Charles Gautier
French politician
Died on Wednesday June 11th 2014
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Tweets related to
Charles Gautier
: @Talicustom moa
: RT @Borgore: at 3 am
: RT @FunnyVines: A cat ran into a door during a French TV baking show and it is absolutely amazing..
: RT @FunnyVines: Screw having kids I want this..
: RT @FaujourCaroline:
: #grossepute #martishouse #gchangédiphone
: #grossepute #martishouse
: I posted 44 photos on Facebook in the album "Charles Gautier Photogaphy"
: @charles_gautier fait chier :(
: @AlexMoal
: Bravo @pspillet de @ipjdauphine qui réalise le doublé : Prix François Chalais, Prix @RFI Charles Lescaut !!!!
: RT @pascalguenee: Bravo à Pierre Pillet @pspillet (@ipjdauphine, @SciencesLettres ) qui a remporté la bourse Charles Lescaut de @RFI #IPJ
: RT @victoriarchd: Hahahha
: @charles_gautier @UneSadique oé
: RT @Raawlss: Lisez ce tweet et la conversation qui a suivit jusqu'au bout
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Charles Gautier
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People that died on the same date as Charles Gautier
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