yitz: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@MenasheLustig: - 2 years ago

@blueandorange7: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@shimijay: Powerful Letter from Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of Passaic about the Chaim Walder Case - 2 years ago

@VaadHaBadchanim: RT @cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@BPolatseck: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@cholentface: This article is a must read about the Chaim Walder Situation. - 2 years ago

@dev___id: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@ECMaron: RT @behindtcounter: - 2 years ago

@mayerkrochmal: RT @behindtcounter: - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @jacobkornbluh Chaim Walder was a suspected rapist and serial sex offender who killed himself to avoid investigation and trial. - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @melissaeweiss Chaim Walder was a suspected rapist and serial sex offender who killed himself to avoid investigation and trial. - 2 years ago

@Michael53848772: @zpyarom Chaim Walder was a suspected rapist and serial sex offender who killed himself to avoid investigation and trial. - 2 years ago

@jpcrowe_crowe: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@SorryIra: RT @behindtcounter: - 2 years ago

@ayilbasvach: RT @behindtcounter: - 2 years ago

@zpyarom: This needs to be in Hebrew too. @yankihebrew I'm looking at you. - 2 years ago

@behindtcounter: - 2 years ago

@pesach_lattin: Powerful Letter from Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenman of Passaic about the Chaim Walder Case - VINnews - 2 years ago

@yakovhorowitz: Outstanding Advice from Dr. David Pelcovitz on speaking to your kids about the Chaim Walder situation. - 2 years ago

@HannahLebovits: RT @prof_dainy: CW: childhood abuse, rape, suicide. I've been keeping some personal thoughts about Chaim Walder to myself the past few day… - 2 years ago

@R2Gila: RT @alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@rsnunez: RT @tferrerm: Se suicida Jaim Walder, famoso entre la comunidad ultraortodoxa israelí por sus libros infantiles, inspirados en su experienc… - 2 years ago

@trayne_wreck: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@ritafields_: RT @LebUpdate: Israeli Haredi Rabbi Chaim Walder, a children books author, is accused of sexually abusing and raping ultra-Orthodox minors.… - 2 years ago

@alexfleksher: - 2 years ago

@bintalshamsa: RT @MOlivettiKiefer: Chief Rabbi David Lau, on top of just recently paying a shiva call for Chaim Walder, is exploiting the status of Ethio… - 2 years ago

@Alterverso_: RT @tferrerm: Se suicida Jaim Walder, famoso entre la comunidad ultraortodoxa israelí por sus libros infantiles, inspirados en su experienc… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: The rabbis are trying to rehabilitate Chaim Walder's image. Here's why they will fail, writes ⁦@AnshelPfeffer⁩ - 2 years ago

@IsaacGalil: @yaakovkatz Rabbi Shimon Russell שליט״א take on Chaim Walder Committing suicide after multiple sex abuse allegatio… - 2 years ago

@YehudahRodman: @yaeltime Ok the snark (on my part) is uncalled for. But seriously! You’re piling on her for denouncing Chaim Walder?? - 2 years ago

@project1enigma: RT @prof_dainy: CW: childhood abuse, rape, suicide. I've been keeping some personal thoughts about Chaim Walder to myself the past few day… - 2 years ago

@YehudahRodman: @yaeltime New flash: she’s not responsible for Chaim Walder, his misdeeds, or anybody else’s misdeeds just cuz she… - 2 years ago

@magicjewball: The CDC visited Chaim Walder's shiva house. This maybe either too niche or too soon, not sure. - 2 years ago

@lesbianamjoon: RT @nechamaaaa: When I heard that Chaim Walder had killed himself I knew that the “no lashon hara” campaign was going to come back with a v… - 2 years ago

@abesilbe: @HannahLebovits Also, "My Unorthodox Life" was a TV show you didn't like. Chaim Walder was a rapist. - 2 years ago

@BenjaminStock6: RT @JosefSinger1: “Chaim Walder didn’t kill himself - Agudath Israel of America. @AgudahNews 3 days have passed and yet a single mention on… - 2 years ago

@GoldenPenny1987: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@disabledreamer: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@callme_kayden: TW: SA, CSA Thank you to everyone putting TW/CW on your tweets about Chaim Walder. It really doesn’t take much spac… - 2 years ago

@FootstepsInc: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@TAsaurus: RT @LebUpdate: Israeli Haredi Rabbi Chaim Walder, a children books author, is accused of sexually abusing and raping ultra-Orthodox minors.… - 2 years ago

@VINNews: In the wake of the horrifying story that that has unfolded over the last few decades, and more recently in the publ… - 2 years ago

@arbutuspointBC: RT @RabbiPoupko: 🚨🚨🚨 VERY IMPORTANT! I was very proud of the #myorthodoxlife movement and am happy to start seeing some of its leaders spea… - 2 years ago

@terryinfinchley: RT @RabbiPoupko: 🚨🚨🚨 VERY IMPORTANT! I was very proud of the #myorthodoxlife movement and am happy to start seeing some of its leaders spea… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @EstherSolomon: .@YehudisFletcher Chaim Walder was a master storyteller who crushed his victims’ right to tell their own stories of his… - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: RT @RabbiPoupko: 🚨🚨🚨 VERY IMPORTANT! I was very proud of the #myorthodoxlife movement and am happy to start seeing some of its leaders spea… - 2 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Ignoring Chaim Walder’s alleged victims, Chief Rabbi David Lau visited the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) author’s home on Tue… - 2 years ago

@Jennifrazer: RT @AnshelPfeffer: 6 weeks ago, Chaim Walder was forced to leave public life, but ever since his suicide on Monday, the rabbinical establis… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: 🚨🚨🚨 VERY IMPORTANT! I was very proud of the #myorthodoxlife movement and am happy to start seeing some of its leade… - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: On a humorous note: Chaim Walder took the shot - 2 years ago

@chasidervative: @JosefSinger1 @AgudahNews What exactly does "Agudath Israel of America" have with the Chaim Walder saga? - 2 years ago

@JosefSinger1: “Chaim Walder didn’t kill himself - Agudath Israel of America. @AgudahNews 3 days have passed and yet a single ment… - 2 years ago

@mixxedin1: RT @LebUpdate: Israeli Haredi Rabbi Chaim Walder, a children books author, is accused of sexually abusing and raping ultra-Orthodox minors.… - 2 years ago

@jonathantaussky: @FeldheimRejects Kids Speak, I Die: the life story of Chaim Walder. - 2 years ago

@jonathantaussky: Rejected film title: The Assassination of Chaim Walder by the Coward Chaim Walder. - 2 years ago

@DentalJosh: @RabbiPoupko @LipaSchmeltzer @ZuckierShlomo @MordyGetz @goldman1007 @pinidunner @yankihebrew @yedidya_epshtei… - 2 years ago

@yfeld: More assur to read: Oscar Wilde or Chaim Walder? #chaimwalder - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Satmar Gaon Rabbi Ysoscher Katz Shlita Rav & Posek of Prospects Heights & Talmudic Chair aka Rosh Yeshivahs Choveve… - 2 years ago

@rlpaulprodn: RT @JClickbaited: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a final attempt to overwrite his victims -- Thank you so much @haaretzcom's @Yehu… - 2 years ago

@NikkitooPA: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: Ignoring accused serial child rapist Chaim Walder’s alleged victims, Chief Rabbi David Lau visited the haredi (ultr… - 2 years ago

@neligertner: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@HannahLebovits: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@TheCorollary: RT @AnshelPfeffer: This may be part due to recency bias and part my fascination with ultra-Orthodoxy but I seriously think the allegations… - 2 years ago

@Elana_Brooklyn: RT @JClickbaited: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a final attempt to overwrite his victims -- Thank you so much @haaretzcom's @Yehu… - 2 years ago

@PeterBeinart: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Walder case isn’t just about the allegations that he used his position to become a sexual predator or that he killed… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: RT @SamuelSokol: Revealing opinion piece by victims advocate @YehudisFletcher here - 2 years ago

@DanielHugill: RT @AnshelPfeffer: This may be part due to recency bias and part my fascination with ultra-Orthodoxy but I seriously think the allegations… - 2 years ago

@parnell44: RT @LebUpdate: Israeli Haredi Rabbi Chaim Walder, a children books author, is accused of sexually abusing and raping ultra-Orthodox minors.… - 2 years ago

@shihab_idrissi: RT @LebUpdate: Israeli Haredi Rabbi Chaim Walder, a children books author, is accused of sexually abusing and raping ultra-Orthodox minors.… - 2 years ago

@ARAMEANnn: RT @LebUpdate: Israeli Haredi Rabbi Chaim Walder, a children books author, is accused of sexually abusing and raping ultra-Orthodox minors.… - 2 years ago

@m_blawrence: RT @nechamaaaa: When I heard that Chaim Walder had killed himself I knew that the “no lashon hara” campaign was going to come back with a v… - 2 years ago

@InfoOetken: RT @CHILD_USA: The earliest accounts went back 25 years ago and the most recent ones occurred six months ago, according to the testimonies.… - 2 years ago

@SimonAd39478381: @A1u2l6 @Briskerov Sure, sure, the Chief Rabbi went there to support that family. I bet the Chief Rabbi won't visi… - 2 years ago

@m_blawrence: RT @AnshelPfeffer: 6 weeks ago, Chaim Walder was forced to leave public life, but ever since his suicide on Monday, the rabbinical establis… - 2 years ago

@SCynic1: RT @AnshelPfeffer: 6 weeks ago, Chaim Walder was forced to leave public life, but ever since his suicide on Monday, the rabbinical establis… - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@AnshelPfeffer: 6 weeks ago, Chaim Walder was forced to leave public life, but ever since his suicide on Monday, the rabbinical est… - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @JosefSinger1: The לשון הרע לא מדבר עלי crowd were the first ones to ask Cuomo to resign, now with Chaim Walder they are the first ones… - 2 years ago

@PardesSeleh: I grew up reading Chaim Walder books. They were my favorite. This morning I found out he committed suicide after be… - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@pesach_lattin: According to Halacha we are allowed to publicly lash him, threaten him, and humiliate him. We may remove him from b… - 2 years ago

@Asteinberg613: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a final attempt to overwrite his victims - Israel News -… - 2 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: The rabbis will try to rehabilitate Chaim Walder. Here's why they will fail: Walder was accused of sexual assault,… - 2 years ago

@Lana_Macondo: RT @nechamaaaa: When I heard that Chaim Walder had killed himself I knew that the “no lashon hara” campaign was going to come back with a v… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: @YehudisFletcher So true! We don't even admit our own motives. We live denial; Every defender of this abuser has ma… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: What do Chaim Walder & @LipaSchmeltzer's new video advertising #Kosher #CBD have in common? The unfortunate reali… - 2 years ago

@religion_state: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@GailLabovitz: RT @SamuelSokol: Revealing opinion piece by victims advocate @YehudisFletcher here - 2 years ago

@brummer_brumm: RT @haaretzcom: The rabbis will try to rehabilitate Chaim Walder. Here's why they will fail - 2 years ago

@religion_state: Op-ed: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a final attempt to overwrite his victims - 2 years ago

@Johnbegoody: RT @haaretzcom: The rabbis will try to rehabilitate Chaim Walder. Here's why they will fail - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: The rabbis will try to rehabilitate Chaim Walder. Here's why they will fail - 2 years ago

@shimijay: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@timmins316: Opinion | Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a final attempt to overwrite his victims - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: Opinion by @YehudisFletcher, Independent Sexual Violence Adviser with @MigdalEmunahUK, and co-founder of Project Na… - 2 years ago

@Brad1958_: RT @SamuelSokol: Revealing opinion piece by victims advocate @YehudisFletcher here - 2 years ago

@fuelgrannie: RT @EstherSolomon: .@YehudisFletcher Chaim Walder was a master storyteller who crushed his victims’ right to tell their own stories of his… - 2 years ago

@ShulimLeifer: RT @EstherSolomon: .@YehudisFletcher Chaim Walder was a master storyteller who crushed his victims’ right to tell their own stories of his… - 2 years ago

