@Debalap @bfaparsons @thevinetwayway Holier than Thou. He's a cheapskate and a poser. Herb Gray said NDP was a "waste of taxpayers' money."
#Tecumseh Council has granted another 6 month Noise By-law exemption to the Herb Gray Parkway construction.
Tecumseh Council meeting underway. Cindy Prince from Amico updates Council on progress at Herb Gray Pkwy @hgparkway http://t.co/BKM9hUX7bV
Currently receiving a report from Cindy Prince of @hgparkway with respect to status of the Herb Gray Parkway construction #Tecumseh
Many people born today (and on May 25th 2003) are going to look like Herb Gray when they grow up. http://t.co/KSGQBQsDvX
#25_May #Birth on 1931 Herb Gray, Canadian lawyer and politician, 7th Deputy Prime Minister of Canada (d. 2014)
#OTD in 1931: The Rt Honourable Herb Gray (@AEPiCanada #AEPi #Carleton) was born; #LPC Former Leader of the Opposition
1931 – Herb Gray, Canadian lawyer and politician, 7th Deputy Prime Minister of Canada (d. 2014). Happy 84th! #25M #wiki