George E. P. Box

British statistician.
Died on Thursday March 28th 2013

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Tweets related to George E. P. Box:

@ecolix: #citation “Essentially, all #models are wrong, but some are useful” George E.P. Box

@jsnwp: "Remember that all models are wrong; the practical question is how wrong do they have to be to not be useful." George E.P. Box via @ag_dubs

@DJGreggyFresh: "Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful" -George E. P. Box

@jmkumbo199: RT @DiegoKuonen: George E. P. Box in 1976 (!) on need for 'hard facts' wrt various crises world faces (src: http…


@GerryWieder: RT @healthpolicygrp: "All models are wrong.. some are useful" ~George E. P. Box quoted at #BigDataMed #hcsm

@ModelSharer: RT @healthpolicygrp: "All models are wrong.. some are useful" ~George E. P. Box quoted at #BigDataMed #hcsm

@healthpolicygrp: "All models are wrong.. some are useful" ~George E. P. Box quoted at #BigDataMed #hcsm

@Nursyamsi_Nur: Belajar persiapan… – Reading Time Series Analysis by George E. P. Box, Gwilym M. Jenkins & Gregory C. Reinsel —

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