Billy McCool

American baseball player (Cincinnati Reds).
Died on Sunday June 8th 2014

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Dulcinea Langfelder

Tweets related to Billy McCool:

@natebatson: Pastor Mark McCool, Bishop Billy McCool & Bishop Roland Baker all in the same weekend @NewLifeNashTn! Blessed by these great men!

@natebatson: FREE breakfast plus Bishop Billy McCool & Pastor Mark McCool?! You can't beat that! It all starts at 8:30 @NewLifeNashTn! Come on over!

@natebatson: New Life Men's Weekend with Pastor Mark & Bishop Billy McCool starts tonight @ 7:00! All men are welcome to attend! 8:30 start time Saturday

@natebatson: 24 hrs away from our @NewLifeNashTn Men's Weekend with Pastor Mark & Bishop Billy McCool! 7:00 Friday night, 8:30 breakfast Saturday!


@tnaljc: RT @natebatson: Pastor Mark McCool & Bishop Billy McCool will be @NewLifeNashTn Friday night & Saturday for our Men's Weekend! All are welc…

@tnaljc: RT @natebatson: Weekend with Pastor Mark McCool & Bishop Billy McCool: Friday night @ 7:00. Saturday: Breakfast @ 8:00. Sessions to follow.…

@NewLifeNashTn: RT @natebatson: Pastor Mark McCool & Bishop Billy McCool will be @NewLifeNashTn Friday night & Saturday for our Men's Weekend! All are welc…

@NewLifeNashTn: RT @natebatson: Weekend with Pastor Mark McCool & Bishop Billy McCool: Friday night @ 7:00. Saturday: Breakfast @ 8:00. Sessions to follow.…

@natebatson: Weekend with Pastor Mark McCool & Bishop Billy McCool: Friday night @ 7:00. Saturday: Breakfast @ 8:00. Sessions to follow. All are welcome!

@natebatson: Pastor Mark McCool & Bishop Billy McCool will be @NewLifeNashTn Friday night & Saturday for our Men's Weekend! All are welcome to attend!

@3timmy7: Billy Axil Pimpname Slickback Kyle Cavin Keith Mccool Walter D Lovett

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