The best competition I have is against myself to become better. – John Wooden
RT @punkasfuck65: Born today in 1948,John Bonham,drummer,with Led Zeppelin,probably the best rock drummer ever sadly died in 1980 ✌️👍👌👊 htt…
RT @garyLthomas: Because of our hope in Christ, whenever Christians reflect on the future we can always say, “The best is yet to come.” Joh…
Kevin's Owens going over on john Cena is what was best for business awesome #EliminationChamberPPV #WWE
I am the best gift getter ever. I am clearly more excited about John's birthday than he is.
RT @demonsheep: Saving Private Ryan RT @GayPatriot: Best John Williams score?
- Star Wars
- Superman
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- E.T.
RT @SportsMotto: The best competition I have is against myself to become better. – John Wooden
Saving Private Ryan RT @GayPatriot: Best John Williams score?
- Star Wars
- Superman
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- E.T.