@ShulimLeifer: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@instcrimjust: RT @CHILD_USA: The earliest accounts went back 25 years ago and the most recent ones occurred six months ago, according to the testimonies.… - 2 years ago

@SCynic1: RT @YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly ter… - 2 years ago

@YehudisFletcher: "...By and large, the group defended #Walder. Not because they knew he was innocent, but because they were utterly… - 2 years ago

@fuelgrannie: RT @JClickbaited: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a final attempt to overwrite his victims -- Thank you so much @haaretzcom's @Yehu… - 2 years ago

@couch_stan: Is it just me or do I see exponentially more people mad about those defending Chaim walder than people actually def… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a final attempt to overwrite his victims -- Thank you so much @haaretzcom's… - 2 years ago

@YehudisG: RT @SamuelSokol: Revealing opinion piece by victims advocate @YehudisFletcher here - 2 years ago

@MOlivettiKiefer: Chief Rabbi David Lau, on top of just recently paying a shiva call for Chaim Walder, is exploiting the status of Et… - 2 years ago

@dasibassara: Hi, Chaim Walder is taking over the news, and will for a bit. This is a very triggering topic, and if you need to t… - 2 years ago

@ariella_kay: It’s been 48 hours since Chaim Walder’s death was announced and I’ve already seen some one I know start the “Walder… - 2 years ago

@mkonikov: RT @Briskerov: So how do we all feel about the Chief Rabbi at the Chaim Walder shivah? - 2 years ago

@JewishCoffeeH: The Chaim Walder situation has raised new questions and created new concerns for parents. Please listen to this dis… - 2 years ago

@DonQuixoteOylam: @Stein5Ami @MarcusBlimi Assuming Chaim Walder were still alive, after reading the defense of the psak against him w… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Chaim Walder & the Cover-Ups in Our Communities | Women's Vaera Class | - 2 years ago

@PCKJ3627: RT @VoiCSA1: This is the second high profile ultra-Orthodox leader who was accused of sexual abuse by countless victims/survivors to have f… - 2 years ago

@PosenIzzy: Poignant: a chassidic kid reading about the death of favourite charedi children's author Chaim Walder. The article… - 2 years ago

@jonashstn: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@stevenaliko2: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Ignoring Chaim Walder’s alleged victims, Chief Rabbi David Lau visited the author’s home on Tuesday night to comfort hi… - 2 years ago

@gilarutrina: @Jerusalem_Post Paying a shiva call which is a mitzvah has nothing whatsoever to do with his alleged victims. What… - 2 years ago

@StarColombo: RT @RabbiPoupko: Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva of Philadelphia on the famous Rasha and abuser Chaim Walder: הרב שמואל קמי… - 2 years ago

@Chazinator2: RT @shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what the C… - 2 years ago

@shirasilkoff: Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau, went pay a shiva call for Chaim Walder last night. Begs the question of what… - 2 years ago

@RiceRcaR07: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Ignoring Chaim Walder’s alleged victims, Chief Rabbi David Lau visited the author’s home on Tuesday night to comfort hi… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: Ignoring Chaim Walder’s alleged victims, Chief Rabbi David Lau visited the author’s home on Tuesday night to comfor… - 2 years ago

@BaruchSteiner: Tagging all bc of ur comments on Chaim Walder. This is from R' Gershon Edelstein, Rav of Ponovitch & of undisputed… - 2 years ago

@12_52_365: @GeromanAT no comments Greater Israël began with British control from Levant to Mesopotamia - 2 years ago

@Aufarbeitung: RT @SZ_Panorama: Chaim Walder ist vor allem in ultraorthodoxen Gemeinden berühmt. Vor ein paar Wochen gab es die ersten Vorwürfe wegen sexu… - 2 years ago

@OPublicaINFO: Scriitorul Chaim Walder s-a sinucis lângă mormântul fiului său - 2 years ago

@Briskerov: So how do we all feel about the Chief Rabbi at the Chaim Walder shivah? - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: Hashem has had a lot of mercy on me and guided me by the hand to be a better person. I can't judge Chaim Walder bec… - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: I was in shul today and I thought about Chaim Walder. And I asked myself, why can't I call him out on what he did.… - 2 years ago

@Israel_NewsFR: Rav Shmuel Eliyahu sur Chaim Walder : « Il a refusé de s’excuser envers des dizaines de filles , il n’ira pas au pa… - 2 years ago

@InfosIsraelNews: Rav Shmuel Eliyahu sur Chaim Walder : « Il a refusé de s’excuser envers des dizaines de filles , il n’ira pas au pa… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: Israel’s Chief Ashkenazi rabbi paid condolences to the family of alleged serial pedophile Chaim Walder following Wa… - 2 years ago

@yfeld: @Joshmar18 @MordyGetz - 2 years ago

@aldhirabi: RT @RabbiPoupko: Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva of Philadelphia on the famous Rasha and abuser Chaim Walder: הרב שמואל קמי… - 2 years ago

@jonashstn: RT @honigmaydl: The comments I'm seeing with people defending or whatabouting Chaim Walder are kicking up a lot of anger for me, and I'm no… - 2 years ago

@DonQuixoteOylam: @Stein5Ami @MarcusBlimi - 2 years ago

@HeshyTischler: Rabbi YY Jacobson on Chaim Walder: - 2 years ago

@LizardSF: @AriCohn On the one side, we’ve got someone crying over how unfair it is no one talks about all the children Chaim… - 2 years ago

@RAGING_RABBI: Horrible take. Chaim Walder took the cowards way out. He premeditated his suicide he told the court he will kill… - 2 years ago

@honigmaydl: The comments I'm seeing with people defending or whatabouting Chaim Walder are kicking up a lot of anger for me, an… - 2 years ago

@MoeLowi: RT @MoeLowi: @ChasidishVeibel Creepy: See below interview by CW. Regarding children reading his book for adults. That Haredi children need… - 2 years ago

@JimBark01547843: I just learned this from another tweet of someone this is so very concerning as well as heartbreaking I have never… - 2 years ago

@JimBark01547843: RT @MordyGetz: Dear customers, It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that we will no longer carry the books of Chaim Walder in our s… - 2 years ago

@VINNews: Rav Shmuel Eliyahu Defends his Psak Against Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@MarkfidrychB: RT @Kate94793608: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide - Jewish Telegraphi… - 2 years ago

@Matt_R_Buckley: Ravi Zacharias and Chaim Walder had something in common. - 2 years ago

@Kate94793608: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide - Jewish Tele… - 2 years ago

@MoeLowi: @ChasidishVeibel Creepy: See below interview by CW. Regarding children reading his book for adults. That Haredi chi… - 2 years ago

@MoeLowi: @avitalrachel .."the story doesn’t reveal what happened. It’s a secret. Children who read the story can think the p… - 2 years ago

@ShidchApp: Apparently, Chaim Walder died from the shot - 2 years ago

@ShidchApp: I went to the Chaim Walder funeral - 2 years ago

@yona_stan: RT @ShlomoFelber: Yonoson Schwartz, a serial pirater of toys, owns the distribution for Chaim Walder's books in Yiddish and some in English… - 2 years ago

@tzafnas: RT @VatikVChasid: The suicide note of Chaim Walder: "I went to summon [R] Yehuda Silman and [R] Shmuel Eliyahu to din torah in heaven. I… - 2 years ago

@ladyofthepond: We are already witnessing the active rehabilitation of a monster’s image. Any producer who participates in glorifyi… - 2 years ago

@CraigTinsky: RT @matzahstan: Chaim Walder leaving a note inviting the “Rabbis who heard the testimonies against him to Torah court in Heaven” …. how are… - 2 years ago

@4evrstardancer: RT @TheRaDR: @Miribmib A prominent Haredi author (of books for kids) named Chaim Walder was outed in Nov as a sexual abuser of women, boys… - 2 years ago

@TheRaDR: @Miribmib A prominent Haredi author (of books for kids) named Chaim Walder was outed in Nov as a sexual abuser of w… - 2 years ago

@AdelAbdelnass19: Chaim Walder, Charedi author accused of sex abuse, found dead in suspected suicide - 2 years ago

@Smartcairns11: RT @VoiCSA1: This is the second high profile ultra-Orthodox leader who was accused of sexual abuse by countless victims/survivors to have f… - 2 years ago

@DougSchneiderBK: RT @MordyGetz: Dear customers, It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that we will no longer carry the books of Chaim Walder in our s… - 2 years ago

@ShlomoFelber: @themishpacha can sometimes surprise us by taking the right and moral side. But I wouldn't be surprised if… - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @ShulimLeifer: Hot take: everyone who today thinks Chaim Walder is the victim at one point probably also judged an *abuse survivor* who… - 2 years ago

@Kerestear: After listening all day to others opinions about the Chaim Walder situation, I got to the conclusion that non of us… - 2 years ago

@w12move: RT @JoopSoesan: Haredi-auteur en opvoeder Chaim Walder die werd geconfronteerd met meerdere beschuldigingen van verkrachting en aanranding… - 2 years ago

@phxjnews: - 2 years ago

@ShulimLeifer: Hot take: everyone who today thinks Chaim Walder is the victim at one point probably also judged an *abuse survivor… - 2 years ago

@suvragett: Israel: Chaim Walder ist tot via @sz - 2 years ago

@aweitmann: RT @RabbiPoupko: Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva of Philadelphia on the famous Rasha and abuser Chaim Walder: הרב שמואל קמי… - 2 years ago

@TYKAWSM: 1; I very much believe that chaim walder is guilty of multiple child/minor molestation, aka rape based on the evide… - 2 years ago

@TYKAWSM: RT @pesach_lattin: Chaim Walder: anyone, regardless of their status should be put in Cherim for defending Chaim Walder. Anyone who has not… - 2 years ago

@f_k_campbell: RT @SivanRahav: Four thoughts about Chaim Walder and about us תודה על כל התגובות. הנה הטקסט גם באנגלית. - 2 years ago

@TYKAWSM: RT @shtickydude: @yossinyc26 Here’s my answer: Yonasan Schwartz is an outright liar here! He is the distributor of Chaim Walder’s books i… - 2 years ago

@IsaacGalil: @JosefSinger1 Rabbi Shmuel Eliyohu Chief Rabbi and Av Beis Din of Zefat On the Pedophile and rapist Chaim Walder שר… - 2 years ago

@africanhakham: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Rape This person is going around defending the serial rapist, Chaim Walder (may his memory rot). They're harassin… - 2 years ago

@duke_unreal: RT @haaretzcom: Testimony after testimony of alleged rape, assault and abuse by Chaim Walder was read out in a private rabbinical hearing.… - 2 years ago

@BeateHaubrock: Israel - Die dunkle Seite des Kinderbuchautors (via @SZ) - 2 years ago

@StamfHillBilly: @yossinyc26 @KalmenBarkin3 @NL21956316 @MordyGetz @Hasidic_3 You may have gotten your picture from one of those per… - 2 years ago

@duke_unreal: RT @haaretzcom: The cliche about predators like Chaim Walder who kill themselves is that they deny justice to their victims. In his case,… - 2 years ago

@AuditoryJihad: RT @pesach_lattin: Chaim Walder: anyone, regardless of their status should be put in Cherim for defending Chaim Walder. Anyone who has not… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @TraumaWritings: In light of the recent news of Chaim Walder. - 2 years ago

@Medien_News: Der Fall Chaim Walder: Die dunkle Seite des berühmten Kinderbuchautors - 2 years ago

@neligertner: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: The Torah commands us to "destroy the evil from your midst." Although Chaim Walder was not brought to accountability… - 2 years ago

@pesach_lattin: RT @pesach_lattin: Chaim Walder: anyone, regardless of their status should be put in Cherim for defending Chaim Walder. Anyone who has not… - 2 years ago

@california752: RT @SivanRahav: Four thoughts about Chaim Walder and about us תודה על כל התגובות. הנה הטקסט גם באנגלית. - 2 years ago

@DanielHarroch: RT @SivanRahav: Four thoughts about Chaim Walder and about us תודה על כל התגובות. הנה הטקסט גם באנגלית. - 2 years ago

