Dmitri Vrubel

Russian painter (My God
Died on Sunday August 14th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Lâm Quang Thi

Tweets related to Dmitri Vrubel:

@mitue: via @NYTimes - 2 years ago

@_notrichard: ベルリンの壁で一番有名な「接吻」の壁画を描いた人が亡くなったと - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@StefanOnEarth: RT @DeutschesHausNY: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago


@Palescue: RT @DeutschesHausNY: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@kyfrack: RT @DeutschesHausNY: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@DeutschesHausNY: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@BRlANRAY: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@sweetsorsour: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@KatyC22: RT @LeHuffPost: Le peintre de la plus célèbre fresque du Mur de Berlin est mort du Covid - 2 years ago

@Red_Munk: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@RadarsTrend: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@LeoDvortsin: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@ndeithikariuki: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@jonathanotcher1: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@therealgruffy: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@AthanasakiYana: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - The New York Times - 2 years ago

@esinkosoglu: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@TallulahB2012: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@JoseLuisDomng14: RT @ElPeriodico_Esp: "Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemos s… - 2 years ago

@hexaflexagon: RT @nytimesworld: On the Berlin Wall, Dmitri Vrubel created a mural of the Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev planting a kiss on the mouth of th… - 2 years ago

@ritaparada: RT @steveportigal: RIP Dmitri Vrubel - 2 years ago

@DigoMismo: RT @ElPeriodico_Esp: "Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemos s… - 2 years ago

@FridaAlmost: RT @ElPeriodico_Esp: "Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemos s… - 2 years ago

@carlsnotfound: RT @ElPeriodico_Esp: "Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemos s… - 2 years ago

@otropostdata: RT @ElPeriodico_Esp: "Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemos s… - 2 years ago

@jfelixespinosa: RT @ElPeriodico_Esp: "Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemos s… - 2 years ago

@ElPeriodico_Esp: "Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemo… - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: A Russian-born painter, Dmitri Vrubel created a mural of the Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev smooching the East Germa… - 2 years ago

@artdaily: Dmitri Vrubel, who planted a kiss on the Berlin Wall, dies at 62 Read more about this here:… - 2 years ago

@sonseungjin6: RT @NYTObits: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@Ricard_Zen: RT @ElPeriodico_Esp: "Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemos s… - 2 years ago

@sonseungjin6: RT @fotostrasse: The artist behind the Eastside Gallery mural "My God, Help Me to Survive This Deadly Love" has died. Dmitri Vrubel was 62… - 2 years ago

@bongiovij: - 2 years ago

@MShichinohe: RT @MarioA_artist: ドミトリー・ヴルーベル Dmitri Vrubel, R.I.P. | Art + Culture: - 2 years ago

@MarioA_artist: ドミトリー・ヴルーベル Dmitri Vrubel, R.I.P. | Art + Culture: - 2 years ago

@ManjunathKS_: “In 1990, Mr. Vrubel was one of 117 artists from 21 countries to descend on a surviving stretch of the Berlin Wall.… - 2 years ago

@allloveandbeach: RT @Diario_de_ibiza: Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemos su… - 2 years ago

@sergushkincom: RT @steveportigal: RIP Dmitri Vrubel - 2 years ago

@schnulps: RT @nytimesworld: On the Berlin Wall, Dmitri Vrubel created a mural of the Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev planting a kiss on the mouth of th… - 2 years ago

@hosonomarch: RT @fotostrasse: The artist behind the Eastside Gallery mural "My God, Help Me to Survive This Deadly Love" has died. Dmitri Vrubel was 62… - 2 years ago

@steveportigal: RIP Dmitri Vrubel - 2 years ago

@ObitIndex: From New York Times Obituaries - Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62… - 2 years ago

@LaHJCK: #DmitriVrúbel autor del famoso grafitti del beso entre el líder soviético Leonid Brézhnev y el presidente de la Rep… - 2 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @NYTObits: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@blueicewithyou: RT @fotostrasse: The artist behind the Eastside Gallery mural "My God, Help Me to Survive This Deadly Love" has died. Dmitri Vrubel was 62… - 2 years ago

@djuna01: RT @fotostrasse: The artist behind the Eastside Gallery mural "My God, Help Me to Survive This Deadly Love" has died. Dmitri Vrubel was 62… - 2 years ago

