RT @stlCupofJoe: Hell of a ballgame by John Lackey. Wow.
@C_Banger Lackey trade: D-/F. Andrew Miller trade: A+. Miller's no longer with O's, Sox get E-Rod.
So now, ppl wish we had kept Lackey instead of trading for Joe Kelly? When he settles down, you guys are gonna look like a bunch of loons.
RT @gooo617: @kurick @I_bleed_red_sox @nodook lester lackey andrew miller would look good in RS uniform
@kurick @I_bleed_red_sox @nodook lester lackey andrew miller would look good in RS uniform
RT @DandCShow: Joe Kelly's 6.24 ERA is nearly double John Lackey's 3.18 this season. Great trade Ben.
RT @STLMattinals: If Lackey throws a no hitter today, I'll buy cardinals tickets for everyone who RTs this. Free gambling, balls in your co…
Two friends - Tamara Lackey + Andrew Funderburg - working together to create something that I can get 100,000%...