@SivanRahav: Four thoughts about Chaim Walder and about us תודה על כל התגובות. הנה הטקסט גם באנגלית. - 2 years ago

@yoniChanowitz: @hannahofhameln Like, why didn't they tell the teachers to say "tell the kids chaim walder died because he didn't keep shomer negiah" - 2 years ago

@HadassEviatar: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Rape This person is going around defending the serial rapist, Chaim Walder (may his memory rot). They're harassin… - 2 years ago

@settstonesss: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Rape This person is going around defending the serial rapist, Chaim Walder (may his memory rot). They're harassin… - 2 years ago

@MalkaLHS: RT @RabbiPoupko: Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva of Philadelphia on the famous Rasha and abuser Chaim Walder: הרב שמואל קמי… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky, Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva of Philadelphia on the famous Rasha and abuser Chaim Walder: הרב שמ… - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: @ConservativeYi1 @jmoosman @ShulimLeifer - 2 years ago

@jewishstudent1: RT @TraumaWritings: In light of the recent news of Chaim Walder. - 2 years ago

@Thatjewboy1: RT @MHayeshiva: Breaking: bochur caught reading chaim walder books in yeshiva bathroom. - 2 years ago

@shtickydude: @yossinyc26 Here’s my answer: Yonasan Schwartz is an outright liar here! He is the distributor of Chaim Walder’s… - 2 years ago

@Marpelrostock: RT @TraumaWritings: In light of the recent news of Chaim Walder. - 2 years ago

@MbMcmichael: RT @shirasilkoff: Live footage of the Charedi press trying to figure out how to spin it so Chaim Walder is the victim in all this: - 2 years ago

@TheFrumJew: RT @ShulimLeifer: @ariella_kay @AviWeiss11 @Ami_Magazine @themishpacha *Ami Magazine headline this week* THE MURDER OF CHAIM WALDER זצ״ל:… - 2 years ago

@MordyGetz: RT @TraumaWritings: In light of the recent news of Chaim Walder. - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: @EichlersBP you got rid of Chaim Walder. Permanently. - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@tevypilc: The decision by @YWN to not cover Chaim Walder’s suicide is very telling. Not that they have any obligation to but… - 2 years ago

@annarajagopal_: TW: Rape This person is going around defending the serial rapist, Chaim Walder (may his memory rot). They're hara… - 2 years ago

@BergYeshivaView: Say what you want about Chaim Walder - he is the one who finally took out Chaim Walder. (This is borrowed from an older joke) - 2 years ago

@Natoxicated54: RT @annarajagopal_: I am not in the mood today, so do NOT try me on this. Chaim Walder can rot in Sheol, if you believe in that sort of thi… - 2 years ago

@Natoxicated54: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Rape Jewish survivors deserve better & our community is failing them, especially trans & non-binary survivors, sur… - 2 years ago

@SZ_Panorama: Chaim Walder ist vor allem in ultraorthodoxen Gemeinden berühmt. Vor ein paar Wochen gab es die ersten Vorwürfe weg… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: 💔😢 The catastrophic aftermath and handling of Chaim Walder's suicide will leave a great deal of damage. Victims w… - 2 years ago

@Natoxicated54: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Sexual abuse This is not a safe space for Chaim Walder apologists and I *will* tweet about you with no shame or ce… - 2 years ago

@Boeck32343841: RT @SZ: Chaim Walder ist vor allem in ultraorthodoxen Gemeinden berühmt. Vor ein paar Wochen gab es die ersten Vorwürfe wegen sexuellen Mis… - 2 years ago

@izzyistooEZ: @chasidervative @HannahLebovits 4/ We don’t get to wash our hands clean of this. Blood was spilled in our city, and… - 2 years ago

@gunnar_ror: RT @pesach_lattin: Chaim Walder: anyone, regardless of their status should be put in Cherim for defending Chaim Walder. Anyone who has not… - 2 years ago

@katz_die: RT @SZ: Chaim Walder ist vor allem in ultra-orthodoxen Gemeinden berühmt. Vor ein paar Wochen gab es die ersten Vorwürfe wegen sexuellen Mi… - 2 years ago

@pesach_lattin: Chaim Walder: anyone, regardless of their status should be put in Cherim for defending Chaim Walder. Anyone who has… - 2 years ago

@africanhakham: RT @annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness it… - 2 years ago

@SZ_TopNews: Chaim Walder ist vor allem in ultraorthodoxen Gemeinden berühmt. Vor ein paar Wochen gab es die ersten Vorwürfe weg… - 2 years ago

@SZ: Chaim Walder ist vor allem in ultraorthodoxen Gemeinden berühmt. Vor ein paar Wochen gab es die ersten Vorwürfe weg… - 2 years ago

@MHayeshiva: Breaking: bochur caught reading chaim walder books in yeshiva bathroom. - 2 years ago

@PurpleRuby8: RT @JewishVoice: Chaim Walder, Author of Jewish Children’s Books Found Dead at Son’s Grave in Israel - - 2 years ago

@BangarangBooks: RT @JewishVoice: Chaim Walder, Author of Jewish Children’s Books Found Dead at Son’s Grave in Israel - - 2 years ago

@JewishVoice: Chaim Walder, Author of Jewish Children’s Books Found Dead at Son’s Grave in Israel - - 2 years ago

@DanLevi20071833: RT @SamuelSokol: According to a columnist at the Five Towns Jewish Times, Haaretz is a "viruntly [sic] anti-Chareidi and openly racist news… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: PIC: Hebrew & Yiddish Jewish law explainer why Chaim Walder is a sexual predator thus his books are forbidden by al… - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: Pretty sad about Chaim Walder. So are my kids and so is their mother. It's sad and scary to see how someone can go… - 2 years ago

@nobodyatalest: Tfw you call a Frum bookstore to ask why they're still selling Chaim Walder's books and they slam the phone down. - 2 years ago

@sara_tonin22: I know no one will see this but I have to get it out. Maybe then I will be able to grieve and let go of the disillu… - 2 years ago

@religion_state: .@AnshelPfeffer: The Israeli police have shown no desire to tackle even the most serious crimes in the ultra-Orthod… - 2 years ago

@hannahofhameln: So I'm seeing all these posts about teachers being instructed to tell their students that Chaim Walder was killed b… - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: RT @YehudisFletcher: Chaim Walder is dead. Even in his death, he put himself first and didn't spare a thought for his many victims. - 2 years ago

@shtickydude: Chaim Walder was an evil sh*t. Yes, there is some culpability on the community, but not even close to how you make… - 2 years ago

@BombeckErna: Israel: Chaim Walder ist tot - Panorama - - 2 years ago

@BrianRule2: RT @CHILD_USA: The earliest accounts went back 25 years ago and the most recent ones occurred six months ago, according to the testimonies.… - 2 years ago

@TraumaWritings: RT @ShlomoFelber: Yonoson Schwartz, a serial pirater of toys, owns the distribution for Chaim Walder's books in Yiddish and some in English… - 2 years ago

@Hanthala4: - 2 years ago

@jewishstudent1: RT @shirasilkoff: Live footage of the Charedi press trying to figure out how to spin it so Chaim Walder is the victim in all this: - 2 years ago

@SZ_TopNews: Chaim Walder ist vor allem in ultra-orthodoxen Gemeinden berühmt. Vor ein paar Wochen gab es die ersten Vorwürfe we… - 2 years ago

@SZ: Chaim Walder ist vor allem in ultra-orthodoxen Gemeinden berühmt. Vor ein paar Wochen gab es die ersten Vorwürfe we… - 2 years ago

@OPublicaINFO: Scriitorul Chaim Walder s-a sinucis după ce a fost acuzat de agresiuni sexuale - 2 years ago

@MicheleChabin1: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@stephensacks: Is Ponovezh Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Gershon Edelstein mentally ill or just an apologist for #chaimwalder? Top haredi… - 2 years ago

@jewishstudent1: RT @GoonerProf: Thank you @YehudisFletcher @ShulimLeifer @HannahLebovits and the other principled frum Tweeps who are standing up.and speak… - 2 years ago

@ShlomoFelber: Yonoson Schwartz, a serial pirater of toys, owns the distribution for Chaim Walder's books in Yiddish and some in E… - 2 years ago

@123_INFO_DE: Israel: Die dunkle Seite des Kinderbuchautors - 2 years ago

@shtickydude: Chaim Walder was an evil manipulative son of a bitch who hurt countless people. Having any drop of rachmunis on him… - 2 years ago

@sex_abuse_news: Haredi Author Chaim Walder Dies by Suicide After Dozens of Sexual Assault Allegations - 2 years ago

@SZ_Panorama: Chaim Walder ist vor allem in ultra-orthodoxen Gemeinden berühmt. Vor ein paar Wochen gab es die ersten Vorwürfe we… - 2 years ago

@jewishstudent1: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@LeftSPhilly: RT @CHILD_USA: The earliest accounts went back 25 years ago and the most recent ones occurred six months ago, according to the testimonies.… - 2 years ago

@ShulimLeifer: @ariella_kay @AviWeiss11 @Ami_Magazine @themishpacha *Ami Magazine headline this week* THE MURDER OF CHAIM WALDER… - 2 years ago

@derrelldurrett: RT @SamuelSokol: Ultra-Orthodox news site Behadrei Haredim just ran a glowing panegyric in memory of Chaim Walder, who killed himself after… - 2 years ago

@diorama333: @Rabbi_Rosenthal You have מדת בלעם - pulling out one detail and ignoring the entire story and context of Chaim Wald… - 2 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Rabbi Eliyahu: 'Chaim Walder isn't going to Heaven': 'He threatened suicide in an attempt to silence his victims, t… - 2 years ago

@Dietri1Dietrich: RT @haaretzcom: Testimony after testimony of alleged rape, assault and abuse by Chaim Walder was read out in a private rabbinical hearing.… - 2 years ago

@allshiny: RT @GoonerProf: Thank you @YehudisFletcher @ShulimLeifer @HannahLebovits and the other principled frum Tweeps who are standing up.and speak… - 2 years ago

@JennieBloom9: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@OPublicaINFO: Scriitorul Jaredi Chaim Walder s-a sinucis după ce a fost acuzat de agresiuni sexuale - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: Chaim Walder's suicide is a grim reminder of Israel Police's criminal neglect of ultra-Orthodox children - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @GoonerProf: Thank you @YehudisFletcher @ShulimLeifer @HannahLebovits and the other principled frum Tweeps who are standing up.and speak… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: In Suicide Note, Chaim Walder Insists He Is Innocent, Summons Rabbis To 'A Din Torah In Heaven' - VINnews - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: @Papirossen1 @AronRabino1 - 2 years ago

@RhondaRenata: Chaim Walder, Author of Jewish Children’s Books, Found Dead at Son’s Grave in Israel - 2 years ago

@africanhakham: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Rape Jewish survivors deserve better & our community is failing them, especially trans & non-binary survivors, sur… - 2 years ago

@elclingman: I am in a whatapp group with chaim Walder conspiracy theories and his supposed suicide note and videos of his funer… - 2 years ago

@BergYeshivaView: @Laura_E_Adkins Say what you want about Chaim Walder - he was the one who finally killed Chaim Walder. (Stolen from an old Hitler joke.) - 2 years ago

@daveschechter: RT @SamuelSokol: Media outlets and figures in the Haredi world keep saying ז״ל (a laudatory phrase meaning “may his memory be for a blessin… - 2 years ago

@ShinawinsEnt: Who is Chaim Walder, Son? Chaim Walder Found Dead Next To His Son’s Grave - 2 years ago

@PioPlanetario: RT @tferrerm: Se suicida Jaim Walder, famoso entre la comunidad ultraortodoxa israelí por sus libros infantiles, inspirados en su experienc… - 2 years ago

@galanthub: Who is Chaim Walder, Son? Chaim Walder Found Dead Next To His Son’s Grave - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: RT @SamuelSokol: According to a columnist at the Five Towns Jewish Times, Haaretz is a "viruntly [sic] anti-Chareidi and openly racist news… - 2 years ago

