Bill Valentine

American baseball umpire.
Died on Monday April 27th 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Bill Valentine:

@Car01am: RT @lawrence_wray Author of 'Money Man' ' 'The Briefcase', 'A Five Star Experience of a Lifetime' 'Bill & Ben' & 'Valentine's Surprise'...

@_Valentine_BF: RT @GreatHighTime: Les gens qui disent " ouai Bill Gates il a quitté l'école il a réussi " il a quitté Harvard il a pas quitté en 6 eme au…

@paigeolsen27: RT @mishacollins: When i interned for Bill Clinton in the White House he sent me this Valentine's day card. I'm regifting it to you. http:/…

@same_woods: I'm loyal to '60s photos of the wonderful Bill Bollinger at work, but this of De Wain Valentine in '75 is pretty ace


@Valentine_Vdy: RT @GreatHighTime: Les gens qui disent " ouai Bill Gates il a quitté l'école il a réussi " il a quitté Harvard il a pas quitté en 6 eme au…

@Valentine_Gllc: RT @GreatHighTime: Les gens qui disent " ouai Bill Gates il a quitté l'école il a réussi " il a quitté Harvard il a pas quitté en 6 eme au…

@NafoussiN: Bill Tull’s Valentine’s Day Budget Tips (Video)

@peru_valentine: RT @ksinamdar: Things are not as bad as they seem; they are worse. - Bill Press. #WorldEnvironmentDay #EnvironmentDay

@Storymama01: Art and story, a powerful combination. Bonnie Mettler, Denise Valentine and Bill Mettler. Historic St George's UMC

@PletchaPJWebb: @lawrence_wray 'Money Man' The Briefcase', 'A Five Star Experience of a Lifetime' 'Bill & Ben' &'Valentine's Surprise

@Pharaoh_Honor: @AkashicEmpress I recommend Makalesi, Santos Bonacci, Bill Donahue, Phil Valentine, Siris King, and others who teach on YouTube

@toppitopi: MY FUNNY VALENTINE/miles davis ALLIGATOR BOGALOO/lou donaldson INTERPLAY/bill evans

@MrsNash_91215: Me and iam_queensberry_bill first date was at his first show on Valentine's Day a few years ago so…

@Car01am: RT @lawrence_wray Author of 'Money Man' ' 'The Briefcase', 'A Five Star Experience of a Lifetime' 'Bill & Ben' & 'Valentine's Surprise'...

@Kathleen01930: The Pope, Obama, and Bill Nye agree. What more do you need???

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