Nobuo Tanaka

Japanese voice actor
Died on Monday October 22nd 2018

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Steve Jensen

Tweets related to Nobuo Tanaka:

@DavCube: RT @MrChangeDragon: RIP Nobuo Tanaka - 5 years ago

@_Zoenu_: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「TVチャンピオン」ナレーションや「OVA版ジョジョ」DIO役の声優・田中信夫さん死去 - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: @shima_tetsuo なんか勘違いしてた(笑) - 5 years ago

@SuperSentaifan: RT @MrChangeDragon: RIP Nobuo Tanaka - 5 years ago


@ZeltraxMilleniu: RT @MrChangeDragon: RIP Nobuo Tanaka - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: 要するに妙な布教活動はやめて欲しいってことかな... (笑) - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: 日曜日の晩は同じような材料で、自称あんかけ焼きそばを作ってみました。生麺を茹でて焼くとパリパリのカチカチになってしまうので、片栗粉を入れる前のスープで少し蒸してやったら、やり過ぎて麺がブヨブヨになってしまった。スープを少なめに短時… - 5 years ago

@jello_spoopy: RT @muhammet3291: R.i.p Nobuo Tanaka. In memory of the ova i made this #RIP #jojo_anime #JoJosBizarreAdventure - 5 years ago

@Ben34443: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 5 years ago

@orzisyasetai: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「TVチャンピオン」ナレーションや「OVA版ジョジョ」DIO役の声優・田中信夫さん死去 - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: @shima_tetsuo たしかに closure 内のバインディングは隠蔽されるけど、 body を簡単に変更可能だとすると、隠したことにならないということになりかねない?(笑) - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: @shima_tetsuo ちょっと雑だけど、こんな感じかな?(笑) - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: @shima_tetsuo この count の場合は、単純に 2 が返却されたら元は 1 だったんだなって推測出来るんだけど、値を外から参照できないと、デバグする必要が出た場合に困るなあと思うんですが、何か良い方法はあるんでしょうか?(笑) - 5 years ago

@maaacchaaaa: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「TVチャンピオン」ナレーションや「OVA版ジョジョ」DIO役の声優・田中信夫さん死去 - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: @takaxp そうですね。まあ、以前は解約されないように対応したのかもしれないし、契約変更自体がなかったのかもしれません。ということで疑問継続ですね(笑) - 5 years ago

@EdwardE95666503: RT @MasterTZA: Sad to know that Nobuo Tanaka died a few days ago. His portrayal of DIO for the Jojo OVA wasn't the best for the high octane… - 5 years ago

@EdwardE95666503: RT @gigazine_en: 【Dread:】 Voice actor / Nobuo Tanaka as 'TV champion narration' and 'OVA version Jojo' DIO role died - 5 years ago

@takaxp: @nobuo_tanaka これが真なら、過去の税率変更時に大量に解約があった、というデータがありそうですけど。 - 5 years ago

@MstSasha: Zmarł Nobuo Tanaka, facet podkładał głoś Dio w oryginalnym JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken. #anime - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: この話、地味に初耳だったな... ヤケに新聞だけ軽減税率の対象云々の話で騒いでて、これまでずっと不思議だったけど、コトの真意が不明のままだった。まあ、こういうことはむずかしく考えると、いつもズッコケるという典型のような話だな(笑) - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: で、キズナアイでググってみると... なんかエロねたがいっぱいあるな。こんなの見ちゃうと、映画やテレビでエロシーンやった男優、女優は全部ダメ的な方向に暴走しないだろうか?(笑) - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: キズナアイがエロいかどうか?これを気にしているのはノーベル賞のニュースを読ませた NHK の制作担当者だったんじゃないのかな?著名人たちに議論させて?ヤラセで少しでもエロくない的な方向性を出せればグッドなわけだが、仮にエロいとして… - 5 years ago

@Chicago072: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「TVチャンピオン」ナレーションや「OVA版ジョジョ」DIO役の声優・田中信夫さん死去 - 5 years ago

@AmbJaponFR: Nobuo Tanaka former DG of IEA @rabat chair the workshop Energy & Climate - 5 years ago

@kanefuna: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「TVチャンピオン」ナレーションや「OVA版ジョジョ」DIO役の声優・田中信夫さん死去 - 5 years ago