@LinTercero: RT @tferrerm: Se suicida Jaim Walder, famoso entre la comunidad ultraortodoxa israelí por sus libros infantiles, inspirados en su experienc… - 2 years ago

@in3dmu: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@shirleyGTTO: RT @JewishNewsUK: Chaim Walder, an Israeli Charedi children’s book author who was accused last month of sexual abuse by several teenage gir… - 2 years ago

@benavu54: Author Chaim Walder found dead | News 7 - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: When it comes to Walder's alleged crimes, the fact that a private rabbinical court hearing – one that has no author… - 2 years ago

@Guanche78: RT @tferrerm: Se suicida Jaim Walder, famoso entre la comunidad ultraortodoxa israelí por sus libros infantiles, inspirados en su experienc… - 2 years ago

@Stephduchili: RT @tferrerm: Se suicida Jaim Walder, famoso entre la comunidad ultraortodoxa israelí por sus libros infantiles, inspirados en su experienc… - 2 years ago

@tferrerm: Se suicida Jaim Walder, famoso entre la comunidad ultraortodoxa israelí por sus libros infantiles, inspirados en su… - 2 years ago

@ArutzSheva_En: Former chief rabbi of Israel's police department laments 'trauma' to haredi society from Chaim Walder scandal and s… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide - Jewish Expo… - 2 years ago

@fionn114: RT @haaretzcom: The cliche about predators like Chaim Walder who kill themselves is that they deny justice to their victims. In his case,… - 2 years ago

@AnshelPfeffer: RT @haaretzcom: The cliche about predators like Chaim Walder who kill themselves is that they deny justice to their victims. In his case,… - 2 years ago

@weskusgogga: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@weskusgogga: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@fionn114: RT @haaretzcom: Testimony after testimony of alleged rape, assault and abuse by Chaim Walder was read out in a private rabbinical hearing.… - 2 years ago

@weskusgogga: RT @haaretzcom: Testimony after testimony of alleged rape, assault and abuse by Chaim Walder was read out in a private rabbinical hearing.… - 2 years ago

@threadreaderapp: @daniel_bilar Saluti, here is your unroll: The suicide note of Chaim Walder: "I went to summon [R] Yehuda Silman…… - 2 years ago

@ArutzSheva_En: Rabbi Gershon Edelstein slams public shaming campaign against Chaim Walder. 'Leading him to commit suicide is calle… - 2 years ago

@Mendelpol: RT @JewishNewsUK: Chaim Walder, an Israeli Charedi children’s book author who was accused last month of sexual abuse by several teenage gir… - 2 years ago

@sparkyshiny: @DanaGoldstein16 @Laura_E_Adkins It's not our job to decide what will be with chaim walder Leave that up to God. - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: The cliche about predators like Chaim Walder who kill themselves is that they deny justice to their victims. In h… - 2 years ago

@liliacorr: Si no tuviste un libro de Chaim Walder en casa, nunca fuiste Cheredi de verdad. - 2 years ago

@JewishPress: Samaria Regional Council Advises Parents on Explaining Chaim Walder's Suicide to Children - @JewishPress -… - 2 years ago

@c_j_breeze: RT @JewishNewsUK: Chaim Walder, an Israeli Charedi children’s book author who was accused last month of sexual abuse by several teenage gir… - 2 years ago

@mamadsultan: RT @Know_More_News: 'Kids Speak' ironic - 2 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: RT @JewishNewsUK: Chaim Walder, an Israeli Charedi children’s book author who was accused last month of sexual abuse by several teenage gir… - 2 years ago

@CalvoCozar: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - 2 years ago

@AnshelPfeffer: RT @haaretzcom: Testimony after testimony of alleged rape, assault and abuse by Chaim Walder was read out in a private rabbinical hearing.… - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: If Chaim Walder slept with married women, he is paying for it now. But the married women who slept with him consens… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: According to a columnist at the Five Towns Jewish Times, Haaretz is a "viruntly [sic] anti-Chareidi and openly raci… - 2 years ago

@benjamin4peace: RT @haaretzcom: Testimony after testimony of alleged rape, assault and abuse by Chaim Walder was read out in a private rabbinical hearing.… - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: Testimony after testimony of alleged rape, assault and abuse by Chaim Walder was read out in a private rabbinical h… - 2 years ago

@Israel_NewsFR: Rav Edelstein contre Rav Eliyahu : La guerre des rabbins après le suicide de l’écrivain Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@CindyDarrison: RT @YehudaKrohn: The suicide of noted author and alleged abuser, Chaim Walder, evokes many feelings. Among them are sadness, anger, and f… - 2 years ago

@dahliasc: Struggling over what Chaim Walder suicide says about law & justice in #Israel: meaningless & he's above it/entitled… - 2 years ago

@InfosIsraelNews: Rav Edelstein contre Rav Eliyahu : La guerre des rabbins après le suicide de l’écrivain Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@lukeford: Haredi children's author Chaim Walder kills himself (12-28-21) - 2 years ago

@StillServingDSS: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: Men. Find yourself a good woman. Be faithful. Love her. Respect her. And stay away from all other women. They just… - 2 years ago

@TheFrumJew: RT @Briskerov: Chaim Walder wrote in his last letter ה' נתן וה' לקח No, Hashem gave and you took! Life is not a choice but a present from… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: Media outlets and figures in the Haredi world keep saying ז״ל (a laudatory phrase meaning “may his memory be for a… - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: @wethergeat G-d did not celebrate the drowning of the Egyptians. I'm certainly not celebrating the death of Chaim W… - 2 years ago

@TraumaWritings: In light of the recent news of Chaim Walder. - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: @AkivaMCohen @Prezide36505563 @edenwerba @ShulimLeifer @shirasilkoff Pirkei Avos says we don't judge until we are i… - 2 years ago

@mannywaks: RT @VoiCSA1: - 2 years ago

@VoiCSA1: - 2 years ago

@shortyoni: RT @VatikVChasid: 🚨🚨🚨 Anyone know why @YWN is ignoring the Chaim Walder story? 🤔🤔 @LakewoodScoop @BoroPark24 @HeimishHumor @HeimishCon @Lak… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: @hermanbadio1 @Spokoiny @MordyGetz @ArielSchnabel @yankihebrew @pinidunner @kampeas @AmudimOrg @JacobMagid… - 2 years ago

@blueblueeyes56: RT @abesilbe: My thoughts are with his victims, and my thanks to brave leaders like @MordyGetz who worked quickly to protect children after… - 2 years ago

@DavidAlanBlowe4: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Haredi author and educator Chaim Walder has been found lifeless in a graveyard in what is suspected to have been suicid… - 2 years ago

@Yeshivisha: RT @Briskerov: Chaim Walder wrote in his last letter ה' נתן וה' לקח No, Hashem gave and you took! Life is not a choice but a present from… - 2 years ago

@thenabster126: RT @LakewoodScoop: BREAKING: Chaim Walder, the author of dozens of children’s books, has been found dead in an apparent suicide. This comes… - 2 years ago

@sjmpsych: RT @MarcusBlimi: - 2 years ago

@RaptureForums: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@ys828: RT @joshgraj: I feel like we really need an article from either Rav Mayer Twersky or Rav Aharon Lopiansky on this whole Chaim Walder situat… - 2 years ago

@ihaveadreamanna: Chaim Walder was found dead. Walder was facing multiple allegations of rape and sexual assault of minors Chaim Wald… - 2 years ago

@SuzyTweetsStuff: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Sexual abuse A rabbi you follow is BDE'ing a white settler & serial sexual abuser (Chaim Walder). However you wan… - 2 years ago

@ReinholdYitzy: RT @YehudisFletcher: Chaim Walder is dead. Even in his death, he put himself first and didn't spare a thought for his many victims. - 2 years ago

@ReinholdYitzy: RT @yakovhorowitz: I’m doing an Instagram Live @yakovhorowitz at 12 noon Eastern/7:00 pm Israel time helping parents speak to your children… - 2 years ago

@jennyklein0110: @Yidel5 @VINNews I understand. May I clarify that I saw another letter from Chaim Walder stating the exact opposite… - 2 years ago

@unicresnaweb: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - 2 years ago

@John68Richmond: RT @haaretzcom: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@Shiurklali: Chaim Walder saga has me in two places: Horrified by allegations & filled w/ contempt for what he was accused of.… - 2 years ago

@religion_state: .@AnshelPfeffer: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@sendhelpdotcom1: My brain cannot fully comprehend how someone can be such a horrible person, how someone would go out of their way t… - 2 years ago

@SaveSJarrah: Haredi author Chaim Walder dies by suicide after dozens of sexual assault allegations - 2 years ago

@kevinsonyy: RT @elmundoes: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@shortyoni: RT @frumfollies: I want to say "Chaim Walder, yemach shemo." But first his survivors are still owed an accounting and Walder deserves a bur… - 2 years ago

@stacyebeth: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - 2 years ago

@DaveOBrienCT: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@DrZackaryBerger: RT @GoonerProf: Thank you @YehudisFletcher @ShulimLeifer @HannahLebovits and the other principled frum Tweeps who are standing up.and speak… - 2 years ago

@SharanskyWailer: RT @shirasilkoff: Chaim Walder, Haredi children’s author, therapist, and accused rapist, has been found dead in a suspected suicide. https… - 2 years ago

@sendhelpdotcom1: RT @ShulimLeifer: Idk who needs to hear this, but: If you feel Chaim Walder didn’t deserve to die, just remember that usually it’s the *vic… - 2 years ago

@ReinholdYitzy: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: The Torah commands us to "destroy the evil from your midst." Although Chaim Walder was not brought to accountability… - 2 years ago

@HannahLebovits: I have been trying to focus on my family today and not the horrifying Chaim Walder news but I still feel like there… - 2 years ago

@sendhelpdotcom1: RT @annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness it… - 2 years ago

@HannahLebovits: RT @GoonerProf: Thank you @YehudisFletcher @ShulimLeifer @HannahLebovits and the other principled frum Tweeps who are standing up.and speak… - 2 years ago

@ShulimLeifer: RT @GoonerProf: Thank you @YehudisFletcher @ShulimLeifer @HannahLebovits and the other principled frum Tweeps who are standing up.and speak… - 2 years ago

@GoonerProf: Thank you @YehudisFletcher @ShulimLeifer @HannahLebovits and the other principled frum Tweeps who are standing up.a… - 2 years ago

@dr_stack: RT @dr_stack: few minutes ago בני בגין #reversim chaim walder רמי בן יהודה זיו אריה חולה נפש Christmas 274… - 2 years ago

@SaraWassner: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: The Torah commands us to "destroy the evil from your midst." Although Chaim Walder was not brought to accountability… - 2 years ago

@la_roche1: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - 2 years ago

@jewish_ma: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide - 2 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @HannahLebovits: No words - 2 years ago

@dr_stack: few minutes ago בני בגין #reversim chaim walder רמי בן יהודה זיו אריה חולה נפש Christm… - 2 years ago

@lapechotes35: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@InfiniteEcho97: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Rape Jewish survivors deserve better & our community is failing them, especially trans & non-binary survivors, sur… - 2 years ago

@YankeeCucks: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations #Israel - 2 years ago

@YankeeCucks: Haredi Author Chaim Walder Dies by Suicide After Dozens of Sexual Assault Allegations #Israel - 2 years ago

@ACtruthyeller: @SamuelSokol - 2 years ago

@tahiti93: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@GanzAvi: Besides the fact that this approach is incredibly shallow, it is dangerous: Putting Chaim Walder into the "he is an… - 2 years ago

@joshgraj: I feel like we really need an article from either Rav Mayer Twersky or Rav Aharon Lopiansky on this whole Chaim Walder situation - 2 years ago

@GanzAvi: So then we take a deep breath....walk slowly to the bookshelves.....consider looking in the books for hints to this… - 2 years ago

@GanzAvi: Chaim Walder's suicide was summarily defined, judged, understood and explained the minute it was announced. That th… - 2 years ago

