
Zimbabwean lion
Died on Wednesday July 1st 2015

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, shot, Linda Burnes Bolton

Tweets related to Cecil:

@GravitysBitch: Justice for Cecil the iconic collared lion slaughtered by trophy hunter! - Sign the Petition!

@CalgaryBeacon: Walter Palmer - 'Cecil killer' - bagged mule dear in Alberta - Beacon News

@Lkittyo: RT @pumzikolodge: Roaring for Cecil and all the lions of Africa!

@NCinquemani: RT @IngrahamAngle: Cecil and Cecile: Media elites mourn a lion, yawn over baby organ harvesting


@Purtelligence: Breaking: Cecil the Lion had marijuana in his system

@deLIBERnATION: NRA's Ted Nugent: People Upset About The Killing Of Cecil The Lion Are "Stupid"

@ClareOBrien: RT @EarthPix: Cecil the lion's final photograph.

@Rafa_Matt: RT @qz: Jane Goodall on Cecil the lion's death: "I have no words to express my repugnance."

@bahtee: RT @Change: Thousands want justice for #CecilTheLion @USFWS

@redrobynpaz: RT @EarthPix: Cecil the lion's final photograph.

@AngieCoiro: RLT: "As hunting season began, Palmer was on probation for lying to authorities over where he killed a black bear."

@tommymcnaughty: Maybe if we let the dentist kill themselves like nature intended Cecil would still be alive.

@KelseyNicoloff: What happened to Cecil is awful. What happens to animals everyday in the meat industry is awful. Open your eyes to all the cruelty happening

@wcgirl1: American Dentist Who Killed The Beloved #Cecil The Lion Was A Mitt #Romney Donor

@Leila3p: RT @Vooltreker: Aquí los responsables de la muerte del León Cecil #RIPCecilTheLion

@karinaaa_p: RT @RicheyCollazo: lions die in the wild all the time. why is Cecil special? don't all lions matter? and when are we gonna discuss lion on …

@popshifter: RT @lhbizness: BTW: can I be angry about Cecil without being told that I'm therefore not angry about Sandra Bland? Can I be angry about bot…

@TrishTwists16: Jimmy Kimmel gets choked up over Cecil the lion

@lumynescence: RT @Change: Thousands want justice for #CecilTheLion @USFWS

@yunghydra: RT @eonline: The internet is banding together to take down the dentist that killed #CecilTheLion:

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