
Indian actor
Died on Thursday November 14th 2013

View other recent people: Awesome Again, shot, Richard Secord

Tweets related to Augustine:

@serioussquelch: For I am aware what ability is requisite to persuade the proud how great is the virtue of humility. Augustine

@wedo222: @wheretraveler & @FlHistoricCoast are giving away a trip to St. Augustine for #StAug450. Enter with me at:

@TommyBridgeH2O: The Groove Coalition is in St. Augustine at Casa Monica this FRIDAY night from 7 to 11.

@stanlyy_: RT @Charisseeeee: Laaah kamiss augustine ah!!!!!


@NDLiturgyCenter: RT @sullijo: Augustine: Commonwealth can take many forms, but depends on right ordering of love, relationships, etc. #NDSymposium2015

@IAMPROLIFE9: RT @SarahKiczek: Will is to grace as the horse is to the rider. ~Saint Augustine

@stanlyy_: RT @lancealicante: Augustine throwbackssssss ♥

@TopNewsFast: Portrait emerges of family killed in Montana murder-suicide - DEER LODGE, Mont. (AP) -- Augustine "Mike" Bo... #news

@paulgioia: America's First Frontier, St Augustine, Florida, 1935

@sullijo: Augustine: Commonwealth can take many forms, but depends on right ordering of love, relationships, etc. #NDSymposium2015

@lancealicante: Augustine throwbackssssss ♥

@tattooedaisies: I'm sorry for saying this but Augustine looks like a bird 😭😭😭😂

@dcfmusic: RT @DaveRamsey: Work like it all depends on you, Pray like it all depends on God. - St. Augustine (debated)

@Shnjnscldt: RT @ChristineJadeS: AUGUSTINE 😍😍😍💪

@JaredHGates: Reading Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung my sin was that I looked for pleasure, beauty and truth not in God... #Augustine

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