@RachelKTweets: Thinking of the survivors of sexual abuse and manipulation at the hands of Chaim Walder, as well as @AronRabino1 an… - 2 years ago

@InfiniteEcho97: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Sexual abuse This is not a safe space for Chaim Walder apologists and I *will* tweet about you with no shame or ce… - 2 years ago

@gaypinhead: RT @annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness it… - 2 years ago

@KarenTupon_Tow: @cholentface CHAIM Walder isn’t alive?! - 2 years ago

@Welshbeard: Petah Tikva, Israel : After the suicide of children's author Chaim Walder, following allegations of rape (of women,… - 2 years ago

@abramsssssz: RT @annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness it… - 2 years ago

@kaluapiscis: RT @elmundoes: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@VatikVChasid: Chaim Walder’s fresh grave. - 2 years ago

@frumfollies: I want to say "Chaim Walder, yemach shemo." But first his survivors are still owed an accounting and Walder deserve… - 2 years ago

@PosenIzzy: @AronRabino1 and @ShiraElk the journalists who uncovered this whole saga with Chaim Walder are brave people. I hope… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Haredi author Chaim Walder dies by suicide after dozens of sexual assault allegations - Israel News -… - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: “Parenting with Gelly” (a therapist) is going a live at 9 pm on Instagram to answer questions Re talking to childre… - 2 years ago

@edenwerba: RT @RabbiPoupko: The common denominator Chaim Walder, #JeffreyEpstein, Meshi Zahav & Eliezer Berland all have is how strong and powerful th… - 2 years ago

@yona_stan: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@MontMoshe: RT @Briskerov: Chaim Walder wrote in his last letter ה' נתן וה' לקח No, Hashem gave and you took! Life is not a choice but a present from… - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: @ShulimLeifer In the meantime Rabbi Horowitz did an Instagram Live: Empower Yourself to Keep Your Children Safe an… - 2 years ago

@marriavsf: RT @elmundoes: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@VOlDBUG: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Rape Jewish survivors deserve better & our community is failing them, especially trans & non-binary survivors, sur… - 2 years ago

@Briskerov: Chaim Walder wrote in his last letter ה' נתן וה' לקח No, Hashem gave and you took! Life is not a choice but a pre… - 2 years ago

@DavidAgam4: There are only 2 possibilities with Chaim Walder. 1. He did what he was alleged to have done. 2. He somehow inspi… - 2 years ago

@gummyphos: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Rape Jewish survivors deserve better & our community is failing them, especially trans & non-binary survivors, sur… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: PIC: Reb Chaim Walder's Suicide note that he only killed himself because of glory not to shame himself to stand bef… - 2 years ago

@Rina_The_Esper: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Rape Jewish survivors deserve better & our community is failing them, especially trans & non-binary survivors, sur… - 2 years ago

@annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's memory be for a rotten curse. - 2 years ago

@salemergui: RT @elmundoes: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@annarajagopal_: I am not in the mood today, so do NOT try me on this. Chaim Walder can rot in Sheol, if you believe in that sort of thing. - 2 years ago

@annarajagopal_: TW: Rape Jewish survivors deserve better & our community is failing them, especially trans & non-binary survivors,… - 2 years ago

@y_sarfati: - 2 years ago

@SCynic1: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: RT @YehudisFletcher: Chaim Walder is dead. Even in his death, he put himself first and didn't spare a thought for his many victims. - 2 years ago

@RatzonAdam: Here is an article I published. I pray it is received as I intended it... to be helpful... - 2 years ago

@prof_dainy: RT @ShulimLeifer: I’m hoping and praying that the news and story of Chaim Walder will lead to a lot of conversations between Chareidi paren… - 2 years ago

@vivariumite: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Sexual abuse A rabbi you follow is BDE'ing a white settler & serial sexual abuser (Chaim Walder). However you wan… - 2 years ago

@StarH0pper: RT @annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness it… - 2 years ago

@nadiasindi: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@sisi7304: RT @annarajagopal_: TW: Sexual abuse A rabbi you follow is BDE'ing a white settler & serial sexual abuser (Chaim Walder). However you wan… - 2 years ago

@rantinglefist: RT @annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness it… - 2 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: Chaim Walder, an Israeli Charedi children’s book author who was accused last month of sexual abuse by several teena… - 2 years ago

@jewish_activist: RT @annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness it… - 2 years ago

@annarajagopal_: TW: Sexual abuse This is not a safe space for Chaim Walder apologists and I *will* tweet about you with no shame o… - 2 years ago

@24TrueToneTenor: RT @annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness it… - 2 years ago

@dasibassara: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: The Torah commands us to "destroy the evil from your midst." Although Chaim Walder was not brought to accountability… - 2 years ago

@TheThembo: RT @annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness it… - 2 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @haaretzcom: According to a Haaretz investigation in November, Walder, 52, allegedly sexually exploited girls and women for years. One o… - 2 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @haaretzcom: Walder's body was found in a cemetery in central Israel after a passerby reported hearing gunshots. He left his house Sunda… - 2 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @haaretzcom: Destruction. Mourning, There are no other words to describe what the ultra-Orthodox community has gone through since Haaret… - 2 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @haaretzcom: The fall of Chaim Walder, children's book author, newspaper columnist and rock star across all strands of Orthodoxy, is set… - 2 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @haaretzcom: Complaints that Chaim Walder sexually abused children have encouraged more victims to speak out and wrenched the community… - 2 years ago

@annarajagopal_: May Chaim Walder's soul never know peace; may it scour the in-between in search of anything other than the darkness… - 2 years ago

@RatzonAdam: Here is an article I just published. I pray it is received as it was intended... - 2 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @haaretzcom: "The suspect, a powerful public figure, was repudiated, even if tacitly, and ousted from his positions. Still, it seems the… - 2 years ago

@schneider_EF: RT @haaretzcom: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@ReasonableYid: @yatteit @UberPollster @chasidervative @HannahLebovits @AmosSchocken1 @Haaretz You say they're not here to help us,… - 2 years ago

@annarajagopal_: TW: Sexual abuse A rabbi you follow is BDE'ing a white settler & serial sexual abuser (Chaim Walder). However you… - 2 years ago

@yair_eitan: Truly disgusted by the awful amount of people on here ready to deny or minimize the sexual abuse inflicted by Chaim… - 2 years ago

@abesilbe: Oh God. "Guidance to given to Haredi educators...was to stress to their young students the injustice done to Walde… - 2 years ago

@liamget: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: Haredi Author Chaim Walder’s Suicide: A Reminder That His Victims Have Been Abandoned. @IsraelPolice have shown no… - 2 years ago

@Jewjehh: RT @ShulimLeifer: I’m hoping and praying that the news and story of Chaim Walder will lead to a lot of conversations between Chareidi paren… - 2 years ago

@ReasonableYid: @yatteit @UberPollster @chasidervative @HannahLebovits @AmosSchocken1 @Haaretz I'm looking for an example of the "i… - 2 years ago

@ayelocat: RT @Know_More_News: 'Kids Speak' ironic - 2 years ago

@abbaleksandr: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - Israel News -… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: Yeshiva World News doesn’t appear to have covered his suicide yet but their previous coverage seems pretty decent f… - 2 years ago

@Tony_Munro2: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@Apikoros613: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: RT @SamuelSokol: Vos Iz Neias didn’t avoid mentioning the allegations or try to lionize Walder but it did use the euphemism “inappropriate… - 2 years ago

@maskrunuts: 🤓 The Jerusalem Post Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations "If… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: However, in a second story, it termed his suicide note a “moving letter.” (I can’t speak to the veracity of said no… - 2 years ago

@arash_tehran: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@mshafiquk: RT @AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this morn… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: Vos Iz Neias didn’t avoid mentioning the allegations or try to lionize Walder but it did use the euphemism “inappro… - 2 years ago

@abbaleksandr: Chaim Walder's last letter | News 7 - 2 years ago

@AnshelPfeffer: The Haredi establishment is already posthumously rehabilitating sexual predator Chaim Walder after his suicide this… - 2 years ago

@JComm_NewsFeeds: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned: The Israeli police have sh… - 2 years ago

@AnshelPfeffer: RT @haaretzcom: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@EveBelleYoung: RT @AaronReich: Chaim Walder, the Israeli ultra-Orthodox children's book author and therapist who has been accused of rape and sexual abuse… - 2 years ago

@caproparents: RT @CHILD_USA: The earliest accounts went back 25 years ago and the most recent ones occurred six months ago, according to the testimonies.… - 2 years ago

@allshiny: @sarahthemoose We didn’t get that lucky… different pedo / rapist this time: - 2 years ago

@Vulcanojeh: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@wikifinanzas: RT @haaretzcom: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@VINNews: Read Chaim Walder’s suicide note. - 2 years ago

@wikifinanzas: RT @elmundoes: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@irenevautour: RT @haaretzcom: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Suicide note of Chaim Walder; As I said to @MordyGetz they truly believe their abuse is to help us victims get bett… - 2 years ago

@elmundoes: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: Haredi author Chaim Walder’s suicide is a reminder that his victims have been abandoned - 2 years ago

@PosenIzzy: I believe that Chaim Walder died believing that he was a good person despite knowing full well that he did illegal… - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: RT @JosieBrendaA: I'm not going to engage in Schadenfreude over the suicide of Chaim Walder, but I am somewhat relieved that the rabbinical… - 2 years ago

@deenayellin: RT @CHILD_USA: The earliest accounts went back 25 years ago and the most recent ones occurred six months ago, according to the testimonies.… - 2 years ago

@RosemarieBrown3: RT @SamuelSokol: Ultra-Orthodox news site Behadrei Haredim just ran a glowing panegyric in memory of Chaim Walder, who killed himself after… - 2 years ago

@VatikVChasid: And for the mission he's given me - the talent, spirit and charm to contribute to the world Hashem gave, and hashem… - 2 years ago

@VatikVChasid: Chaim Walder’s suicide letter translated to English. @LakewoodNewsNet @YWN @PosenIzzy @BoroPark24 @Hasidic_3… - 2 years ago

@VivianBercovici: RT @SamuelSokol: Ultra-Orthodox news site Behadrei Haredim just ran a glowing panegyric in memory of Chaim Walder, who killed himself after… - 2 years ago

@Steven_Strauss: RT @SamuelSokol: Ultra-Orthodox news site Behadrei Haredim just ran a glowing panegyric in memory of Chaim Walder, who killed himself after… - 2 years ago

@dwinfrey72: RT @haaretzcom: According to a Haaretz investigation in November, Walder, 52, allegedly sexually exploited girls and women for years. One o… - 2 years ago

@dwinfrey72: RT @haaretzcom: Walder's body was found in a cemetery in central Israel after a passerby reported hearing gunshots. He left his house Sunda… - 2 years ago

@CHILD_USA: The earliest accounts went back 25 years ago and the most recent ones occurred six months ago, according to the tes… - 2 years ago

@dwinfrey72: RT @haaretzcom: Complaints that Chaim Walder sexually abused children have encouraged more victims to speak out and wrenched the community… - 2 years ago

@dwinfrey72: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@dwinfrey72: RT @haaretzcom: "The suspect, a powerful public figure, was repudiated, even if tacitly, and ousted from his positions. Still, it seems the… - 2 years ago

@5DollarFeminist: RT @SamuelSokol: Ultra-Orthodox news site Behadrei Haredim just ran a glowing panegyric in memory of Chaim Walder, who killed himself after… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: Ultra-Orthodox news site Behadrei Haredim just ran a glowing panegyric in memory of Chaim Walder, who killed himsel… - 2 years ago

@TheWarRoomNZ: #Israel - Haredi Author Chaim Walder Dies by Suicide After Dozens of Sexual Assault Allegations - 2 years ago

@ReasonableYid: @yatteit @UberPollster @chasidervative @HannahLebovits @AmosSchocken1 @Haaretz Please link to the articles or posts… - 2 years ago

@VatikVChasid: And for the mission he's given me - the talent, spirit and charm to contribute to the world Hashem gave, and hashem… - 2 years ago