@hyougen: “【訃報】「TVチャンピオン」ナレーションや「OVA版ジョジョ」DIO役の声優・田中信夫さん死去 - GIGAZINE” - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: 昨晩作った、チョー手抜き野菜あんかけラーメン。いつものように材料費は 200 円前後。汗だくになって食べた(笑) - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: @takaxp その「いらすとや」というのを使う理由はチキン経営者の単なる自己防衛。担当がプレゼンにバッシングを受けるようなイラストを使って面倒なことにならないよう責任者が指示しているわけでしょ? まさに、多様性の追求が行き着く先… - 5 years ago

@LeilaRBenali: RT @WorldPolicyConf: #Energy workshop starting now with chairman Nobuo Tanaka, former executive director of the #IEA - 5 years ago

@Helphel27404270: RT @AmbJaponFR: Rabat, World Policy Conference. Retour sur images avec Thierry de Montbrial, Ichiro Fujisaki& Nobuo Tanaka . @WorldPolicyCo… - 5 years ago

@Helphel27404270: RT @AmbJaponFR: Rabat, World Policy Conference. Retour sur images avec Laurent Fabius, Nobuo Tanaka @WorldPolicyConf - 5 years ago

@WorldPolicyConf: #WorkshopEnergy Nobuo Tanaka asks Olivier Appert @IFPENinnovation if he believes #China will decrease or increase i… - 5 years ago

@WorldPolicyConf: #WorkshopEnergy Can #France lead the global community to use #nuclear energy? asks Chairman Nobuo Tanaka - 5 years ago

@WorldPolicyConf: #SaudiAramco is worrying about peak demand of #oil coming much sooner than expected, according to Nobuo Tanaka - 5 years ago

@WorldPolicyConf: #energy 4 revolutions in #globalenergy set the scene for the new #outlook: the US is turning into the undisputed gl… - 5 years ago

@PerrinFrancis2: RT @WorldPolicyConf: #Energy workshop starting now with chairman Nobuo Tanaka, former executive director of the #IEA - 5 years ago

@WorldPolicyConf: #Energy workshop starting now with chairman Nobuo Tanaka, former executive director of the #IEA - 5 years ago

@bobub771: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「TVチャンピオン」ナレーションや「OVA版ジョジョ」DIO役の声優・田中信夫さん死去 - 5 years ago

@WorldPolicyConf: Session with #CarlosGhosn @Alliance2022 at the #WPC2018 - Q&A with Nobuo Tanaka, former Executive Director of the… - 5 years ago

@CEFJ_2018: RT @AmbJaponFR: Rabat, World Policy Conference. Retour sur images avec Thierry de Montbrial, Ichiro Fujisaki& Nobuo Tanaka . @WorldPolicyCo… - 5 years ago

@CEFJ_2018: RT @AmbJaponFR: Rabat, World Policy Conference. Retour sur images avec Laurent Fabius, Nobuo Tanaka @WorldPolicyConf - 5 years ago

@tanaka_nobuo: @yousuck2020 - 5 years ago

@WorldPolicyConf: RT @AmbJaponFR: Rabat, World Policy Conference. Retour sur images avec Thierry de Montbrial, Ichiro Fujisaki& Nobuo Tanaka . @WorldPolicyCo… - 5 years ago

@WorldPolicyConf: RT @AmbJaponFR: Rabat, World Policy Conference. Retour sur images avec Laurent Fabius, Nobuo Tanaka @WorldPolicyConf - 5 years ago

@AmbJaponFR: Rabat, World Policy Conference. Retour sur images avec Laurent Fabius, Nobuo Tanaka @WorldPolicyConf - 5 years ago

@AmbJaponFR: Rabat, World Policy Conference. Retour sur images avec Thierry de Montbrial, Ichiro Fujisaki& Nobuo Tanaka .… - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: 傍から見ていると、マネージャは担当にギブされると困るから、提案書の内容には驚くほどマイルドなコメントしかしない。なので、調子に乗って自分たちの都合を押し付けるような内容になってしまっている。案の定、客の側は上にどう説明しようか悩んでいるらしい。これではいつまでも契約できない(笑) - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: 別に放置しても良いんだけど、というかアイツの横に座らせても成長しないって分かれば、直にまた席替えになるのかもしれないけど、ついつい口を出してしまう... 客がこうしてくれたら、自分たちもこうする的なことを提案書に書いているので、そ… - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: 会社では自分の周囲に若い子を座らせないでねーって言ってるんだけど、10月の席替えで来ちゃった。こっちはヒマなので、そいつの仕事をいつも横で見ていられる。自分もそうだったかもしれないが、やっぱりクダラナイことで悩んでいる。それで、オ… - 5 years ago

