@ScotlandGAA James Carroll (Westmeath), Patrick Brady (Donegal), and Conor McCormick (Donegal) are representing TCH on the panel.
@JamesTitcombe @DebHazeldine I agree James
RT @zandermercury: I'll never understand why people hate lebron james so much. You can't deny the dudes one of the greatest. Same level as …
I'll never understand why people hate lebron james so much. You can't deny the dudes one of the greatest. Same level as brady or manning.
RT @Coachbradbass: Offense yesterday for Bears Black team was led by Patrick Crifasi, James Berrigan, Aaron Moffitt, and Brady Hebert
Brady Halverson of St. James Area will run in the 100 meters.
I feel like fuck the world, guess I'm in my feelins, just broke up with my girl, she wasn't handlin business.
@NFootballLHumor @RTNBA @brady_keenan99 the James harden one🔥