@DOVID_19: If you're celebrating Chaim Walder's life or death right now, you're doing it wrong. - 2 years ago

@WhatsnuGm: RT @HannahLebovits: No words - 2 years ago

@VatikVChasid: The suicide note of Chaim Walder: "I went to summon [R] Yehuda Silman and [R] Shmuel Eliyahu to din torah in heave… - 2 years ago

@17AmericanTruth: @ReasonableYid How do the actions/silence of the people who knew about the Chaim Walder situation reflect on the wh… - 2 years ago

@TheMuseCompels: RT @shirasilkoff: Chaim Walder, Haredi children’s author, therapist, and accused rapist, has been found dead in a suspected suicide. https… - 2 years ago

@17AmericanTruth: RT @17AmericanTruth: Chaim Walder is a POS who deserved to die, although it's too bad that his victims didn't get their day in court. What… - 2 years ago

@UnrollHelper: @YehudaKrohn Hallo, the unroll you asked for: The suicide of noted author and alleged abuser, Chaim Walder, evokes…… - 2 years ago

@YehudaKrohn: The suicide of noted author and alleged abuser, Chaim Walder, evokes many feelings. Among them are sadness, anger, and fear. 1/ - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: @edenwerba @ShulimLeifer @shirasilkoff Chaim Walder had taivas. He had issues. Just like I do. Just like you do. So… - 2 years ago

@SorryIra: Speaks His Last - by Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@penrose__jm: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: The Torah commands us to "destroy the evil from your midst." Although Chaim Walder was not brought to accountability… - 2 years ago

@HadassEviatar: RT @ShulimLeifer: I’m hoping and praying that the news and story of Chaim Walder will lead to a lot of conversations between Chareidi paren… - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: @AsafShaloo @JTAnews Also, it’s apparent from your response that if the museum had been named after Chaim Walder, y… - 2 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @shaynamalka: It takes a lot to shock me. This did. - 2 years ago

@Sharronapearl: RT @MarcusBlimi: - 2 years ago

@RhondaSue2008: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@LehiRed: RT @shirasilkoff: Chaim Walder, Haredi children’s author, therapist, and accused rapist, has been found dead in a suspected suicide. https… - 2 years ago

@liliacorr: Después de lo que pasó con Chaim Walder, ya no sé en quien creer. - 2 years ago

@TheWarRoomNZ: #Israel - Haredi Author Chaim Walder Dies by Suicide After Dozens of Sexual Assault Allegations - 2 years ago

@VatikVChasid: Retweet if you think @YWN should report on Chaim Walder story! @Hasidic_3 @HasidicA - 2 years ago

@TeeRoy_Jenkinz: RT @Know_More_News: 'Kids Speak' ironic - 2 years ago

@matzahstan: Chaim Walder leaving a note inviting the “Rabbis who heard the testimonies against him to Torah court in Heaven” ….… - 2 years ago

@TorahLectures: So too Chaim Walder did what he did if it were ever true. We will never know because he left this world without fac… - 2 years ago

@matzahstan: RT @ShulimLeifer: Idk who needs to hear this, but: If you feel Chaim Walder didn’t deserve to die, just remember that usually it’s the *vic… - 2 years ago

@MichelGerstenh1: #Chaim Walder, célèbre auteur haredi pour enfants accusé d’abus sexuel, s’est suicidé Trois jeunes filles avaient d… - 2 years ago

@JacintaJac: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Haredi author and educator Chaim Walder has been found lifeless in a graveyard in what is suspected to have been suicid… - 2 years ago

@simplehockeyfan: RT @prof_dainy: However you feel about Chaim Walder's suicide, it's valid. Feel your feelings. For me: I feel grim satisfaction that he's… - 2 years ago

@17AmericanTruth: RT @17AmericanTruth: Chaim Walder is a POS who deserved to die, although it's too bad that his victims didn't get their day in court. What… - 2 years ago

@HadassEviatar: RT @ShulimLeifer: Idk who needs to hear this, but: If you feel Chaim Walder didn’t deserve to die, just remember that usually it’s the *vic… - 2 years ago

@VatikVChasid: 🚨🚨🚨 Anyone know why @YWN is ignoring the Chaim Walder story? 🤔🤔 @LakewoodScoop @BoroPark24 @HeimishHumor @HeimishCon @LakewoodNewsNet - 2 years ago

@Annie_deBhal: RT @HannahLebovits: Here he is eulogized as being "of blessed memory." The survivors- and everyone who he hurt, manipulated, lied to- dese… - 2 years ago

@sex_abuse_news: Chaim Walder, ultra-Orthodox children’s book author who was accused of sexual abuse, found dead - 2 years ago

@malagobo: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide - Jewish Tele… - 2 years ago

@PetriHerreraCan: RT @jatirado: #Israel #mujer El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@uri21758863: RT @shirasilkoff: Live footage of the Charedi press trying to figure out how to spin it so Chaim Walder is the victim in all this: - 2 years ago

@Monicaparedes89: RT @Know_More_News: 'Kids Speak' ironic - 2 years ago

@SarahKWilliam: Chaim Walder R.I.P. 😢🙏 - 2 years ago

@DerivesSectes: Chaim Walder, ultra-Orthodox children’s book author who was accused of sexual abuse, found dead - 2 years ago

@penrose__jm: RT @ShulimLeifer: Idk who needs to hear this, but: If you feel Chaim Walder didn’t deserve to die, just remember that usually it’s the *vic… - 2 years ago

@honigmaydl: I was not expecting this. - 2 years ago

@Crist1c: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual La Policía israelí halla el cuerpo d… - 2 years ago

@ReasonableYid: Conflicting. Chaim Walder deserves no sympathy, in his case I imagine we'd all agree his suicide was a criminally… - 2 years ago

@youreverydayjew: RT @shirasilkoff: Chaim Walder, Haredi children’s author, therapist, and accused rapist, has been found dead in a suspected suicide. https… - 2 years ago

@ReasonableYid: @Laura_E_Adkins @TEAMDJW With that said, sensitivity about how we talk about suicide is important. Chaim Walder de… - 2 years ago

@yakovhorowitz: “Empower Yourself to Keep Your Children Safe and Secure” The Chaim Walder Story As a Teachable Moment” (32:00) - 2 years ago

@NysRoute59: @JosefSinger1 @MarcusBlimi It goes the other way around. A long a time ago the Rabbis came out with a letter again… - 2 years ago

@Statystyka3: RT @KWyszkowski: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide - Jewish Telegraphic… - 2 years ago

@KWyszkowski: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide - Jewish Tele… - 2 years ago

@MorenoRen3: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual La Policía israelí halla el cuerpo d… - 2 years ago

@sephardiyahud: RT @HannahLebovits: Here he is eulogized as being "of blessed memory." The survivors- and everyone who he hurt, manipulated, lied to- dese… - 2 years ago

@gregnorc: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@ElisaElisa110: RT @jatirado_oc: #Israel #mujer El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@Akiliense: Sexual abuse of children in Israel's ultra-orthodox community brought to light, resulting in suicide of a 'protecto… - 2 years ago

@17AmericanTruth: RT @17AmericanTruth: Chaim Walder is a POS who deserved to die, although it's too bad that his victims didn't get their day in court. What… - 2 years ago

@jatirado: RT @jatirado_oc: #Israel #mujer El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@jatirado_oc: #Israel #mujer El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual… - 2 years ago

@matzahstan: RT @prof_dainy: However you feel about Chaim Walder's suicide, it's valid. Feel your feelings. For me: I feel grim satisfaction that he's… - 2 years ago

@benwaxman: @KolBarama listed the subjects that they're talking about tonight and Chaim Walder (THE subject in the chareidi wo… - 2 years ago

@NoticieroMAD: RT @jatirado: #Israel #mujer El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@AdriMat3: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual La Policía israelí halla el cuerpo d… - 2 years ago

@JudithTaat: RT @JoopSoesan: Haredi-auteur en opvoeder Chaim Walder die werd geconfronteerd met meerdere beschuldigingen van verkrachting en aanranding… - 2 years ago

@jatirado_oc: RT @jatirado: #Israel #mujer El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@GettysburgiBook: RT @jatirado: #Israel #mujer El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@Mobilebabe: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@linuxrocks2013: RT @drroynorman: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide - Jewish Telegraphic… - 2 years ago

@jose197312: RT @jatirado: #Israel #mujer El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual - 2 years ago

@jatirado: #Israel #mujer El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual… - 2 years ago

@MauricePinay: RT @Jerusalem_Post: A total of 22 people have come forward to testify against haredi author and educator Chaim Walder in the Rabbinical Cou… - 2 years ago

@religion_state: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - 2 years ago

@ElMundoInter: El escritor jaredí Chaim Walder se suicida tras ser acusado de agresión sexual. - 2 years ago

@Kudaybergenov_S: RT @AaronReich: Chaim Walder, the Israeli ultra-Orthodox children's book author and therapist who has been accused of rape and sexual abuse… - 2 years ago

@odileintraining: RT @rabbikenbrodkin: The Torah commands us to "destroy the evil from your midst." Although Chaim Walder was not brought to accountability… - 2 years ago

@matzahstan: RT @HannahLebovits: Here he is eulogized as being "of blessed memory." The survivors- and everyone who he hurt, manipulated, lied to- dese… - 2 years ago

@rivkacjoseph: RT @ZuckierShlomo: The disturbing story of formerly acclaimed author Chaim Walder has reached its disturbing end. - 2 years ago

@RoeeZeReign: Just found out that Chaim Walder committed suicide, he was a lost sheep in a horrible cult called Haredim (ultra or… - 2 years ago

@17AmericanTruth: Chaim Walder is a POS who deserved to die, although it's too bad that his victims didn't get their day in court. W… - 2 years ago

@Boshnackttack1: RT @shirasilkoff: Chaim Walder, Haredi children’s author, therapist, and accused rapist, has been found dead in a suspected suicide. https… - 2 years ago

@SZR_London: What a horrible false allegation against a whole community. Shame on @haaretzcom. - 2 years ago

@serranoart: RT @AaronReich: Chaim Walder, the Israeli ultra-Orthodox children's book author and therapist who has been accused of rape and sexual abuse… - 2 years ago

@APopCultureDude: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Haredi author and educator Chaim Walder has been found lifeless in a graveyard in what is suspected to have been suicid… - 2 years ago

@sgabekahn: RT @JewishCoffeeH: Sex criminal Chaim Walder is dead... & this online site uses the honorific "z'l" (of blessed memory), and ignores the fa… - 2 years ago

@yakovhorowitz: I’m doing an Instagram Live @yakovhorowitz at 12 noon Eastern/7:00 pm Israel time helping parents speak to your chi… - 2 years ago

@RaphaelLLevy: RT @SCynic1: The Court in Tz’fat that heard the victims should now issue a judgment on whether their evidence is credible. His books (about… - 2 years ago

@Sheikha17780471: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Haredi author and educator Chaim Walder has been found lifeless in a graveyard in what is suspected to have been suicid… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @shirasilkoff: Like Meshi Zahav, Chaim Walder preferred to die a coward than live with the consequences of his own crimes. No innocent m… - 2 years ago

@ToursByFrieda: Children's book author Chaim Walder who was recently accused of sexual abuse of minors (up to 22 victims at this co… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @mominisrael: Chaim Walder committed suicide, denying victims their chance in court. On his son's grave in attempt to appear as tragic f… - 2 years ago

@AviWeiss11: RT @yakovhorowitz: I’m doing an Instagram Live @yakovhorowitz at 12 noon Eastern/7:00 pm Israel time helping parents speak to your children… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @abesilbe: My thoughts are with his victims, and my thanks to brave leaders like @MordyGetz who worked quickly to protect children after… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Haredi author and educator Chaim Walder has been found lifeless in a graveyard in what is suspected to have been suicid… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: RT @shirasilkoff: Chaim Walder, Haredi children’s author, therapist, and accused rapist, has been found dead in a suspected suicide. https… - 2 years ago

