Wilko Johnson

English guitarist (Dr. Feelgood).
Died on Wednesday November 23rd 2022

View other recent people: Gail Henley, Lía Crucet, Jim Grant

Tweets related to Wilko Johnson:

@spikedonline: No one played guitar quite like Wilko Johnson, says @TheSimonEvans - 2 years ago

@SouthendSites: RT @essexrockgigs: @MOJOmagazine @wilkojohnson Wilko in 1981 ... Small club in Southend... #AlwaysGood #Southend #w… - 2 years ago

@RadioStarlion: Newer music & birthdays including Berry Gordy (93), Deep Purple's Roger Glover, Billy Idol, John Densmore, David Va… - 2 years ago

@westwindcomics: - 2 years ago


@IntellectualRef: RT @electricalWSOP: Wilko Johnson started from scratch and invented a new way to play guitar. Manifesting in his rhythm hand the amphetamin… - 2 years ago

@FarOutMag: How Wilko Johnson inspired Paul Weller and The Jam - 2 years ago

@harucyai1: RT @C_C_N_D_IKB: WILKO JOHNSON / BLOW YOUR MIND LP入荷🎉 30年ぶりのソロアルバム2018年作! 相変わらずの最高のロックンロール😭 - 2 years ago

@wildhoneykomaki: RT @C_C_N_D_IKB: WILKO JOHNSON / CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT LP入荷🎉 ウィルコ・ジョンソンのソロ初期の編集盤。 ソリッドギターサイコー!代表曲&ライブ名演収録。 87年希少アナログのホワイトカラー盤! - 2 years ago

@mindthegapnj: #NowPlaying️ @officialSpzd . Always Together With you Mind the Gap #798 Dedic… - 2 years ago

@mindthegapnj: #NowPlaying️ @simplemindscom . The Walls Came Down Mind the Gap #798 Dedicate… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Wilko Johnson, musician and Ilyn Payne in Game of Thrones, has died #EntertainmentNews - 2 years ago

@mindthegapnj: #NowPlaying️ @neworder . Thieves Like Us Mind the Gap #798 Dedicate to the Memory of Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@mindthegapnj: #NowPlaying️ @TheMysterines .reeling Mind the Gap #798 Dedicate to the Memory of Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@mindthegapnj: #NowPlaying️ @TheLathums . Fight On Mind the Gap #798 Dedicate to the Memory of Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@mindthegapnj: #NowPlaying️ @lastdinosaurs . Look Back Mind the Gap #798 Dedicate to the Memory of Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@mindthegapnj: #NowPlaying️ @KasabianHQ . Strictly Old Skool Mind the Gap #798 Dedicate to t… - 2 years ago

@mindthegapnj: #NowPlaying️ @buzzardbuzzard . Break Right In Mind the Gap #798 Dedicate to t… - 2 years ago

@mindthegapnj: #NowPlaying #TheTestPressings. Love Grows @StirBig Mind the Gap #798 Dedicate… - 2 years ago

@mindthegapnj: #NowPlaying #maplemars. Gliding @StirBig Mind the Gap #798 Dedicate to the Memory of Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@StephenLees4: This is the first night I've been here since Wilko Johnson died, so tonight's sign-off track is predictable. He was… - 2 years ago

@lordbonkers: RT @Lloydy_bach: Wilko Johnson and Lee Brilleaux at their best. One comment says "it looks like it’s patient participation night at the asy… - 2 years ago

@jamie189227: This week we lost Wilko Johnson who were best known for being the guitarist of Dr Feelgood. A very unique, Staccato… - 2 years ago

@musicUwant2hear: #NowPlaying @wilkojohnson @rogerdaltrey - Going Back Home. Remembering Wilko Johnson. - 2 years ago

@Lloydy_bach: Wilko Johnson and Lee Brilleaux at their best. One comment says "it looks like it’s patient participation night at… - 2 years ago

@pittgriffin: RIP Wilko: It you were a post-glam teen in 1970s London, there was no better live pub band than Dr. Feelgood. And t… - 2 years ago

@essexrockgigs: @MOJOmagazine @wilkojohnson Wilko in 1981 ... Small club in Southend... #AlwaysGood #Southend #wilkojohnson - 2 years ago

@mark23431: RT @FiremanPsalm: Dr. Feelgood - She Does it Right Live from the Geordie Scene. 1975. R.I.P. Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@mark23431: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@Andythefireman: RT @RichardSE23: With the very sad passing of Wilko Johnson it seems apt to re-post this old NME press ad for Dr Feelgood featuring Lee Bri… - 2 years ago

@GR6969: RT @creationrevola: ウィルコ・ジョンソンが86年の来日時、半蔵門のFM東京スタジオで行ったライヴ音源で、親睦を深めた鮎川さんのMCから始まり、共演していますね。Wilko Johnson Band with Makoto Ayukawa studio liv… - 2 years ago

@DonnaARees: RT @RichardSE23: With the very sad passing of Wilko Johnson it seems apt to re-post this old NME press ad for Dr Feelgood featuring Lee Bri… - 2 years ago


@RichardSE23: With the very sad passing of Wilko Johnson it seems apt to re-post this old NME press ad for Dr Feelgood featuring… - 2 years ago

@MetallicasOndas: Wilko Johnson, héroe del pub rock y padrino del punk . Super guitarra de los DOCTOR FEELGOOD Wilko Johnson, guitarr… - 2 years ago

