Linda Griffiths

Canadian actress and playwright
Died on Sunday September 21st 2014

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Soul Jah Love

Tweets related to Linda Griffiths:

@Robinson2012B: Leading lady Linda Griffiths liked to showcase outsiders

@emi_griffiths: RT @Yayonena: Que no se pierda la linda costumbre de meterse un Flynn Paff en la boca y que se te caiga la baba por todos lados.

@axel_griffiths: Tan linda iba a ser? :c

@axel_griffiths: Yo me acuerdo que dije que era muy linda para mi jajaj


@axel_griffiths: Lo peor es que debe estar linda igual :3 ajaj

@axel_griffiths: Mas linda :3

@emi_griffiths: Que yo no sea linda, no es problema tuyo

@Robinson2012B: I'm so sad to hear that actress and playwrite Linda Griffiths had died of cancer , I remember her in the film called LIANNA

@Robinson2012B: F

@SundanceES: 'Lianna', protagonizada por Linda Griffiths y John Sayles, a las 16:30:

@cf_teesside: Before and After "Linda" aka "3 Bars of Death"! Tom Briggs and Matthew Griffiths making use of today's Open Gym along with many others!

@emi_griffiths: @MeliDelgado_1 encima son muchas el mismo día, linda manera de terminar el trimestre 😞😡

@axel_griffiths: @eriikitaaa no importa, estoy con ustedes dos, asi que es linda la foto jaja

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