We're different than we were 10 yrs ago. We've changed a lot. We'll continue to change and get better. - T. Parker at TDOC East Reg. Conf.
What's the biggest issue with HyperCl as byproduct of DKA Rx? Endo hesitation to resume reg insulin regimen ->Show them anion gap. @pmgjones
RT @Sissy_202: #TeenChoice nominee for #ChoiceTVChemistry is Bonnie and Kai #Bonkai.
#ChoiceTVVillain @ChristophrWood as Kai Parker. reg
RT @Sissy_202: #TeenChoice nominee for #ChoiceTVChemistry is Bonnie and Kai #Bonkai.
#ChoiceTVVillain @ChristophrWood as Kai Parker. reg
RT @Sissy_202: #TeenChoice nominee for #ChoiceTVChemistry is Bonnie and Kai #Bonkai.
#ChoiceTVVillain @ChristophrWood as Kai Parker. reg
@herlina_parker ketik REG spasii kota tujuan kirim ke 3333 :((
RT @Sissy_202: #TeenChoice nominee for #ChoiceTVChemistry is Bonnie and Kai #Bonkai.
#ChoiceTVVillain @ChristophrWood as Kai Parker. reg
#TeenChoice nominee for #ChoiceTVChemistry is Bonnie and Kai #Bonkai.
#ChoiceTVVillain @ChristophrWood as Kai Parker. reg