@Andythefireman: RT @joonloons: When you're hosting a show in tribute to Wilko Johnson and you start with a song that he never played on. #6Music #MilkAndA… - 2 years ago

@carlosdelriegog: carlosdelriego: WILKO JOHNSON, EL GENIAL GUITARRISTA QUE SE REBELÓ... #rock #RockAndRoll #rockstar… - 2 years ago

@rnrjukebox: RT @kezwilliams13: Wilko Johnson & Hugh Cornwell #ripwilko - 2 years ago

@KuusistoJuhaM: - 2 years ago

@igblan: Surprised none of the music lovers I follow mentioned Wilko Johnson's passing. - 2 years ago

@24sante_fr: Le guitariste et chanteur anglais Wilko Johnson est mort #Hackett - 2 years ago

@BornerJere: RT @bondeFella: BBC News - Obituary: Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@BornerJere: RT @bondeFella: Saluté to the Great WILKO JOHNSON who has passed away. He was the founder and inspiration of Dr. Feelgood. Saluté! - 2 years ago

@LiamPRyan91: - 2 years ago

@lightocean89: RT @jimiheso: WILKO JOHNSON & ROGER DALTREY 『GOING BACK HOME』 ウィルコ・ジョンソン&ロジャー・ダルトリー『ゴーイング・バック・ホーム』今夜もウィルコ追悼。ロジャーの追悼文、見た?悔しさ悲しみ押し殺し残った者の務め、… - 2 years ago

@dis17jun: RT @__ABICO: Thank you! Mr.Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@emicom6o6: WILKO JOHNSON | FUJIROCK EXPRESS '13 | フジロック会場から最新レポートをお届け - 2 years ago

@Alepealoza8: RT @TheNoOnes1: #PeterBuck discussing picking techniques with the great great Wilko Johnson @100clubLondon @ScottMcMinus5 @remhq. Jimmy Pag… - 2 years ago

@MartinCham666: RT @jasemonkey: A little tribute to the great Wilko Johnson. 'Roxette' Dr Feelgood & Wilko Johnson Guitar & Bass Lesson - 2 years ago

@pap3rbagwrit3r: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@QtugDWsOdTkoCH0: 遅ればせながら、R.I.P. WILKO JOHNSON SPECIAL PLAYING ANALYSIS|ウィルコ・ジョンソン直伝奏法セミナー - 2 years ago

@open31days: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@open31days: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@Shigejii_0203: RT @BandTarui: 唯一無二のギタリスト ウィルコ•ジョンソン #wilkojohnson #RogerDaltrey #theWho - 2 years ago

@KikiSchool: 英国が生んだ素晴らしいギタリスト、Wilko Johnsonが亡くなりました。滞英中にたくさんのライブを堪能しました。英語で追悼記事をObituaryと言います。 #イギリス英語 #東灘区 #英語教室 #英語学習 #英語教育… - 2 years ago

@mickmca32: RT @unloveablesteve: RIP Wilko Johnson. Cool as fuck. - 2 years ago

@imsportswatcher: RT @MUGGER1955: Via @ChrisJamesStone: Wilko Johnson was a unique individual. That hard man stance hid the heart of a poet. He changed Briti… - 2 years ago

@lightandlies: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@longbottle: RT @billybragg: Wilko Johnson was a precursor of punk. His guitar playing was angry and angular, but his presence - twitchy, confrontationa… - 2 years ago

@simonday: RT @clem_burke: Wilko Johnson: Dr Feelgood guitarist and punk forebear dies aged 75 - 2 years ago

@jTUBEGEEKe: RT @clem_burke: Wilko Johnson: Dr Feelgood guitarist and punk forebear dies aged 75 - 2 years ago

@topherlundell: Irene Cara and Wilko Johnson were both very cool. - 2 years ago

@Sedds58Seddon: Dr Feelgood - Going Back Home (Live) - 2 years ago

@rockyou006: RT @rockyou006: パブロック! R.I.P Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@RythemRemix: 【エレキギター博士】「《パンクを導いた男》Wilko Johnson」 "知識は学位を持つ英文学と英語学のほか古典英語やラテン語、新約聖書と旧約聖書ほか各国の文化や宗教、政治や絵画… - 2 years ago

@yachitake2: RT @peterparcek: Rest in Peace Wilko Johnson. Thanks for all the brilliant guitar & great music you shared. You will definitely be missed… - 2 years ago

@deselby01: RT @jasemonkey: A little tribute to the great Wilko Johnson. 'Roxette' Dr Feelgood & Wilko Johnson Guitar & Bass Lesson - 2 years ago

@BrackHammers: RT @jasemonkey: A little tribute to the great Wilko Johnson. 'Roxette' Dr Feelgood & Wilko Johnson Guitar & Bass Lesson - 2 years ago

@Iggy: Wilko Johnson, Dr. Feelgood Guitarist Who Influenced the Punk Movement, Dead at 75 - 2 years ago

@Kowalski_24_: Sad to hear about the passing of Wilko Johnson, but it's great to hear some Dr. Feelgood on @ManxRadio. - 2 years ago

@Jinmen_dorI51: RT @kiyoshirogoroku: Steve Cropper & Wilko Johnson (忌野清志郎 スペシャル・メッセージ・オーケストラ/ フジロック・フェスティバル/苗場スキー場/2009年7月25日) - 2 years ago

