Colm Murray

Irish sports journalist and broadcaster (RTÉ)
Died on Tuesday July 30th 2013

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Colm Murray:

@xxlastjoker0xx: @colmajmurray ………フォロー、ありがと、Colm Murray。

@MoneyglassGAC: On behalf of the Club, both Senior and Minor Management along with the Players we would like to wish Colm Duffiin, Gavin Murray (1/2)

@OriginalWalshy: @LyteRecords @cormagiomusic the artwork is fantastic. We'll done Colm Walsh and John Phillip Murray.

@Murray_Kinsella: Here's the Ireland team to face the Barbarians. Colm O'Shea at 13.


@CoachRoche_: @HughL36 Yeah the line up is unreal. Myself, luke, murray, keith, colm, maria, louise and a few more are all going on the Friday!

@SBromell: RT @CruellaDeVodka: RIP Bill O'Herlihy. A broadcasting sports legend and a gent. You're up there with the best now - Colm Murray and my Dad…

@CruellaDeVodka: RIP Bill O'Herlihy. A broadcasting sports legend and a gent. You're up there with the best now - Colm Murray and my Dad #notbiased

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