@reiibot: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 5 years ago

@P40livares: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 5 years ago

@Pam71513934: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 5 years ago

@koudaikenichi: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「TVチャンピオン」ナレーションや「OVA版ジョジョ」DIO役の声優・田中信夫さん死去 - 5 years ago

@nobuo_tanaka: 昨日リキッドが届きました(前回9月8日)。いつもよりちょっと長持ちしたかな?という感じです。会社の喫煙室でも、そろそろ電子タバコの方が優勢になりつつありますが、ほとんどはIQOSです。高いのにね...リキッドの人は少なくて「それっ… - 5 years ago

@linkgamer565: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 5 years ago

@anto5hedgehog: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 5 years ago

@sanosenn: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 5 years ago

@Lilinett2: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@dippwert: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@MistletoeSpear: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@Dat_BoiMatoi: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@shin1779: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@hc0519: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@rollinghope: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@alexbrinksneadr: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@StrongBaby14: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@Anjellious: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@Mellowk1tty: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@hypokidd: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@Sayoroki: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@RagerDaPrince: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@cheesyatlive: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@XReivaz: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@PimangG_: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@YolandaHina10: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@Nipponzilla: L’équipe de Nipponzilla exprime ses condoléances à l’ensemble des proches et de la famille. - 6 years ago

@Azure_Valkyrie: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@EuniceDjuikam: RT @Bleach_Mx: Nobuo Tanaka le seiyû de Dio de Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure est décédé: La société coopérative de consommateurs de… - 6 years ago

@supagohanssj2lr: RT @animint: Nous apprenons ce matin la disparition de Nobuo Tanaka survenue à 83 ans le 17 octobre dernier. Il était entre autres la voix… - 6 years ago

@river_ismaila: RT @MasterTZA: Sad to know that Nobuo Tanaka died a few days ago. His portrayal of DIO for the Jojo OVA wasn't the best for the high octane… - 6 years ago

@toclmr: RT @animint: Nous apprenons ce matin la disparition de Nobuo Tanaka survenue à 83 ans le 17 octobre dernier. Il était entre autres la voix… - 6 years ago

@Vegetto42: RT @kenrico7: Tanaka Nobuo, voice actor of DIO in the OAV, has passed away at the age of 83. May you Rest In Peace. #DioBrando #JoJo #田中信夫… - 6 years ago

@Deevon98: RT @kenrico7: Tanaka Nobuo, voice actor of DIO in the OAV, has passed away at the age of 83. May you Rest In Peace. #DioBrando #JoJo #田中信夫… - 6 years ago

@Dernier_Niveau: encore une perte enorme !!!! - 6 years ago

@Kestion: RT @Bleach_Mx: Nobuo Tanaka le seiyû de Dio de Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure est décédé: La société coopérative de consommateurs de… - 6 years ago

@SuzuiX: RT @MangaMexico: Nobuo Tanaka, actor de voz, falleció hace unas horas a la edad de 83 años. Entre sus trabajos destacados participó como Di… - 6 years ago

@justeiram_: RT @Bleach_Mx: Nobuo Tanaka le seiyû de Dio de Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure est décédé: La société coopérative de consommateurs de… - 6 years ago

@WatchmenArchive: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@Bro3256Films: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@Steel_Serperior: RT @kenrico7: Tanaka Nobuo, voice actor of DIO in the OAV, has passed away at the age of 83. May you Rest In Peace. #DioBrando #JoJo #田中信夫… - 6 years ago

@TricksterFairy: RT @kenrico7: Tanaka Nobuo, voice actor of DIO in the OAV, has passed away at the age of 83. May you Rest In Peace. #DioBrando #JoJo #田中信夫… - 6 years ago

@AtomicSharkCola: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@authorniko: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@ipskrimson: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

@tofukage: RT @GrandSupremeKhi: BREAKING: Nobuo Tanaka, who voiced Dio Brando in the 1993 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure OVA has died at the age of 83. Re… - 6 years ago

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