@jasemonkey: A little tribute to the great Wilko Johnson. 'Roxette' Dr Feelgood & Wilko Johnson Guitar & Bass Lesson - 2 years ago

@gpelandoculos: RT @peterparcek: Rest in Peace Wilko Johnson. Thanks for all the brilliant guitar & great music you shared. You will definitely be missed… - 2 years ago

@TacThicc: Two guitarists I admire gone within a month. RIP Wilko Johnson. :( - 2 years ago

@miquibravo: RT @SlippyDj: Escucha la sesión dedicada al recientemente fallecido Wilko Johnson. @DiegoCiller @miquibravo @alfonsocortes80 @fiberlau @Ash… - 2 years ago

@rnrjukebox: Wilko Johnson, Roger Daltrey - I Keep It To Myself - 2 years ago

@octaveresonance: RT @peterparcek: Rest in Peace Wilko Johnson. Thanks for all the brilliant guitar & great music you shared. You will definitely be missed… - 2 years ago

@ProfeEnmascara1: Adiós a otro de mis mitos personales - 2 years ago

@jeffjthompson: Wilko Johnson has died aged 75 #music #drfeelgood #legend - 2 years ago

@Past_Perfect1: More Dr. Feelgood is on now in PAST PERFECT. Paying tribute to Wilko Johnson who passed away on November 21. R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@vagonalt: More Dr. Feelgood is on now in PAST PERFECT. Paying tribute to Wilko Johnson who passed away on November 21. R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@karakono1: RT @SlippyDj: Disponible una nueva sesión dedicada a Wilko Johnson con temas suyos para diferentes bandas. @Invertebrada @ForoExiliados @Te… - 2 years ago

@_DonCorbata: RT @unloveablesteve: RIP Wilko Johnson. Cool as fuck. - 2 years ago

@yatespaul: Warning - This is a "Hotpots" free zone - you are protected. Instead we have 'music' from Bob Seger, Four Men & a D… - 2 years ago

@creationrevola: ウィルコ・ジョンソンがイアン・デューリーにソリッド・センダーズが解散して落ち込んでいると話したところ、ブロックヘッズがシングルを録音中、スタジオに見学に来なよと言われ、そのまま加入したそうで。Wilko Johnson と Nor… - 2 years ago

@GrahamWard68: Wilko Johnson Demonstrates His Guitar Technique 9.7.12 - 2 years ago

@45worlds: New Live Music: Wilko Johnson - [Ashcroft Arts Centre] [1997] - 2 years ago

@DSMWcom: Wilko Johnson, British Rocker Who Defied Cancer, Dies at 75 - 2 years ago

@crfawpford: RT @paulsmithmusic: Oil City Confidential, the Dr Feelgood story, is on @SkyArts right now if you want to see Wilko Johnson in all his glor… - 2 years ago

@CandescentKev: Wilko Johnson…nobody could play like you RIP #wilkoJohnson - 2 years ago

@nowonphoenix: #NowPlaying - Wilko Johnson we're on 98.0FM and - 2 years ago

@refrainsoffici1: RT @JackCanalPlus: Qui était #WilkoJohnson, le Britannique qui a secoué le rock dans les années 70 ? Des #SexPistols aux #Ramones en passa… - 2 years ago

@MarcMarkII: WILKO JOHNSON SPECIAL PLAYING ANALYSIS|ウィルコ・ジョンソン直伝奏法セミナー 指でこんなにキレのいいカッティングするギタリストいねえ - 2 years ago

@Nicolas_Miliani: RT @rock_and_folk: Ses pairs lui ont rendu hommage avec des messages touchants - 2 years ago

@refrainsoffici1: RT @rock_and_folk: Ses pairs lui ont rendu hommage avec des messages touchants - 2 years ago

@ryusaymama1217: RT @theNEATBEATS: 昨日の事の様に覚えてる。ウィルコありがとう!めちゃくちゃ大変でめちゃくちゃ楽しかった!(pan) Wilko Johnson - KYOTO Session 2013 - 2 years ago

@PaulAtk52540619: @CullivanPeter only heard today Wilko Johnson had passed away.. Sad news..liked him with Dr Feelgood and his collab… - 2 years ago

@jhcordeiro: Wilko Johnson, guitarrista do Dr. Feelgood, morre aos 75 anos - 2 years ago

@OtterRockMusic: #musicwillmissyou WILKO JOHNSON, ~ The Blockheads ~ Dr Feelgood RIP 🙏 - 2 years ago

@JayDerrickIOE: RT @billybragg: Wilko Johnson was a precursor of punk. His guitar playing was angry and angular, but his presence - twitchy, confrontationa… - 2 years ago

@HunterFelt: In honor of the late guitarist Wilko Johnson, this morning I'm listening to Dr. Feelgood's "Down By The Jetty" for… - 2 years ago

@MK_INFORMATION: RT @juntamori: テレキャスターを直接プラグインしたギターアンプから放出された剥き出しの音に度肝を抜かれ圧倒された青春時代。 DOWN BY THE JETTY /DR.FEELGOODのシンプルさと潔さに衝撃を受けて、そこから先の音楽の向き合い方が変わりました。… - 2 years ago

@city_saeba: ついに亡くなってしまったか… 23日になんとなく以前録画してたDr.FEELGOODの観たくなって観たんだよね。そうゆうことだったとは… R.I.P. Wilko Johnson 英ギタリスト、ウィルコ・ジョンソンさん死去 パン… - 2 years ago