@djuna01: RT @NYTObits: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@NYTObits: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@editta_fazzi: RT @carlogubi: Il 14 agosto è mancato Dmitri Vladimirovich Vrubel, l'artista russo che nel 1990 ha dipinto sui resti del muro di #Berlino q… - 2 years ago

@vlahan: COVID-19 takes another victim... - 2 years ago

@AndrewSchutzman: “More than any other work of art, it symbolizes the peaceful triumph over the seedy empire of antiquated Communist… - 2 years ago

@dujuan99: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@giannisievers: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@otropostdata: RT @Diario_de_ibiza: Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemos su… - 2 years ago

@watsonkaren: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@grigomcmahon: RT @fotostrasse: The artist behind the Eastside Gallery mural "My God, Help Me to Survive This Deadly Love" has died. Dmitri Vrubel was 62… - 2 years ago

@Ahclem53: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@Diario_de_ibiza: Ha fallecido Dmitri Vladímirovich Vrúbel. Puede que su nombre no nos resulte especialmente familiar, pero conocemos… - 2 years ago

@axeco646: RT @Horigga: صاحب هذه اللوحة على جدار برلين الروسي Dmitri Vrubel يرحل الى دار البقاء. الجدارية تحمل عنوان " يا الاهي، ساعدني لكي انجو من هذ… - 2 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @Kashco_co_uk: Artist behind iconic Berlin Wall mural dies at 62 - Dmitri Vrubel was hospitalized last month… - 2 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @Gra81959: 🔥🔥Another Artist Passes Away!!! Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - a Russian artist-provocat… - 2 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@mariali94316534: RT @twitbituaries: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - - 2 years ago

@mjfderaedt1: RT @mjfderaedt1: Mort de Dmitri Vrubel, peintre de la plus célèbre fresque du mur de Berlin - 2 years ago

@carlogubi: Il 14 agosto è mancato Dmitri Vladimirovich Vrubel, l'artista russo che nel 1990 ha dipinto sui resti del muro di… - 2 years ago

@mc_mariachi: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@TheNativeNewsIn: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by Christopher F. Schuetze via NYT… - 2 years ago

@JagboroJA: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@24NewsNew: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 A Russian-born painter, he… - 2 years ago

@geekgirly: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@EngMatte: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@KingJerry146: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@iamakhilsharmaa: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@NiteStar: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@JajaAgpalo: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@samturpin: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@DJIMB3RRY: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@LifeCanBeeFunny: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@24hrnewsworld: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" by BY CHRISTOPHER F. SCHUETZE via NYT New York T… - 2 years ago

@albertomarti548: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@romerotrino23: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@patrickneithard: RT @nytimesworld: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@peculiarstarr: via @NYTimes - 2 years ago

@areyouzhang: RT @nytimesworld: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@orlkpwesv374: RT @nytimesworld: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@constantinaopla: RT @nytimesworld: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@yoddilove: RT @nytimesworld: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@nytimesworld: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@NadyiaBo: RT @chocoylatine: Dmitri Vrubel, peintre à l'origine de la plus célèbre fresque du mur de Berlin, est mort du Covid-19 - 2 years ago

@xavigranda: RT @ElPeriodico_Esp: Muere Dmitri Vrúbel, el autor del más famoso grafitti del muro de Berlín - 2 years ago

@YonetteJo: Dmitri Vrubel, a Russian artist-provocateur who painted a startling mural on the Berlin Wall depicting the Brezhnev… - 2 years ago

@TRENdotNEWS: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@Whittaker_MJ: RT @nytimesarts: Dmitri Vrubel made a career out of subversive political art, but was known mainly for one thing. - 2 years ago

@twitbituaries: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - - 2 years ago

@QuedeB: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 by Christopher F. Schuetze - 2 years ago

@BerlinScene_b: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 (Nytimes) A Russian-born painter, he created a mu… - 2 years ago

@albi_rossiii: Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62 - 2 years ago

@VrRetweeter: RT @SchoolHouseVR: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" via NYT - 2 years ago

@SchoolHouseVR: "Dmitri Vrubel, Who Planted a Kiss on the Berlin Wall, Dies at 62" via NYT - 2 years ago

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