Jay Conrad Levinson

American business writer.
Died on Thursday October 10th 2013

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Dulcinea Langfelder

Tweets related to Jay Conrad Levinson:

@BradSugars: In this Master Mentor Series I interview Jay Conrad Levinson the Author of Guerrila Marketing… http://t.co/3g8pvzH7uu

@Reinder0: “Knowledge is the currency of the twenty-first century.” -Jay Conrad Levinson #marketing #socialmedia http://t.co/Z9ahicuCXE

@qqorth: RT @jimenezbono: NEW Guerrilla Marketing: Put Your Advertising on Steroids by Jay Conrad Levinson http://t.co/fVInQZmsWG http://t.co/VflSYz…

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