@_I_AM_I: RT @juntamori: テレキャスターを直接プラグインしたギターアンプから放出された剥き出しの音に度肝を抜かれ圧倒された青春時代。 DOWN BY THE JETTY /DR.FEELGOODのシンプルさと潔さに衝撃を受けて、そこから先の音楽の向き合い方が変わりました。… - 2 years ago

@HippyShake: RT @__ABICO: Thank you! Mr.Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@sindy_takano: RT @__ABICO: Thank you! Mr.Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@MatyldaStein: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@shun_nerima: RT @electricalWSOP: Wilko Johnson started from scratch and invented a new way to play guitar. Manifesting in his rhythm hand the amphetamin… - 2 years ago

@ssk85760565: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@namigisu1: RT @__ABICO: Thank you! Mr.Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@nickshormonsha: RT @__ABICO: Thank you! Mr.Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@13_mocchi: RT @juntamori: テレキャスターを直接プラグインしたギターアンプから放出された剥き出しの音に度肝を抜かれ圧倒された青春時代。 DOWN BY THE JETTY /DR.FEELGOODのシンプルさと潔さに衝撃を受けて、そこから先の音楽の向き合い方が変わりました。… - 2 years ago

@takasiko: RT @__ABICO: Thank you! Mr.Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@kugotta: RT @nickshormonsha: この頃の映像、公式でリリースされないかなあ。。 …Wilko Johnson - i keep to myself(directo).MPG - 2 years ago

@kugotta: RT @juntamori: テレキャスターを直接プラグインしたギターアンプから放出された剥き出しの音に度肝を抜かれ圧倒された青春時代。 DOWN BY THE JETTY /DR.FEELGOODのシンプルさと潔さに衝撃を受けて、そこから先の音楽の向き合い方が変わりました。… - 2 years ago

@peroperohiroto: RT @__ABICO: Thank you! Mr.Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@idumijet: RT @juntamori: テレキャスターを直接プラグインしたギターアンプから放出された剥き出しの音に度肝を抜かれ圧倒された青春時代。 DOWN BY THE JETTY /DR.FEELGOODのシンプルさと潔さに衝撃を受けて、そこから先の音楽の向き合い方が変わりました。… - 2 years ago

@_meg_ism: RT @juntamori: テレキャスターを直接プラグインしたギターアンプから放出された剥き出しの音に度肝を抜かれ圧倒された青春時代。 DOWN BY THE JETTY /DR.FEELGOODのシンプルさと潔さに衝撃を受けて、そこから先の音楽の向き合い方が変わりました。… - 2 years ago

@makersmark443: @kurokijiro Dr. Feelgoodは、Wilko Johnson追悼ですね。 - 2 years ago

@FtObyRnBVSc0Goe: RT @juntamori: テレキャスターを直接プラグインしたギターアンプから放出された剥き出しの音に度肝を抜かれ圧倒された青春時代。 DOWN BY THE JETTY /DR.FEELGOODのシンプルさと潔さに衝撃を受けて、そこから先の音楽の向き合い方が変わりました。… - 2 years ago

@juntamori: テレキャスターを直接プラグインしたギターアンプから放出された剥き出しの音に度肝を抜かれ圧倒された青春時代。 DOWN BY THE JETTY /DR.FEELGOODのシンプルさと潔さに衝撃を受けて、そこから先の音楽の向き合い方… - 2 years ago

@swmoco: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@yashyoshi1: RT @xxssdollsxx: 友人達は.. Wilko Johnson...R.I.P💐✨ Robert Smith..R.Fripp..S.Hillage Hazel O'Connor..Toyah Willcox Peter Hammill 他..大勢w 🌹Gr… - 2 years ago

@openhouseIMAIKE: 【今日の〆レコード🎼】 2022.11.25(金) ~WILKO JOHNSON/I KEEP IT TO MYSELF~ 本日もご来店いただきありがとうございましたっ!! 明日11/26(土)も17:00オープンで 元気にお… - 2 years ago

@jphei: The Ecstasy of Wilko Johnson. Tää on hieno dokumentti! Katsomisen arvoinen vaikka ei päähenkilöstä edes mitään tiet… - 2 years ago

@makotosyoui: RT @StiffRecords: RIP Wilko Johnson x - 2 years ago

@inokisan123da: RT @ledzepnews: Here’s the latest post from Led Zeppelin magazine Tight But Loose - 2 years ago

@HannuHynonen: RT @YleTeema: Wilko Johnsonin (1947–2022) muistolle: Areenaan on nyt julkaistu hieno, elämää syleilevä dokumenttielokuva The Ecstasy of Wi… - 2 years ago

@noeliaclasica: RT @n_torreblanca: Hoy COMANCHE en @Juliaenlaonda : hablamos de canciones futboleras, libro "Grada popular", WILKO JOHNSON, pelis Navidad,… - 2 years ago

@8blackfyre: RT @universo_got: Morreu aos 75 anos o ator Wilko Johnson, que deu vida a Sor Ilyn Payne em Game of Thrones. Ele enfrentava um câncer termi… - 2 years ago

@akudoushimai: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@theurbangiant: WILKO JOHNSON - ILLUSTRATION STUDY One of my musical heroes sadly passed away on Monday. Here is my tribute to him… - 2 years ago

@eldolardiario: ¡TRISTE PERDIDA! Murió el actor y músico Wilko Johnson, quien interpretó al verdugo de Juego de Tronos | - 2 years ago

