Maxine Greene

American educational philosopher.
Died on Thursday May 29th 2014

View other recent people: Awesome Again, shot, Richard Secord

Tweets related to Maxine Greene:

@Edu4_news: One year from the passing of an education philosopher, Maxine Greene. "There are no final words, but only questions"

@daiyusuzuki: 一年前、96歳で亡くなった私の恩師、Maxine Greene女史(教育哲学者)。葬儀での追悼の言葉。テクノロジカルな社会で必要とされる教育のための「人間的な枠組」を追求し続けた彼女の言葉が忘れられない。

@peatonla: Spector: citing Maxine Greene - Education and Disarmament. @IAACS_CA #IAACS2015

@MFarenger: We may wonder; we may ache, we may want to refuse. But we may also ask, "What next?" or "What can be done?" -Maxine Greene #socialjustice


@counteraction_: Tweet from Marc Lamont Hill (@marclamonthill) - Glad you enjoyed it. Maxine Greene is amazing. Shared via Plume @tstucmickell

@VaudrinJ: RT @MFGWallace: J. Miller reflecting on mementos of @Maxine_Greene. #IAACS2015

@VaudrinJ: the possibility of "doing philosophy" through Maxine Greene legacy and unfinished conversations @IAACS_CA #IAACS2015

@MFGWallace: J. Miller reflecting on mementos of @Maxine_Greene. #IAACS2015

@MFGWallace: Excited to be tweeting from M. Kilborn, J. Miller, E. Macedo, & W. Pinar's presentation honoring the Legacy of @Maxine_Greene. #IAACS2015

@ame_lemieux: Séance 3, 14:45 (LMX121) hommage à Maxine Greene, pionnière de la créativité #IAACS2015 #KMb @IAACS_CA

@Beverly_Davis: RT @marclamonthill: Rereading Maxine Greene's "Releasing the Imagination" this morning. It continues to inspire, amaze, and intimidate me a…

@pcosdeaf: RT @marclamonthill: Glad you enjoyed it. Maxine Greene is amazing. Her work, along with a few others, largely informs my academic work. htt…

@marclamonthill: Glad you enjoyed it. Maxine Greene is amazing. Her work, along with a few others, largely informs my academic work.

@pcosdeaf: RT @marclamonthill: Rereading Maxine Greene's "Releasing the Imagination" this morning. It continues to inspire, amaze, and intimidate me a…

@noomaking: RT @marclamonthill: Rereading Maxine Greene's "Releasing the Imagination" this morning. It continues to inspire, amaze, and intimidate me a…

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