RT @Banteola_TheBee: Just spoke with Sacramento River Cats manager Bob Mariano. He said SP Matt Cain remains scheduled to pitch Thursday in…
Just spoke with Sacramento River Cats manager Bob Mariano. He said SP Matt Cain remains scheduled to pitch Thursday in Fresno vs. Grizzlies.
@WellThought_Out @Fingersflying @FoxNews @Dbargen @bob_grandpa The last part I agree with-however I didn't find in the Bible Cain used rock?
RT @thewtfmagazine: @TheRalphRetort @the_moviebob
Mario already weighed in on Bob and #GamerGate
While I understand that Cain killed Abel w/ a rock, Cain did not kill Jack, Jill, Bob, Bill, Ann, Abel, & Sue w/ a rock. Guns aren't rocks.