@lh28IO7igcfCRg2: RT @heafipat90: This is the first video I searched for when I heard the news - such a fantastic performance of a great song. RIP Wilko John… - 2 years ago

@JoseLuisDomng14: RT @n_torreblanca: Hoy COMANCHE en @Juliaenlaonda : hablamos de canciones futboleras, libro "Grada popular", WILKO JOHNSON, pelis Navidad,… - 2 years ago

@FatOldAnarchist: RT @billybragg: Wilko Johnson was a precursor of punk. His guitar playing was angry and angular, but his presence - twitchy, confrontationa… - 2 years ago

@killhopelaw: #wilkojohnsong great obituary - 2 years ago

@emir14710: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@emir14710: RT @TheSimonEvans: Wilko Johnson’s second act was every bit as belligerent and explosive as his first | Alexis Petridis - 2 years ago

@emir14710: RT @StiffRecords: RIP Wilko Johnson x - 2 years ago

@poncado: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@Canal13DelBajio: #Espectáculos 🔴 El legendario guitarrista y líder de la banda británica Dr. Feelgood, Wilko Johnson, falleció a lo… - 2 years ago

@JEROGAL1: RT @SchnockRevue: Ça faisait la gueule sévère mais ça traçait, nom de dieu. Pour quiconque veut comprendre quelque chose à la guitare et à… - 2 years ago

@TSUNEKODAMA: Wilko Johnsonのライヴと言えば、やっぱりこの曲でスタート。 wilko johnson everibodys carrying a gun - 2 years ago

@TysonP_69n_Roll: RT @jimiheso: WILKO JOHNSON 『I KEEP IT TO MYSELF /THE BEST OF』 ウィルコ・ジョンソン『ベスト・オブ』癌から復活した時、死神でも血だらけのマシンガンギターは怖いのだろうと思った。朝からずっと初期フィールグッドとこれ聞… - 2 years ago

@higuk: RT @tcgoka: Wilko Johnson "Tokyo Session 2013" at RedShoes / DVD Trailer スタジアムツアーをしなくても真摯な姿勢とRed Hot R&B… - 2 years ago

@orqueria3: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@johnarussell: Can't think of Wilko Johnson without thinking of Lee Brilleaux. RIP - 2 years ago

@2StayBalanced: RT @LACNETS: RIP British rock star and GOT actor Wilko Johnson who joins the list of celebrities who died of PNET but mistakenly reported a… - 2 years ago

@RDelinfo: Le musicien Wilko Johnson, qui incarnait Ser Ilyn Payne dans Game of Thrones, est décédé - - 2 years ago

@grupoeldeber: En la popular serie interpretó a Ser Ilyn Payne, el verdugo de Ned Stark. Llevaba años luchando contra el cáncer.… - 2 years ago

@DoesItFreeUs: RT @fox5dc: Wilko Johnson helped give Dr. Feelgood a dangerous edge with his choppy, relentless guitar style and thousand-yard glare. The l… - 2 years ago

@Jbs1Jbs: RT @DiegoAManrique: Con 75 años, se nos va WILKO JOHNSON. No hablaremos de su papel en Juego de Tronos ni de los mil grupos en que tocó: re… - 2 years ago

@Rockandsunday: ¿Quién salvó a Wilko Johnson? Hasta siempre Wilko¿Quién salvó a Wilko Johnson? Hasta siempre Wilko - Dirty Rock Mag… - 2 years ago

@Iron__Mike: RT @StranglersSite: Throwback Wednesday: For obvious sad reasons, a day early this week. Following today’s awful news of the passing of the… - 2 years ago

@fox13seattle: Wilko Johnson helped give Dr. Feelgood a dangerous edge with his choppy, relentless guitar style and thousand-yard… - 2 years ago

@fox5dc: Wilko Johnson helped give Dr. Feelgood a dangerous edge with his choppy, relentless guitar style and thousand-yard… - 2 years ago

@yrnofmcrstar: @musiclife_club によるWilko Johnsonさんの追悼記事(=RT)内のお宝映像😳 鮎川誠さんのギター、そしてシーナさんもいる(シーナ&ザ・ロケッツのサポートパート?) - 2 years ago

@fredfenackerpan: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@jmcgnn: When I first heard Wilko’s guitar playing, I’d already loved a lot of who he influenced - ⁦@paulwellerHQ⁩ ⁦… - 2 years ago

@guillerbernardo: RT @DiegoAManrique: Con 75 años, se nos va WILKO JOHNSON. No hablaremos de su papel en Juego de Tronos ni de los mil grupos en que tocó: re… - 2 years ago

@jianoe: RT @hackneygazette: Wilko Johnson was known as the guitarist for the band Dr Feelgood and the executioner Ser Ilyn Payne in Game of Thrones… - 2 years ago

@MusicNewsWeb: RT @MusicNewsWeb: - 2 years ago

@heidismithxx: RT @absoluteradio: "He was the first 70s guitar hero for me" Paul Weller pays homage to Dr. Feelgood and one of his major influences, Wilk… - 2 years ago

@CenzurisanoL: Wilko Johnson, Roger Daltrey - Going Back Home - 2 years ago

@TaekoEndo: RT @masataka_ishida: R.I.P.ウィルコ・ジョンソン(Wilko Johnson)。1987年6月17日、後楽園ホールで撮影した写真です。ギターとギター・アンプを繋ぐシールドがカール・コードで、ビヨヨヨ〜ンとなりながら左右に動いて弾いていた姿を思い出す。… - 2 years ago