@IDFUnit8200: RT @AaronReich: Chaim Walder, the Israeli ultra-Orthodox children's book author and therapist who has been accused of rape and sexual abuse… - 2 years ago

@Jerusalem_Post: RT @AaronReich: Chaim Walder, the Israeli ultra-Orthodox children's book author and therapist who has been accused of rape and sexual abuse… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @ShulimLeifer: I’m hoping and praying that the news and story of Chaim Walder will lead to a lot of conversations between Chareidi paren… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @RabbiPoupko: The common denominator Chaim Walder, #JeffreyEpstein, Meshi Zahav & Eliezer Berland all have is how strong and powerful th… - 2 years ago

@yakovhorowitz: I’m doing an Instagram Live @yakovhorowitz at 12 noon Eastern/7:00 pm Israel time helping parents speak to your chi… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: In a recording given to rabbinical court he had threatened to kill himself if more allegations came out. Then he di… - 2 years ago

@CocoPazzo: RT @ShulimLeifer: Idk who needs to hear this, but: If you feel Chaim Walder didn’t deserve to die, just remember that usually it’s the *vic… - 2 years ago

@hxntr3ss_: RT @Know_More_News: 'Kids Speak' ironic - 2 years ago

@aldhirabi: RT @RabbiPoupko: The common denominator Chaim Walder, #JeffreyEpstein, Meshi Zahav & Eliezer Berland all have is how strong and powerful th… - 2 years ago

@dahliasc: @lisang - 2 years ago

@Know_More_News: 'Kids Speak' ironic - 2 years ago

@FreeManDespair: RT @MordyGetz: Dear customers, It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that we will no longer carry the books of Chaim Walder in our s… - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: At Safed rabbinical court, therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabbis, professionals described 22 alleged cases of… - 2 years ago

@ChronLaw: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide – JTA News –… - 2 years ago

@drroynorman: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide - Jewish Tele… - 2 years ago

@PosenIzzy: @meircohen1111 That's a very unfair comment. I believe my thread to be balanced and sensitive. Nowhere did I single… - 2 years ago

@VINNews: Chaim Walder, the popular children’s author accused of inappropriate moral behavior in recent weeks, has been found… - 2 years ago

@africanhakham: RT @ShulimLeifer: I’m hoping and praying that the news and story of Chaim Walder will lead to a lot of conversations between Chareidi paren… - 2 years ago

@rabbikenbrodkin: The Torah commands us to "destroy the evil from your midst." Although Chaim Walder was not brought to accountabil… - 2 years ago

@Devorakhay: RT @JosieBrendaA: I'm not going to engage in Schadenfreude over the suicide of Chaim Walder, but I am somewhat relieved that the rabbinical… - 2 years ago

@tdotmcelwee: RT @RickAlanRoss: - 2 years ago

@MA73180943: RT @SZR_London: @shtickydude @Hasidic_3 While we all may have many feelings about Chaim Walder's suicide, we must remember that the biggest… - 2 years ago

@lquartl: The underside of fundamentalism. - 2 years ago

@sex_abuse_news: Chaim Walder, célèbre auteur haredi pour enfants accusé d’abus sexuel, s’est suicidé - The Times of Israël - 2 years ago

@masterobscurity: RT @Laura_E_Adkins: How do we deliver justice for the victims of heinous crimes when the person they've credibly accused — from Jeffrey Eps… - 2 years ago

@philmargolies: RT @Laura_E_Adkins: How do we deliver justice for the victims of heinous crimes when the person they've credibly accused — from Jeffrey Eps… - 2 years ago

@Pchoward2: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@ZenBubbe: RT @shtickydude: While we all may have many feelings about Chaim Walder’s suicide, I feel truly terrible for all of his victims who he once… - 2 years ago

@lamdeinu: @SCynic1 @YehudisFletcher Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu (charedi Chief Rabbi of Teveryah): We heard in pain about the suicid… - 2 years ago

@edenwerba: RT @ShulimLeifer: The thing about people like Chaim Walder is this: People knew for a long time. Not just those he abused. But people those… - 2 years ago

@ArnoRosenfeld: RT @Laura_E_Adkins: How do we deliver justice for the victims of heinous crimes when the person they've credibly accused — from Jeffrey Eps… - 2 years ago

@Laura_E_Adkins: How do we deliver justice for the victims of heinous crimes when the person they've credibly accused — from Jeffrey… - 2 years ago

@Sharronapearl: RT @HannahLebovits: Here he is eulogized as being "of blessed memory." The survivors- and everyone who he hurt, manipulated, lied to- dese… - 2 years ago

@yatteit: What utter crap. - 2 years ago

@ShalomGood: I’m just saying: In the US, at some points there was more search for Chaim Walder than there was for Joe Biden.… - 2 years ago

@mrymelnrjdd: Fuck chaim walder and the jewish newspapers not mentioning his crimes in his obit - 2 years ago

@TriciaFireball: RT @ariella_kay: Chaim Walder Update: 22 testimonies of Walder’s victims in court of R’ Shmuel Eliyahu. Victims, therapists & dayanim testi… - 2 years ago

@Ettis4: RT @HannahLebovits: No words - 2 years ago

@dakatzin: Haredi Author Chaim Walder Dies by Suicide After Dozens of Sexual Assault Allegations. According to a @Haaretz inve… - 2 years ago

@RickAlanRoss: - 2 years ago

@NYJewishWeek: Chaim Walder, an Israeli haredi Orthodox children’s book author who was accused last month of sexual abuse by sever… - 2 years ago

@jewishfilmorg: Chaim Walder, popular haredi Orthodox author accused of sexual abuse, found dead in suspected suicide… - 2 years ago

@afoxmother: RT @shirasilkoff: Live footage of the Charedi press trying to figure out how to spin it so Chaim Walder is the victim in all this: - 2 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @HannahLebovits: I do not know what happens after we die but I do know that if there is a place of goodness and virtue that exists after… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Author Chaim Walder found dead | News 7 - 2 years ago

@GuilaBen: RT @ariella_kay: Chaim Walder Update: 22 testimonies of Walder’s victims in court of R’ Shmuel Eliyahu. Victims, therapists & dayanim testi… - 2 years ago

@Ettis4: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@justthinkit: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations "He was a well-known aut… - 2 years ago

@HannahLebovits: I do not know what happens after we die but I do know that if there is a place of goodness and virtue that exists a… - 2 years ago

@OnlyOrthodox: @JDuker @allshiny @moshe_nayes @aronkalman1 .... It’ll be hard to report cause it’s Lashon Hara on such a ugly way.… - 2 years ago

@OnlyOrthodox: @JDuker @allshiny @moshe_nayes Let me learn with you Alef Beis. @moshe_nayes and @aronkalman1 and all other staff… - 2 years ago

@mjbrosh: RT @MigdalEmunahUK: Chaim Walder has died by suicide after a Beth Din hearing on Sunday where multiple allegations of rape and sexual assua… - 2 years ago

@SYudawi: Chaim Walder is a social construct. - 2 years ago

@beawebwriter: RT @abesilbe: My thoughts are with his victims, and my thanks to brave leaders like @MordyGetz who worked quickly to protect children after… - 2 years ago

@JTAnews: Chaim Walder, the popular Israeli children’s author who was accused last month of sexual abuse by several teenage g… - 2 years ago

@YehudisFletcher: RT @abesilbe: My thoughts are with his victims, and my thanks to brave leaders like @MordyGetz who worked quickly to protect children after… - 2 years ago

@davidvienne31: RT @i24NEWS_EN: Haredi author and educator Chaim Walder was found dead on Monday afternoon near his son's grave in a suspected suicide afte… - 2 years ago

@ShalomGood: Chaim Walder, a massive author, was recently accused of molestation and rape from over 20 women, was found dead by… - 2 years ago

@MacFanJohn3: RT @TheBelaaz: 🇮🇱 — ISRAEL: Famous Frum Author Chaim Walder z”l died today at the Segula Cemetery in Petach Tikvah. He has last left his h… - 2 years ago

@JShahryar: re; Chaim Walder: #Jewish family: I love you, I serve you, and I am so sorry. I am outraged both by his actions… - 2 years ago

@edenwerba: RT @ShulimLeifer: Idk who needs to hear this, but: If you feel Chaim Walder didn’t deserve to die, just remember that usually it’s the *vic… - 2 years ago

@realhasidic: Famous author and therapist Chaim Walder, who has been accused of assaulting women, girls and boys, died by suicide… - 2 years ago

@KyraDrg: Chaim Walder mort dans un suicide présumé suite à des allégations de viol - The Jerusalem Post… - 2 years ago

@17kaQhatra: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@arifjamallodhi: RT @haaretzcom: Haredi author Chaim Walder dies by suicide after sexual abuse allegations - 2 years ago

@DrSteveGlicks: There is so much to unpack, learn from, be proud of as a community, and be ashamed of as a community regarding the… - 2 years ago

@SocialWJustice1: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@BarninghamEthan: @tuviaklein @avitalrachel Do you have more expertise in those halachos than this beis din? - 2 years ago

@SZR_London: @shtickydude @Hasidic_3 While we all may have many feelings about Chaim Walder's suicide, we must remember that the… - 2 years ago

@abesilbe: My thoughts are with his victims, and my thanks to brave leaders like @MordyGetz who worked quickly to protect chil… - 2 years ago

@KingsmenInt: Kingsman International Group: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following r... - 2 years ago

@shaifranklin: RT @HannahLebovits: No words - 2 years ago

@ShulimLeifer: Idk who needs to hear this, but: If you feel Chaim Walder didn’t deserve to die, just remember that usually it’s th… - 2 years ago

@MrEph: RT @haaretzcom: On Sunday, a rabbinical court in Safed heard testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabbis and professionals w… - 2 years ago

@JosieBrendaA: I'm not going to engage in Schadenfreude over the suicide of Chaim Walder, but I am somewhat relieved that the rabb… - 2 years ago

@SiegelGeorge8: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@christollone: Chaim Walder, 52, Israeli rabbi and author, suicide.[8] - 2 years ago

@shirasilkoff: Live footage of the Charedi press trying to figure out how to spin it so Chaim Walder is the victim in all this: - 2 years ago

@Yeshivisha: RT @ariella_kay: Chaim Walder pulls an Ariel Castro and died by suicide to avoid giving his victims justice. - 2 years ago

@OnlyOrthodox: RT @TheBelaaz: 🇮🇱 — ISRAEL: Famous Frum Author Chaim Walder z”l died today at the Segula Cemetery in Petach Tikvah. He has last left his h… - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: @AsafShaloo @JTAnews If it were named after Chaim Walder, would you behave in the same way? - 2 years ago

@KolHaolam: ISRAEL: Noted author Chaim Walder has apparently taken his life, months after a beis din, and days after police beg… - 2 years ago

@TheBelaaz: 🇮🇱 — ISRAEL: Famous Frum Author Chaim Walder z”l died today at the Segula Cemetery in Petach Tikvah. He has last l… - 2 years ago

@ShulimLeifer: I’m hoping and praying that the news and story of Chaim Walder will lead to a lot of conversations between Chareidi… - 2 years ago

@RabbiPoupko: The common denominator Chaim Walder, #JeffreyEpstein, Meshi Zahav & Eliezer Berland all have is how strong and powe… - 2 years ago

@Hasidic_3: RT @shtickydude: While we all may have many feelings about Chaim Walder’s suicide, I feel truly terrible for all of his victims who he once… - 2 years ago

@Bosphiz: Haredi author Chaim Walder dies by suicide after dozens of sexual assault allegations - Israel News -… - 2 years ago

@isra_net: Chaim Walder, célèbre auteur haredi pour enfants accusé d’abus sexuel, s’est suicidé #Israel - 2 years ago

@shtickydude: While we all may have many feelings about Chaim Walder’s suicide, I feel truly terrible for all of his victims who… - 2 years ago

@TMayekiso: RT @haaretzcom: The fall of Chaim Walder, children's book author, newspaper columnist and rock star across all strands of Orthodoxy, is set… - 2 years ago