@Crookshank101: @SongsOfYourLif1 @Surfinskatin Two absolute legends they both performed with such intensity and venom they looked… - 2 years ago

@SAKASAFUJIYUDA: RT @kiyogorokuannex: Wilko Johnson Photo I took 3rd February 2014 #WilkoJohnson - 2 years ago

@SAKASAFUJIYUDA: RT @hatakeyama_y: WILKO JOHNSON 1947年7月12日 - 2022年11月21日 (75歳) - 2 years ago

@Thanatos_Tanaka: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@sirpedrogt: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@10178berlin: - 2 years ago

@pat_galloway: RT @thatpaulwright: RIP Wilko Johnson 🎸Legend - 2 years ago

@CenzurisanoL: R.I.P Wilko Johnson DR FEELGOOD LIVE 1975 TV SHOW - FULL CONCERT - FEAT. WILKO JOHNSON - 2 years ago

@KillyMag1892: RT @JimmyPage: I’m sad to hear today of the passing of Wilko Johnson, the Dr Feelgood guitarist and singer/songwriter. I saw Wilko perform… - 2 years ago

@ryothebohemians: RT @theNEATBEATS: 昨日の事の様に覚えてる。ウィルコありがとう!めちゃくちゃ大変でめちゃくちゃ楽しかった!(pan) Wilko Johnson - KYOTO Session 2013 - 2 years ago

@jahidalgoaloy: RT @DiegoAManrique: Con 75 años, se nos va WILKO JOHNSON. No hablaremos de su papel en Juego de Tronos ni de los mil grupos en que tocó: re… - 2 years ago

@GuitarSunCat: RT @blainecapatch: Wilko Johnson, RIP a wonderful guy, what a loss - 2 years ago

@JillianAtLast: Wilko Johnson was FANTASTIC. Amazing guitarist, great songwriter, lovely person. Not the reason I have a Telecaste… - 2 years ago

@tamatsu: RT @guardian: Wilko Johnson obituary - 2 years ago

@mick_wyman: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@Elainejenning14: RT @StranglersSite: Throwback Wednesday: For obvious sad reasons, a day early this week. Following today’s awful news of the passing of the… - 2 years ago

@thedelbarnes: RT @IanDuryOfficial: Wilko Johnson 1947 - 2022 🖤 Wilko backstage 📸 © Adrian Boot / Urban Image #wilkojohnson #drfeelgood #theblockheads… - 2 years ago

@hiro2fuji: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@tribunasertao: Morre Wilko Johnson, roqueiro e ator de 'Game of Thrones', aos 75 anos. Veja mais em: Tribuna do Agreste - - 2 years ago

@zevonesque: RT @billybragg: Wilko Johnson was a precursor of punk. His guitar playing was angry and angular, but his presence - twitchy, confrontationa… - 2 years ago

@time_ame: 英国のギター・ヒーロー、ウィルコ・ジョンソンが75歳で逝去 - 2 years ago

@cadelucas: RT @SongsOfYourLif1: Another absolute legend of guitar gone, RIP Wilko Johnson. Very sad news. He prowled that stage with menace and style… - 2 years ago

@krishgm: RT @Channel4News: Dr Feelgood guitarist Wilko Johnson dies at 75, as @KrishGM reports. - 2 years ago

@1CarolineBerry: RT @rankinphoto: Wilko Johnson, 1947 - 2022. I was lucky enough to photograph Wilko back in 2013 for my project ‘Alive: In The Face of Deat… - 2 years ago

@BBFunk01: RT @kennylanglea: So sad to hear Wilko Johnson has passed away. British legend. Dr Feelgood were spectacular live. Rest in peace 🙏 #WilkoJo… - 2 years ago

@mariel_lmari: RT @Re_hiro_Ramone: おはようございます☕️ 昨日は喜びと悲しみがいっぺんに来た夜でした。 ギル先生に続きまた偉大なギタリストが天国へ。 指弾き鬼カッティングと行ったり来たり奏法🎸 ウィルコ師匠どうか安らかに🙏🏻 R.I.P. Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@Rockinwildman: RT @kamijake: RIP Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@manyousou: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@jessedayton: Played 2 amazing theaters in Barcelona & Madrid w/ Wilko Johnson in 2019 & got to meet him backstage. Amazing guy,… - 2 years ago

@dumas_pma: おはようございます。 昨夜の突然の訃報に、まだ違和感がある朝になりました。 悲しみ寂しさも沸かず、今に至ります。 仕事気張る。 WILKO JOHNSON 「SPECIAL PLAYING ANALYSIS」 - 2 years ago

@mitsuiro_: RT @alkapranos: Very sad to hear Wilko Johnson has died. His unique, wired playing & stage presence thrilled & inspired many guitarists, my… - 2 years ago

@VienneseStrudel: RT @NeilKBrand: Oh this is sad - kinda hoped he had lucked out for a few more years than this. RIP Wilko, you were a phenomenon. - 2 years ago

@TSinghmorethanl: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@tugcecinm: Lügen オフサイド あと7分 オフサイド Flick Tyskland Dr Feelgood One Love Bernadette Mayer Støre Übersterblichkeit Abde… - 2 years ago

@gocoo_59: RT @JimmyPage: I’m sad to hear today of the passing of Wilko Johnson, the Dr Feelgood guitarist and singer/songwriter. I saw Wilko perform… - 2 years ago

@Davie_T: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@tarao_saxon: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@tarao_saxon: RT @amass_jp: ウィルコ・ジョンソン(Wilko Johnson)が死去。ウィルコのSNSアカウントで発表されています。75歳でした  - 2 years ago

@craik_james: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@ham01s: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@thedailygrowl: RT @electricalWSOP: Wilko Johnson started from scratch and invented a new way to play guitar. Manifesting in his rhythm hand the amphetamin… - 2 years ago

@SimonBorPrints: Sad news about Wilko Johnson. I first saw Dr Feelgood at the Grad Pad in Cambridge back in 1974. Here's the print t… - 2 years ago

@thedelbarnes: RT @JimmyPage: I’m sad to hear today of the passing of Wilko Johnson, the Dr Feelgood guitarist and singer/songwriter. I saw Wilko perform… - 2 years ago

@thedelbarnes: RT @alkapranos: Very sad to hear Wilko Johnson has died. His unique, wired playing & stage presence thrilled & inspired many guitarists, my… - 2 years ago

@PaulGoddy1966: RT @billybragg: Wilko Johnson was a precursor of punk. His guitar playing was angry and angular, but his presence - twitchy, confrontationa… - 2 years ago

@ygmiLYDbxbQKqCR: علي الفوز TayNew Giroud Zeichen Nagatomo Kanton Germany Wilko Johnson 逆転勝ち Sonia Stade de France Ice Cube Hervé Ren… - 2 years ago

@SirJonesIII: RT @amass_jp: ウィルコ・ジョンソン(Wilko Johnson)が死去。ウィルコのSNSアカウントで発表されています。75歳でした  - 2 years ago

@deegee870: Raw fire and skill, loved his playing. RIP. - 2 years ago

@BaronianConsult: RT @MailOnline: Game of Thrones star dies aged 75 - 2 years ago

@Madison13537916: Former Dr. Feelgood Guitarist & Singer Wilko Johnson Dies At 75 - 2 years ago

@FantomCosmonaut: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@keithramseyfoto: RT @guardian: Wilko Johnson obituary - 2 years ago

@keithramseyfoto: RT @keithramsey: After Wilko Johnson left Dr Feelgood, and before he joined The Blockheads there was Wilko Johnson’s Solid Senders. Here th… - 2 years ago

@chriscolclough: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@PJfeldt: RT @JohnBuirds: Wilko Johnson, Roger Daltrey - Going Back Home - 2 years ago

@kikuchik1: RIP Wilko Johnson #wilko - 2 years ago

@Imperiallethal: Sad to hear about the passing of Wilko Johnson a unique and talented guitarist. “You shouldn’t call the doctor if y… - 2 years ago

@mjacksonrm51: RT @dannykellywords: RIP Wilko Johnson. Guitar genius. Good guy. One night in May 1973, at the Lord Nelson in Holloway Rd, his great band,… - 2 years ago

@BradyBhoy1888: RT @JimmyPage: I’m sad to hear today of the passing of Wilko Johnson, the Dr Feelgood guitarist and singer/songwriter. I saw Wilko perform… - 2 years ago

@eek_it_oot: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@lorenzo_joel: RT @bluezharp: Dr. Feelgood feat. Wilko Johnson🌹#RIP 🎶'Boom, Boom' (1975) - 2 years ago

@mariel_lmari: おはようございます☁️ ミック•グリーン、アンディ•ギル、アベフトシ。3人の根底にあるのはいつもDr.Feelgood Wilko Johnson だった。ご冥福をお祈りします。ありがとうございました。 I Can Tell… - 2 years ago

@thechangeiscast: RT @creationrevola: ウィルコ・ジョンソンが86年の来日時、半蔵門のFM東京スタジオで行ったライヴ音源で、親睦を深めた鮎川さんのMCから始まり、共演していますね。Wilko Johnson Band with Makoto Ayukawa studio liv… - 2 years ago

@c_o_mko: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@JonEkerwald: RT @JonEkerwald: Wilko Johnson and Lemmy 1974 - 2 years ago

@JonEkerwald: RT @JonEkerwald: Happy Birthday Wilko Johnson 69, today. - 2 years ago

@10Nawachi: RT @JimmyPage: I’m sad to hear today of the passing of Wilko Johnson, the Dr Feelgood guitarist and singer/songwriter. I saw Wilko perform… - 2 years ago

@plalor: RT @billybragg: Wilko Johnson was a precursor of punk. His guitar playing was angry and angular, but his presence - twitchy, confrontationa… - 2 years ago

@OscarHanoi: RT @RockandRollArmy: Muere Wilko Johnson a los 75 años - - 2 years ago

@DannnyHell: - 2 years ago

@1barguest: RT @JimmyPage: I’m sad to hear today of the passing of Wilko Johnson, the Dr Feelgood guitarist and singer/songwriter. I saw Wilko perform… - 2 years ago

@flashbacklondon: R.I.P. Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@thechangeiscast: RT @creationrevola: ウィルコ・ジョンソンとルー・ルイスは83年迄バンドを組んでいて、東京大震災直後にルー・ルイスが初来日、武装強盗の前科持ちがどういう裏技を使って入国ビザを所得したのかと思いましたね。WILKO JOHNSON & LEW LEWIS LI… - 2 years ago