@TMayekiso: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@jacobkornbluh: RT @TheForwardFeed: Chaim Walder, ultra-Orthodox children’s book author who was accused of sexual abuse, found dead - 2 years ago

@jewishfilmorg: Chaim Walder, ultra-Orthodox children’s book author who was accused of sexual abuse, found dead… - 2 years ago

@victoriaozelle: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@victoriaozelle: RT @SamuelSokol: "The Haredi court has no legal authority under Israeli law. Nevertheless, its conclusions will likely have an impact on th… - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: A day before Chaim Walder died by suicide, dozens of testimonies shed light on his alleged sexual abuse - 2 years ago

@SCynic1: The Court in Tz’fat that heard the victims should now issue a judgment on whether their evidence is credible. His b… - 2 years ago

@Bosphiz: RT @haaretzcom: Court hears 22 accusations of sexual assault by Haredi author Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@matzahstan: (unless it’s Chaim Walder obviously) - 2 years ago

@MarcusBlimi: - 2 years ago

@afoxmother: RT @YehudisFletcher: Chaim Walder is dead. Even in his death, he put himself first and didn't spare a thought for his many victims. - 2 years ago

@psSilem: RT @shirasilkoff: Chaim Walder, Haredi children’s author, therapist, and accused rapist, has been found dead in a suspected suicide. https… - 2 years ago

@matzahstan: RT @YehudisFletcher: Chaim Walder is dead. Even in his death, he put himself first and didn't spare a thought for his many victims. - 2 years ago

@marceli64749688: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@shirasilkoff: RT @YehudisFletcher: Chaim Walder is dead. Even in his death, he put himself first and didn't spare a thought for his many victims. - 2 years ago

@YasaOzgr: RT @haaretzcom: Destruction. Mourning, There are no other words to describe what the ultra-Orthodox community has gone through since Haaret… - 2 years ago

@ZuckierShlomo: The disturbing story of formerly acclaimed author Chaim Walder has reached its disturbing end. - 2 years ago

@estadoisrael: El autor Chaim Walder ha sido encontrado muerto - 2 years ago

@julieasandburg: RT @prof_dainy: However you feel about Chaim Walder's suicide, it's valid. Feel your feelings. For me: I feel grim satisfaction that he's… - 2 years ago

@kilovh: Blessed be the True Judge. - 2 years ago

@OldHag07738304: Chaim Walder in 2011. (CC BY-SA Yoninah/Wikimedia Commons) LIVEUPDATED 22MIN AGO Haredi author accused of sexual ab… - 2 years ago

@ShulimLeifer: @RebekahLove25 - 2 years ago

@NigelQuartey: RT @prof_dainy: However you feel about Chaim Walder's suicide, it's valid. Feel your feelings. For me: I feel grim satisfaction that he's… - 2 years ago

@AsafShaloo: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@TimesofIsraelFR: Chaim Walder, célèbre auteur haredi pour enfants accusé d’abus sexuel, s’est suicidé - 2 years ago

@yoniChanowitz: "Guns speak" - 2 years ago

@ShulimLeifer: @BenNiderberg - 2 years ago

@NigelQuartey: RT @ariella_kay: Chaim Walder pulls an Ariel Castro and died by suicide to avoid giving his victims justice. - 2 years ago

@shtickydude: - 2 years ago

@simchapasko: RT @shirasilkoff: Chaim Walder, Haredi children’s author, therapist, and accused rapist, has been found dead in a suspected suicide. https… - 2 years ago

@ShulimLeifer: @jmoosman Chaim Walder - 2 years ago

@shirasilkoff: Like Meshi Zahav, Chaim Walder preferred to die a coward than live with the consequences of his own crimes. No inno… - 2 years ago

@HelOperNoc300: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@ParentSecurity: Chaim Walder, haredi Orthodox children’s book author who was accused of sexual abuse, found dead | #childabuse |… - 2 years ago

@GregoryDEvans: Chaim Walder, haredi Orthodox children’s book author who was accused of sexual abuse, found dead | #childabuse |… - 2 years ago

@Caroxad: not sure how to feel about Chaim Walder's suicide, other than...horror. I'm not sad for anyone except for his victi… - 2 years ago

@ReciteSocial: @Feldheim Your tweet was quoted in an article by jta - 2 years ago

@Shmarya: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@JewishVoice: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@dswslc: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@MeirChaimowitz: RT @ariella_kay: Chaim Walder pulls an Ariel Castro and died by suicide to avoid giving his victims justice. - 2 years ago

@Shoujofan: Haredi author Chaim Walder dies by suicide after dozens of sexual assault allegations - 2 years ago

@Steven_Strauss: RT @HannahLebovits: No words - 2 years ago

@emgoyaars: RT @JoopSoesan: Haredi-auteur en opvoeder Chaim Walder die werd geconfronteerd met meerdere beschuldigingen van verkrachting en aanranding… - 2 years ago

@Caroxad: RT @HannahLebovits: No words - 2 years ago

@chasidervative: @HannahLebovits What do you gain by posting such a mean tweet? I don't care for Chaim Walder but what is the poin… - 2 years ago

@yair_grossman: #Haredi author and educator Chaim Walder has been found lifeless in a graveyard near his son's grave, in what is su… - 2 years ago

@abbaleksandr: Author Chaim Walder found dead | News 7 - 2 years ago

@DianeEugenio: RT @avischarf: Haredi author Chaim Walder commits suicide. Haaretz investigation revealed he allegedly sexually exploited girls+women for y… - 2 years ago

@TinaMorphis: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@i24NEWS_EN: Haredi author and educator Chaim Walder was found dead on Monday afternoon near his son's grave in a suspected suic… - 2 years ago

@DeborahYearyDDD: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@John74244709: RT @JoopSoesan: Haredi-auteur en opvoeder Chaim Walder die werd geconfronteerd met meerdere beschuldigingen van verkrachting en aanranding… - 2 years ago

@jentaub: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@hilleldea: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@YitzchakGross: RT @JewishCoffeeH: Sex criminal Chaim Walder is dead... & this online site uses the honorific "z'l" (of blessed memory), and ignores the fa… - 2 years ago

@TheForwardFeed: Chaim Walder, ultra-Orthodox children’s book author who was accused of sexual abuse, found dead - 2 years ago

@abu_uk: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@ZviLerner: @JewishCoffeeH Please be aware that whilst many allegations have come out against Chaim Walder they are exactly tha… - 2 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @haaretzcom: "The suspect, a powerful public figure, was repudiated, even if tacitly, and ousted from his positions. Still, it seems the… - 2 years ago

@prof_dainy: However you feel about Chaim Walder's suicide, it's valid. Feel your feelings. For me: I feel grim satisfaction th… - 2 years ago

@vloracitaku: RT @SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judges, rabb… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: "The Haredi court has no legal authority under Israeli law. Nevertheless, its conclusions will likely have an impac… - 2 years ago

@LeeBrewer2NA: RT @ifyoutickleus: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - 2 years ago

@debshearer1: RT @haaretzcom: "The suspect, a powerful public figure, was repudiated, even if tacitly, and ousted from his positions. Still, it seems the… - 2 years ago

@SamuelSokol: His suicide comes a day after a rabbinic court in Safed heard 22 testimonies by therapists, rabbinical court judge… - 2 years ago

@BcnFox: RT @haaretzcom: Destruction. Mourning, There are no other words to describe what the ultra-Orthodox community has gone through since Haaret… - 2 years ago

@BcnFox: RT @haaretzcom: The fall of Chaim Walder, children's book author, newspaper columnist and rock star across all strands of Orthodoxy, is set… - 2 years ago

@BcnFox: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@ninarei: RT @haaretzcom: Destruction. Mourning, There are no other words to describe what the ultra-Orthodox community has gone through since Haaret… - 2 years ago

@judysilkoff: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Haredi author and educator Chaim Walder has been found lifeless in a graveyard in what is suspected to have been suicid… - 2 years ago

@TheShadowComp: 'Haredi author & educator Chaim Walder was found dead in a cemetery near his son's grave on Monday, in what is susp… - 2 years ago

@JClickbaited: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - The Jerusalem Post - 2 years ago

@Der_Schakal: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@Orsobianco12: RT @haaretzcom: Destruction. Mourning, There are no other words to describe what the ultra-Orthodox community has gone through since Haaret… - 2 years ago

@afoxmother: chaim walder looks like my abuser and so i have nothing at all to say about his suicide except that i am once again… - 2 years ago

@ThomaisERT_RIK: RT @haaretzcom: "The suspect, a powerful public figure, was repudiated, even if tacitly, and ousted from his positions. Still, it seems the… - 2 years ago

@JewishCoffeeH: Sex criminal Chaim Walder is dead... & this online site uses the honorific "z'l" (of blessed memory), and ignores t… - 2 years ago

@blmohr: RT @haaretzcom: "The suspect, a powerful public figure, was repudiated, even if tacitly, and ousted from his positions. Still, it seems the… - 2 years ago

@ThomaisERT_RIK: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@ThomaisERT_RIK: RT @haaretzcom: Destruction. Mourning, There are no other words to describe what the ultra-Orthodox community has gone through since Haaret… - 2 years ago

@UjKeletOnline: A szexuális zaklatásokkal vádolt Chaim Walder haredi írót holtan találták, úgy tűnik, öngyilkosságot követett el - 2 years ago

@blmohr: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@RStomel: RT @shirasilkoff: Chaim Walder, Haredi children’s author, therapist, and accused rapist, has been found dead in a suspected suicide. https… - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: "The suspect, a powerful public figure, was repudiated, even if tacitly, and ousted from his positions. Still, it s… - 2 years ago

@ariella_kay: Chaim Walder pulls an Ariel Castro and died by suicide to avoid giving his victims justice. - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Chaim Walder is no longer with us - #ChaimWalder #Chaim #Walder #rip - 2 years ago

@JoopSoesan: Haredi-auteur en opvoeder Chaim Walder die werd geconfronteerd met meerdere beschuldigingen van verkrachting en aan… - 2 years ago

@HannahLebovits: No words - 2 years ago

@ifyoutickleus: Chaim Walder dead in suspected suicide following rape allegations - 2 years ago

@AbubakarMundir: RT @haaretzcom: Destruction. Mourning, There are no other words to describe what the ultra-Orthodox community has gone through since Haaret… - 2 years ago

@AbubakarMundir: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@carhumabasan: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Haredi author and educator Chaim Walder has been found lifeless in a graveyard in what is suspected to have been suicid… - 2 years ago

@AaronReich: Chaim Walder, the Israeli ultra-Orthodox children's book author and therapist who has been accused of rape and sexu… - 2 years ago

@MiriamSafta: Baruch Dayan Emet Haredi author & radio personality Chaim Walder was found dead in Petah Tikva Monday afternoon, a… - 2 years ago

@Estevo06021894: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@drdivine: Haredi author Chaim Walder dies by suicide after dozens of sexual assault allegations - 2 years ago

@_YidInfo: BREAKING: World Known Author and Educator Chaim Walder, 52, Has Been Found Dead - 2 years ago

@joanienibhrian: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@lhgraeff: Haredi author Chaim Walder dies by suicide after dozens of sexual assault allegations - Israel News -… - 2 years ago

@SallyRMelb: RT @VoiCSA1: This is the second high profile ultra-Orthodox leader who was accused of sexual abuse by countless victims/survivors to have f… - 2 years ago

@Avonan: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@frumfollies: RT @YehudisFletcher: Chaim Walder is dead. Even in his death, he put himself first and didn't spare a thought for his many victims. - 2 years ago

@_YidInfo: BREAKING: World Known Author and Educator Chaim Walder, 52, Has Been Found Dead - 2 years ago

@HpfulCanadian: RT @haaretzcom: BREAKING - 2 years ago

@haaretzcom: Destruction. Mourning, There are no other words to describe what the ultra-Orthodox community has gone through sinc… - 2 years ago

@nikt50: RT @VoiCSA1: This is the second high profile ultra-Orthodox leader who was accused of sexual abuse by countless victims/survivors to have f… - 2 years ago

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