@AlfonsGorina: RT @THR: Wilko Johnson, Dr. Feelgood Musician and ‘Game of Thrones’ Actor, Dies at 75 - 2 years ago

@Jetstreamlovers: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@GeraldineDonag4: RT @Route_News: Incredibly sad news about Wilko Johnson. Our love to all those who knew and loved him. - 2 years ago

@littleman_a: RT @BBCLater: Influential Dr Feelgood guitarist Wilko Johnson has sadly passed away. Known for his iconic guitar playing style and incred… - 2 years ago

@Excelsior: ⚫En la cuenta de Twitter de Wilko Johnson, publicaron que el artista había muerto, mientras se encontraba en casa c… - 2 years ago

@juss_trindade: RIP Wilko Johnson 😥 - 2 years ago

@pepinmen: Muere Wilko Johnson, as de la guitarra y relámpago humano @elperiodico - 2 years ago

@DabitxoPiston: RT @NME: RIP Wilko Johnson - 2 years ago

@FuzztoneSwing: RT @ChristosXanthak: in loving memory of Wilko Johnson, the guitarist for Dr Feelgood and a formative influence on the British punk movemen… - 2 years ago

@tulyardave: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@eric_cranston: RT @Will_Birch: So long Wilko Johnson, king of the mean guitar. His death came as a shock following the miracle of his survival from heavy… - 2 years ago

@abier21713548: - 2 years ago

@derekrootboy: RT @MannieQuinn1: All the radio stations and media tw@ts playing "Milk and Alcohol" as a tribute to the late fantastic Wilko Johnson remind… - 2 years ago

@BMTnotorious: - 2 years ago

@gwyntdc: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@Dreeeeenagh: RT @heafipat90: This is the first video I searched for when I heard the news - such a fantastic performance of a great song. RIP Wilko John… - 2 years ago

@Crane1L: RT @FPGSouthend: It is with great sadness that Focal Point Gallery sees the passing of Wilko Johnson. A great and powerful name in the musi… - 2 years ago

@drisseeast: RT @siranbabayan: RIP Wilko Johnson 😥 - 2 years ago

@Loquillo: Muere Wilko Johnson a los 75 años - 2 years ago

@derekrootboy: RT @FredMadagascar: Oh no. What terrible news. Wilko was a great man and a legend. RIP Wilko Johnson. - 2 years ago

@plsoj85: RT @unloveablesteve: RIP Wilko Johnson. Cool as fuck. - 2 years ago

@SteveMindful: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@ieEntertainment: #WilkoJohnson found fame with pub-rock, rhythm 'n' blues band Dr Feelgood. Johnson was also an actor, portraying mu… - 2 years ago

@il_gatt0: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@swanksalot: RT @allmusic: Wilko Johnson, 1947-2022 Best known as the guitarist in Dr. Feelgood, one of British pub rock's greatest bands, @wilkojohnso… - 2 years ago

@LovelyPaul0808: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

@TMLBBklyn: R.I.P. Wilko Johnson. I play this in your honor. Great band that rocked! Dr. Feelgood - Down By The Jetty 1975 UA R… - 2 years ago

@shige_696: RT @billybragg: Wilko Johnson was a precursor of punk. His guitar playing was angry and angular, but his presence - twitchy, confrontationa… - 2 years ago

@or_anarchy13bt: カッティングギターの真髄を知りたければ、ウィルコ・ジョンソンのプレイを熱心に研究しなさい。もちろんピックレスで! WILKO JOHNSON SPECIAL PLAYING ANALYSIS|ウィルコ・ジョンソン直伝奏法セミナー… - 2 years ago

@thedailybeast: Wilko Johnson, the Dr. Feelgood guitarist and "Game of Thrones actor," has died at the age of 75. - 2 years ago

@cagifi4220: Wilko Johnson, British rocker who defied cancer, has died at 75 - 2 years ago

@CheetoKoss: RT @RoughTrade: One of the most vital influences on the 1970's British punk movement. RIP Wilko Johnson, guitarist of the legendary Dr Fee… - 2 years ago

@Nacicorita: RT @soulsearcher216: 訃報。ウィルコ・ジョンソン  Wilko Johnson 2022年11月21日イギリスの自宅で死去。75歳。すい臓がんだった。 - 2 years ago

@juan_bautistajr: RT @louderthanwar: Wilko Johnson Johnson dies at 75 RIP Wilko - 2 years ago

@CheetoKoss: RT @unloveablesteve: RIP Wilko Johnson. Cool as fuck. - 2 years ago

@2901pg15: RT @eldiarioes: Muere Wilko Johnson, guitarrista de Dr Feelgood y estrella fugaz en 'Juego de tronos' - 2 years ago

@Paontherock: Me acaba de dar algo! Que pena lo de Wilko Johnson! Señor de energía y ajecucuón unicas! Descansa en paz! Que ban… - 2 years ago

@notjunY: RT @amass_jp: ウィルコ・ジョンソン(Wilko Johnson)が死去。ウィルコのSNSアカウントで発表されています。75歳でした  - 2 years ago

@CheetoKoss: RT @alkapranos: Very sad to hear Wilko Johnson has died. His unique, wired playing & stage presence thrilled & inspired many guitarists, my… - 2 years ago

@CherwellLinda: RT @wilkojohnson: This is the announcement we never wanted to make, & we do so with a very heavy heart: Wilko Johnson has died. He passed a… - 2 years ago

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